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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 7 - N° 324 – August 11, 2013


Maceió, Alagoas (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br  


Felinto Elízio Duarte Campelo

Past, present
and future
If our past was full of offenses and our present
is of reparation, our future will be of spiritual improvement, going towards the Lord of life

The story we narrate here was inspired by a tale by Brother X, whose title and name of the book slips our mind. Let’s just remember the valuable teachings left and the outcome of this story. We grafted a few ideas, in order to give body to our work.

Whoever knows the original text please don’t judge that we seek to plagiarize an author of such high spiritual and intellectual level. We were only moved by the purpose of spreading the message of hope in a redeeming future for all who followed the winding path of lovelessness, of error, of disillusion.

A feared evildoer, whom spread terror wherever he went by assaulting people, plundering villages, violating homes and claiming lives. His fame as a wicked man spread throughout the villages in the region where he lived and, whenever he came near, people, in panic, sought shelter.

In one instance, after plundering a village, he stopped at a corner where a hungry child stretched his hands to him begging for help. Not only people who saw the scene but also his accomplices feared for that child, who dared to approach the merciless criminal.

With cold indifference, sporting a sarcastic smirk of superiority which highlighted the rudeness of his heart, and going against all odds, he threw a loaf of bread to satiate the boy’s hunger. The hardened soul of that man, maybe unconsciously, for the first and only time, practiced and act of goodness.

Sometime passed, the criminal disincarnates, going straight to the valley of pain, in the densest darkness where years went by in painful suffering, in order to purge.

He saw nothing; however he heard, terrified, the moaning and cursing of his countless victims, until the first expressions of regret blossomed in his hardened heart.  

That creature with an infamous past was
shedding heavy tears  

At that time, despite the complete darkness in which He found himself immersed in, he was able to perceive a distant beam of light irradiating sparkles towards his worn out being. That light that came to bring him solace and hope sprang from the prayers of that boy who, since that memorable day, directed them to the skies in favor of that who, with the one and only benevolent act in his life, satiated his hunger.

That creature with an infamous past was shedding heavy tears, like embers burning his face which was disfigured by experiencing such pain and desperation. He was all remorse and compunction.

He was evil incarnated; however he now prayed, in a deep and respectful retreat, to the heavenly Father. He reexamined his criminal PAST of sad reminiscences, when he spread terror in the land, making orphans and widows, contracting heavy debts and attracting to him hatred and grudges. He meditates about his PRESENT of sufferings and expiations where soulless executioners mercilessly charged him for the evil done. He beholds the FUTURE with delight, when he will be able to redeem from his transgressions to the Laws of the Almighty though regenerative reincarnations.

Proceeding with his prayers, he begs God forgiveness, and asks for the opportunity to free himself from the burden of his guilt in successive lives of work, dedication and sacrifices in favor of mankind. But, ashamed, he asks himself: who would willingly accept him as his son? He, who was the message of fear, hated and rejected, would not find welcoming arms.

Soon, like a bright star that shines in the warm summer dawns, the beam of light grew in size and splendor, spilling its silver rays in the heart that wanted to beat in harmony with Goodness and love.

Immediately, a silver fluidic cord was established between the Spirit who aimed to improve and the humble house of an honest mid-aged worker, who, in the past, was favored by one, and one only, indulgent act, practiced by the hideous criminal.           

Goodness is the precious food that animates
and reinvigorates the soul 

The feeling of gratitude, the prayers said daily in the memory of the sinner created a bond between the two brothers in God. The good and just man, hard-working and honored prepared to receive in his home, as his beloved son, the Law transgressor, with the pledge to guide him through the straight and dignifying road of duty.

The law of reincarnation highlights the Higher Justice, like the story told here, in which the former outcast was not dragged by the eternal flames of a hell incompatible the God’s Goodness. Instead, through reincarnation, he will return to the material world in which he transgressed, bearing new psychological or physical limitations, or enduring painful tribulations in order to find that path to Good, the safe track of regeneration, supported and oriented by the one who knew how to cultivate gratitude.

As well as evil is the toxic that poisons human beings, the Good is the precious food that animates and reinvigorates the soul.

