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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 388 - November 9, 2014
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Is there life after death?

Although for many the problem of death is not properly understood, it is good to remind the reader that this is not the thinking of spirits. After all, the work of Allan Kardec, the encoder of spirit doctrine, is the result of dialogue with the so-called dead, or spirits, in spirit terminology.

The works of our most respected mediums were also written by spirits, and on this way André Luiz collection, psychographed by the medium Chico Xavier, is an eloquent testimony that there is indeed life after death, because death only affects the physical body and nothing cause to the soul that dwelt before returning the call spiritual world.

When one supporter of the spirit doctrine asserts that the problem of death is unclear, it is obvious that it is referred to the general understanding oblivious to Spiritism, a fact that we all, spirits, know, considering that the most significant religions on the supporter number do not deal in their books the topic of death, or what happens to it.

Followers of these religions also do not have information on the origin, nature and destiny of the human spirit. And yet, say profess spiritual ideas! ...

If the individual says skeptical of the spiritual issues, their uncertainty about the survival of the soul will be even greater. Not admitting the existence of the soul, as you admit the existence of spirits?

If the individual says being skeptical of the spiritual issues, its uncertainty about the survival of the soul will be even greater. Not admitting the existence of the soul, how is it admitted the existence of spirits?

On the face of it, there is not a surprise when one says that the problem of death, the view of people it is referred to, has not been elucidated.

The difference at spirit conception comparatively with what is professed by the other spiritual doctrines, is that Spiritism, not basing on dogma or preconceived theories, it does not invented the soul to explain the so-called unusual phenomena. The souls of the dead were presented and this occurred at the start of Modern Spiritism in Hydesville, when the Spirit of Charles Rosma presented himself to the Fox family.

As we read in History of Spiritism by Arthur Conan Doyle - translation by Jules Abreu Filho - Margaret Fox, the mother of the mediums’ girls, reported what occurred on the night of 31st.3.1848, when the invisible agent that caused the demonstrations in her residence identified himself:

“So I thought to do a test that no one could answer. I asked to inform the ages of my children, successively. It was instantly given the exact age of each one pausing between each other, in order to separate them until the seventh, after which a longer break was made ​​and three stronger beats had been given corresponding to the age of the youngest child, who had died.

So I asked: 'Is it a human being who answers my questions so correctly?’ No answer. I asked: 'Is a Spirit? If it is, take two hits'. Two hits were heard as soon as I did the request. Then I said: 'If it was a Spirit assassinated give two hits'. These were given instantly, producing a tremor in the house. I asked: 'Was he murdered in this house' The answer was as precedent. 'The person who murdered you is still alive?' It was the identical response for two beats. Using the same process I found out that a man that murdered him in this house and his remains buried in the cellar; that his family consisted of his wife and five children, two boys and three girls, all living at the time of his death, but that after his wife died. So I asked: 'Will you continue to beat if the neighbors are called to also listen? "The affirmative answer was loud."

As Spirits know perfectly, it was born with the phenomena occurring at the residence of Fox family the Modern Spiritism, whose theoretical or doctrinal part would be developed nine years later in France, again through dialogue with the spiritual world, which is why Kardec said the result of his work, the spirit doctrine, is the encoding of the teachings given by the spirits, who are their true authors. (1)

On this subject, we suggest reading the text "The Fox Sisters, Conan Doyle and Brazilian Spiritism" by Jáder Sampaio, published in the 179th issue of this magazine. Here is the link:  http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/179/especial.html 



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism