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Year 7 - N° 349 – February 9, 2014

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br 


Americo Domingos Nunes Filho

The primary
"Born Again":

Spiritism and the Gospel of Jesus emphasize the importance of reincarnation for the evolution of the Spirit. This teaching is also found in the Zohar: "All souls are subject to transmigration of evidence" and in the Kabbalah: "The rebirths allow men to purify themselves."

According to Spiritism, only by means of reincarnation can the Spirit evolve spiritually, and if he stays at the margin of the physical dimension, he stops his evolution. (Q. No. 175 (a) of "The Spirits' Book"). In "The Earth and the Sower," the colleague Salvador Gentile asks, "Chico Xavier, why is it said that the Spirit must reincarnate to be able to evolve? Does it not evolve in the Spiritual World? What is the main difference between the two evolution groups regarding learning?"

Confirming the Kardecian encoding, the renowned mediator says, "it is within our earthly body that we are told about the need of a broader harmonization, with each other, probably because, living in the coming spiritual spheres of Earth, with those who are creatures absolutely in tune with us, we do not perceive the needs for improvement and progress. In an ideal community, with twenty, forty, or ten people reasoning in the same range, we are happy and then run the risk of remaining grounded in the area of ​​development for a long time. Benefited with reincarnation, the stationary phase is broken in a natural way..." 

The Spirit's life is a progressive education - Indeed, the evolution of the Spirit is compulsory in a physical environment such as Earth, since, in the ethereal vibration of the spiritual universe, individuals would be tuned only with their peers, situated in the same vibrating range. In earthly environment or in similar worlds, diversification, contact or exchange with incarnate beings in different evolutionary levels, allows the spiritual enhancement.

The following question was made to Leon Denis: "Why does the Spirit in space incarnate in a body?" The notable confrere replied, "Because it is the law of his nature, the necessary condition for his progress and destiny. The material life, with its difficulties, needs the effort and the effort develops our latent powers and faculties in our germ." The renowned Spiritism philosopher emphasizes that, "the Spirit is reincarnated as many times as necessary to achieve the fullness of his being and happiness. The Spirit's life is a progressive education, which presupposes a long series of works to be done and steps to be taken. The Spirit can only progress, remedying and renewing his life repeatedly in different conditions, in different times, in different ways. Each of his incarnations allows the Spirit to determine his sensitivity, and enhance his intellectual and moral faculties." ("Doctrinal and Practical Spiritualist Synthesis," pages 25 and 26.)

The spiritual essence needs a more consistent way, of low vibration, to evolve, overcoming the difficulties and obstacles that matter provides. The evolution preferentially processes in planetary lower worlds, where the spiritual body slowly acquires resources in millennia of effort and recapitulation, in multiple sectors of soul evolution through reincarnation. 

Spirits are created simple and ignorant - The divine spark needs the physical screen for their purchases and experiences. In turn, the physical sector is improved by spiritual influence.

The Spirit in erracity, grounded on the evolution range in which it is, unable to raise large flights, is involved by its conscience, which constantly shows him the acts he practiced in prior reincarnation experiences and the need to repair his faults, exhorting him to plan his future, preparing himself for one more step in the physical arena, knowing that "the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mark 14:38). A difficult task will be to do well, and to shed physical things because the temptations of power and hedonism are present, involving the earthly traveler in the webs of selfishness, pride, arrogance and vanity.

In "OLE" on issue 132, Allan Kardec questions, "What is the purpose of the Spirits' incarnation? The answer is prompt and objective, "God imposes the incarnation in order to make them reach perfection...," which corresponds to the state of pure Spirits, liable to be achieved by all creatures, which successfully walk through the paths of trials and atonement in the dimension of matter, acquiring the intellectual and moral progress." The importance of all spiritual beings to pass through all the vicissitudes of physical existence is emphasized, while the next items, issue 133, instructors from beyond confirm that, "all Spirits are created simple and ignorant and learn through the struggles and tribulations of the body life." 

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh," Jesus said - It is therefore vital to the spiritual individuality rebirth in the somatic body, facing the very resistance of matter, having the sublime chance of awakening the divine potential within itself, leading to the evolutionary growth.