The only good gesture of the outcast allowed him the possibility of redemption, once every good action is registered in the divine book of accounts and, when necessary, is testified in benefit of the its agent.

God, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Father of love, kindness and justice, does not condemn any of His children to eternal damnation. On the contrary, by forgiving, He gives them, through different incarnations, new opportunities to, by paying debts, adjusting paths, loving, serving, excusing offenses, illuminate their souls, seek perfection – a sublime aim to be conquered by one’s own effort and merit and never through privileges or indulgences bought with gold.

In opposition to the theory of hell and eternal damnation, the law of spiritual progress in different lives is timeless and taught throughout time.

In the Old Testament, we find the prophet Ezekiel (33:11): “Say to them, By my life, says the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the evil-doer; it is more pleasing to me if he is turned from his way and has life”.    

Our yesterday directly influences our today 

Isaiah, on chapter XXVI, v. 19, said: “Thy dead men shall live; together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead”. The Greek Church’s version on verses 10 and 14 of Job’s chapter XIV emphasized: “If someone dies, will they live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come”.

In the New Testament there are words by John (chapter 3, verse 3): “Jesus replied: ‘truthfully I tell you: ‘No one can see the kingdom of God if you’re not born again’. And yet, in chapter 11, verse 25 “Jesus said: ‘I’m the one who raises the dead and gives them a new life. All those who believe in Me, even though they die like everybody else, they shall live again’”. More recently, Allan Kardec pointed out: “To be born, to die, to be born again, to always move forward, such is the law”.

Our yesterday influences directly our today, the same way the latter determines our tomorrow. Endless is God’s goodness, however, His justice is complete and perfect.

We don’t go unpunished of the crimes and other mistakes made.

Here’s how we often reincarnate enduring painful and bitter limitations such as:

  • Impaired intelligence if, in past lives, we put it at the service of evil;
  • Impaired writing abilities if, in past lives, we used this means of communication as a way to corrupt, defame and promote fear and pain;
  • Impaired oral communication if, I past lives, we used the spoken word to disseminate doubt, discord, rebellion and lovelessness;
  • Impaired vision if, in our past lives, we only saw what pleased our pride, vanity, selfishness and ambition;
  • Impaired physical abilities if, elsewhere, we employed force to subdue our next of kin, slaving them to our whims;
  • Impaired health if, in the past, we practiced libertinism and the perversion of the senses. However, Jesus,  God’ Eminent Agent – awaits us and always offers us new opportunities for regeneration, for none of his sheep will go astray for good. 

Jesus was, and is, an example for those who
want to progress spiritually 

Our PAST was ridden with fault, our PRESENT is of reparation, and our FUTURE will be of spiritual advancement, in the relentless search for the Lord.

There we see manifested the divine justice and goodness, preached and exemplified by Jesus, God’s Benedict Christ.

Jesus, by His spiritual nobility, could have descended from rich and powerful genitors, but chose to be the son a poor carpenter and a humble and modest lady, could have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and inhabit enchanted castles, chose to be born into the simplicity of a stall, and have as a cradle a manger, and as witnesses of his birth, domestic animals.

He could have been a winged being, with golden wings, hovering in the immensity of space, however, he chose to step on earth’s dust, healing the sick, consoling the afflicted.

He could have frequented luxurious castles which housed riches and earthly powers, but decided to follow the poor and the needy, in the mountains, by the sea, by the lakes and rivers, preaching God’s word.

He could have been a great king and have the world at His feet, however, affirmed that his Kingdom did not belong to this world.

Jesus, from His spiritual greatness, could have written compendiums only accessible to scholars, but chose to teach the humble people through plain parables; could overpower the enemies of the Good News, but preferred to be subjugated than to rebel; could have departed earth with sumptuous funerals, but chose the obscurity of the cross, where he forgave everyone indistinctively.

Jesus was simple and humble, He was good and Just, His life was na example for those Who wish to progress spiritually

JESUS was, is and always will be

The PATH to be followed,

The TRUTH to be sought,

The LIFE to be copied.       


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism