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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 381 – September 21, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


A lesson from Nature


Ten year-old Anna Louise had great difficulty accepting changes or learning new things.

She preferred everything she had already learned and incorporated into her existence.

Such behaviour was more characteristic of older people, not of a girl of her age. Her seventy year-old grandmother, dona1 Laura, observing her would say jokingly:

- Anna Louise, my granddaughter, you seem older than me! It's so good to learn and experience new things!

But the girl would shake her head, not agreeing:

- I do not like it, Grandma. My body is changing and I do not want it to change. I like it the way it is. I do not want my face horrible and pimply.

- Ah! But you will always be beautiful, my dear, with or without pimples. You must learn that every stage is unique and has its charm.

Dona Laura realized that her granddaughter was going through a puberty crisis and wanted to help her.

One day her grandmother called her for a walk. It was late winter and the wind was blowing dried leaves off of the trees.

Dona Laura took her granddaughter by the hand as they walked among the trees of the park. The old lady breathed deeply, filling her lungs with

air and feeling enchanted with nature. Anna Louise, frowning, walking beside her.

Suddenly, the girl said angrily:

- I do not know why you are so delighted with everything. The trees are bare, everything is ugly. There are no flowers! ...

The old lady, smiling and looking up, replied:

- Can you not see the beauty of all this, Anna? Each season is a period in which nature prepares for the next step. Look! Winter is ending and the plants prepare for spring.

She took Anna near a bush and showed her:

- Try to notice! Look at the tender shoots that sprout on the branches! Look how the dry grass is filled with small green dots! Soon, the flowers will colour nature with endless beauty. And not only that, Anna Louise! Animals also dress in new clothes: birds drop the old feathers and gain new fluff; animals shed their fur, replacing it with a new one. Everything is renewed. Even our body, at certain stages of life changes, preparing itself for new stages, new responsibilities.

Grandma stopped talking, looked at her granddaughter, and continued:

- My case is different. I am in the winter of physical existence, preparing to replace the old leaves for a new and beautiful garment. Everything runs its course.

The girl stared at Grandma with moist eyes. She knew that her grandma was referring, with extreme delicacy, to the transformation through physical death and the return for a new life.

- Do you understand? The changes that God gives us, Anna Louise, always have a good and useful purpose. They are always for our good, even when we think otherwise. The changes that are occurring with your body are also for your own good. They will enable you to grow and mature into a woman, so that one day you will get married and have children.

Anna Louise smiled and embraced her grandmother with great affection.

- Got it, Grandma. But it's so hard! ...

- I know, my dear. However, think that it's just a phase and that soon all will be well. Just as the arrival of spring to nature, your life will also be filled with flowers, beauty, perfumes and joy.

- Thank you, Grandma. I love you very much. I really do not want God to take you away from me.

- Do not worry. Our Father knows what He does. Who knows, perhaps I will be back as your daughter!...

The girl's eyes sparkled with satisfaction and hope.

Embracing each other, they walked through the park on their way back home.

Anna Louise now looked up and could see not only the bare trees, but the tender shoots that sprouted everywhere, announcing the new season.




1 In Brazilian society, Dona is a term of respect that is used with the woman's first name.


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism