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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 363 – May 18, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Gift Of Healing


Helio was a ten year-old boy with good intentions and a desire to serve who in his prayers asked Jesus to help him to be useful to his neighbor.

He asked so much that in one occasion at school he noticed that one of his friends was not OK and asked him what was happening. With a hand holding his head and an expression of pain, Victor complained:

- Oh... My head hurts a lot, Helio.

At that moment, Helio felt the need to help his classmate. Reaching out his hand he touched the boy's head and said with confidence:

- Jesus will help you, Victor. Do not worry, your pain will pass.

At the same time the pain disappeared and the boy looked at Helio surprised.

During recess, Victor told their classmates what had happened and soon everyone was surrounding Helio, who got very embarrassed.

- What did you do to heal Victor? - One boy asked.

- I did nothing. I just asked Jesus to help, and I felt that the pain would go away if I put my hand on his head.

- So, I want you to heal my leg, Helio - Celeste asked. - It has been hurting nonstop for a month. I've been to the doctor but it did not resolve it. Please?

- I'll try - Helio said, doubtful.

He reached for his classmate's leg and right then her leg got better. The children clapped, excited.

The next day, one of Victor's relatives went to look for the boy at his home, but he refused to help fearing that his mother would see it and he would have to explain something that to him had no explanation. But the boy insisted:

- Helio, I have stomach pain. I will give you a coin if you heal me.

Upon hearing the proposal, Helio's eyes shone. He was saving money to buy a cell phone. He decided to accept it. He reached out his hand and touched the boy's belly, and soon had the
promised money in his hand.

From then on, Helio began to charge a coin to heal people. Seeing so many people knocking at their door, Helio's mother thought it was strange and asked him what was happening. The boy told her the truth and she, worried, explained:

- My son, if what you told me is true, you received the gift of healing from Jesus, which requires real seriousness, because it is something that is not yours. You have been given this faculty to help people. As it is not something you bought – it came from Jesus! - you cannot charge. Get it?

Yes, Helio had understood but could not stop. Thus, he continued to receive a coin to place his hand on people and get them cured. Until the day that nothing happened!

- Give me back my money! - Someone shouted. - I am still in pain. You did nothing!

Then, people started fighting with Helio, wanting to hit him because he could not heal them, and he had to rush home and he hid under his bed.

After she calmed people down and that the revolted ones were gone, his mother went looking for her son. Helio came out of hiding, crying in fear. The mother hugged him and sat down with him to talk.

- My child, remember that I warned you saying that you could lose the gift of healing if you continued to charge for your services?

The boy lowered his head in agreement:

- Yes, Mom. I remember. But as I was saving money to buy a cell phone I thought it would not hurt anyone if I continued a little longer. Then I would stop!

- But we cannot put a price on what does not belong to us, dear. The mediumship of healing is given by God to help others. Jesus said that we should give freely what we received for free. Jesus and the apostles were poor but did not charge for the cures they did. Helio, your cures were the Spiritual Friends who did, sweetheart, not you.

The boy began to cry feelingly:

- Mom, I asked Jesus to give me a way of helping people, to do something good and useful for them. But, when I was offered money, greed caused me to accept it.

- Exactly. So look for other ways to help.

- How?

- You'll find a way. Watch people and notice what they need.

From that day, Helio began to observe his classmates, people in the street, his neighbors, and found that all needed help. There was a classmate who had trouble with maths and he was willing to teach; when someone knocked on the door of his house in need of food or clothing, he would give them; a neighbor was upset over losing his wife and Helio spent hours consoling him, explaining that no one dies and that one day he would hear from his wife. And so on.

Soon no one remembered that time when Helio could heal, but they remembered him as the helpful classmate, the caring neighbor who liked to listen to people, the one who would help a mother who had to go out taking care of their child, or the boy who was always willing to help those in need who passed in the street.

And his mother, watching Helio's actions and how he was dedicated to everyone, sometimes would say to her son:

- Keep it up, dear. And who knows, one day you might return to healing?...




(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on August 26, 2013.)



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