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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 442 - November 29, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The youth discouragement
and its causes

The French philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky(1) expressed once his concern with dismay of youth of our times and there is, at present, who see this youth discouragement one of the causes that have led so many young people settled in the West to join the widespread ideology in our world by the terrorist group calling itself the Islamic State. According to a report published on Wednesday, 25th, the magazine Veja, half of militants fighting in Iraq and Syria are foreigners.

Why the discouragement?

There are, as we know, many reasons why a person can be brought to this state. The lack of meaning in life is surely one of them, which highlights very clearly in the ideas send by the thinker to which we refer to.

Let's see what he declared in due course in an interview with the Globe University, to address the topic happiness: 

Suffering is part of life and cannot be ignored. The problem is that today suffering no longer makes sense; there is not more reason for it. Before, there was a system, like religion, which gave meaning to suffering, but today it is always seen as an evil. Although modernity has facilitated some aspects of life, reducing this perception also brought many difficulties.

Currently, we observe a spiral rate of depression among people. There are two reasons for this. First, society has become much more uncertain, we have less repetition, everything changes all the time, and we have more competition so that people become more destabilized.

In addition, we are no longer accustomed to endure difficult times. When we are not happy, we think there is something wrong with us, because we live in an advertising society that shows us through advertisements, celebrities and movie pictures of happiness.

Today, for example, children are raised not to suffer. Previously, they were created in a hard way for their own protection, so they would become more resistant. Today, young people have become more fragile and the increase in suicide rates reflects some of this. Contemporary individuals are created to be happy. We can no longer suffer. (We accentuated.) (Read the full interview - http://redeglobo.globo.com/globouniversidade/noticia/2012/10/entrevista-gilles-lipovetsky-aborda-o-papel-do-consumo-na-atualidade.html/.)

Every time someone refers to the lack of meaning in life, the more it strengthens in us the importance of dissemination of spirit teachings that show us with remarkable clarity the reasons why we are here and why in the world we live in, there are so many ills, so much evil, so much suffering.

To what source the philosopher sought the idea that today suffering has no more sense? Did it ignore the effects of suffering in the life of a person who has never heard the advice and guidance of those who did everything to help her?

The spirit literature offers us countless examples of how is the process that leads to perfection, a goal for which we were created, and also talks about the numerous resources that Providence uses for us to get here.

The reincarnation process, evidence and education are some of them, but the disease, the vicissitudes and suffering are as well and – as it is easy to see - absolutely necessary in the world we live in, which, given its nature and quality of Spirits who reincarnate here, evil reigns sovereign and it will continue to do so for a long time.

(1) Gilles Lipovetsky, was born in 9/24/1944, is a French philosopher, theorist of Hypermodernity, author of the books A era do Vazio (The Era of emptiness), O luxo eterno (the eternal luxury), A Terceira mulher (The third woman), O império do efêmero (The ephemeral empire), A feliciadade paradoxal: ensaio sobre a sociedade do hiperconsumo (The paradoxical happiness: the society hyper consumption rehearsal), among others.



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