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again" (John 3:3). "Do not marvel that I said to you: you must be born again" (John 3:7): the Gospel According to Jesus, the rebirth is obligatory in the flesh to obtain the Kingdom of God, i.e., to find within each one the divinity that gives you life and this inward diving is obtained through the numerous reincarnation opportunities ("That which is born of the flesh is flesh").

The human body, consisting of flesh and water, serves as a vehicle of the soul on the path of evolution. The low vibration, in accordance with a lower world, like Earth, provides the still limping Spirit with its inner revelation. The true self-knowledge is provided by life on the matter, and the being begins to transmute all that is lower in him gradually turning from a brute to an angel, with detachment from material things, with an unselfish and constant work regarding others, thus overpowering trials and atonement. First, he climbs the numerous steps of evolution, subject to physical rebirth, still called "born of woman," and finally, making the product of Humanity or "Son of Man", conqueror of his own individuality, fit to inhabit the higher spheres as a pure Spirit. 

For Roustaing, the human incarnation is a punishment - Christ is an example of someone who has already found this Celestial Kingdom. He spoke of what He knows, of what He dreamed of finding, "No one has ascended to Heaven but He that descended from Heaven, the Son of Man" (John 3 : 13 ).

For those who are in the rear in evolution, Jesus is presented as to be followed, offering His teachings and examples so that in every physical experience, they are provided with more experience and acquire more skills.

The fleeting evolution of the Spiritual being, in extra-physical dimension, is well expounded by Jesus, when He approaches the "Parable of the Prodigal Son," mentioning the eldest son as someone stationed in the path of evolution, afraid to go forward, while his younger brother did not do, to the point of "eating the remains of pigs", i.e. passing by the gripping tribulations of life, through restoring suffering, both atoning and proving, and receive the honors of the won victory.

Regarding this issue, it is necessary to point out a serious doctrinal error found in the decadent work "The Four Gospels" of Roustaing, where the fundamental thesis that "the human incarnation is a punishment, and not a necessity" (vol. 1, page 317). This statement completely contrary to the Spiritist coding and the Gospel of Jesus, was so readily repelled by Kardec, bluntly, in the book "Genesis", in Chapter XI, explaining that "the incarnation, therefore, is not, in some way, usually a punishment for the Spirit, as some think (clear reference to Docetists of all ages, especially Roustaing and his apocryphal work), but an inherent condition in the inferiority of the Spirit and a means of making progress." 

To reincarnate is, as the name says, returning to the physical dimension - The repulsive thesis is reinforced with the misinterpreted information that, besides being compulsory for all Spirits who have failed to evolve in extra-physical dimension, the reincarnation is compulsory too even for the higher entities, some of them building worlds in the Universe, and which were led astray, dominated by pride (?) and therefore sent to Earth ("fallen angels"), where, by means of divine punishment,  they will give life to repugnant forms, containing dormant members, crawling or sliding in the soil. According to this repulsive thesis, these beings are grouped in the lilies of the field and are called "fleshy cryptogams" (Volume I, page 313). Spiritism claims otherwise, teaching that Spirits do not degenerate, "they may even remain stationary, but do not retrograde". ("OLE"-Q. 118) Fortunately, this spiritual-scientific aberration is not typical of the Spiritist Doctrine.

In fact, the false prophets of erraticity are always ready attempting to undermine the magnanimous and sublime doctrine of Jesus we can currently observe, with the publication of psychic works presenting fantasies, true delusions, indigestible fruits originated from spiritual fascination, reporting sexual activity in erraticity with fertilization and birth of Spirits, souls of birds and animals. The aberration is so intense that they defined the unusual phenomenon of "Reincarnation in the Spiritual World," hurting, not only the Kardecian coding, but also the vernacular, since reincarnated (prefix "re" + incarnate, from the Latin incarnare) is to go back to physical dimension, i.e., make the Spirit inhabit a body of flesh in order to improve the path of progress to which all beings are predestined. Therefore, reincarnation only occurs in the flesh. The creation or fertilization of Spirits is essentially divine work. It is an extreme folly, a total nonsense, to take from God the creation of Spirits. Those who believe in such a freak are carriers of holy ingenuity and deserve from all Spiritists much consideration and appreciation, and we shall not forget to pray for them daily.

Americo Domingos Nunes Filho - is a MD based on Rio de Janeiro. 


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