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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 319 – July 7, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


What Would Jesus
Do In My Place?


Six year-old Luana was very sad. Her father, Ruben, would always arrive at home very angry and yelling at everyone. He did not forgive the slightest mistake and was always fighting with Dora, Luana's mother, and blaming her for their problems. 

When Luana, following his example, fought with Mark, her three year-old brother, her father called her and holding her arms, said: 

- My dear, you can't fight with your brother. He is much younger than you. You must understand that you know more than him, that you already go to school, learn from your teacher and must apply what you learn. Get it? 

- But Mark breaks my toys, destroys my books and scribbles on my notebooks with crayons! I explain to him that he shouldn't do that, but he doesn't listen to me! 

- But, Luana, you must have patience with him. Mark doesn't know what he's doing! 

- I know, Dad - the girl said lowering her head. 

A few days later her father came home very angry. He had had a problem in the office and was puffing with anger. With his face red and his eyes darting sparks, he shouted at his wife for have stumbled on a rug she left by the door. He threw his briefcase on the couch and gestured, shouting: 

- You see, Dora? I almost took a tumble because of you. And is dinner ready? 

- Almost, dear. I spent a few minutes talking

with dona1 Amelia, our neighbor who needed some help, so I'm running late. 

- See? While I work, you spend your time talking to the neighbors! Go finish the dinner. I am hungry. 

Upset, the lady left the room and returned to the kitchen. At this point, there was a knock on the front door. Luana went to open it and saw a well dressed gentleman who smiled at her and asked: 

- Is your father at home, little girl? 

- Yes, sir. He just arrived. I'll call him. Come in, please. 

But the father, hearing that familiar voice was already approaching them with a broad smile on his face. 

- Mr. Alberto, what a pleasure to welcome you here in our home! Welcome! Please, sit down! 

- Thank you, Ruben, but unfortunately I can't. I would love to meet your family, but a problem came up at the factory and I need to travel immediately because of work. 

- Ah! If I can help, Mr. Alberto, I am at your disposal. If you'd like it, I can go.

- Thanks, Ruben, but only I can solve the problem. I came to you just to leave the key to the vault of the office, since no one else has one. I'll come back tomorrow night without fail. Please, tell the other employees, ok? 

Then he said goodbye and Ruben accompanied him to the gate, smiling and waving as the car pulled away. Luana, who watched everything was open-mouthed. Her dad's change was so sudden that the girl could not understand it. 

Seeing that his daughter did not take her gaze off of him, Ruben smiled: 

- What happened, Luana? 

The girl thought for a moment and replied: 

- I was surprised, Dad, with your change when the man arrived. Is he much younger than you? 

- I don't understand the reason for your question, my dear. 

- Oh, it's that when I get mad at Mark, you say I have to be patient with him because he is younger! 

The father suddenly blushed, embarrassed in front of his daughter and tried to explain: 

- You know, Luana... many times Dad is upset and can't control himself. 

- But with your boss you controlled yourself and treated him very well and gently, while with mom, who did nothing, you behaved quite different. You know, Dad, my Gospel For Kids' teacher taught us that at any situation when we do not know what to do, we must remember Jesus and think: What  

would Jesus do if He were in my place? So - she said - we will never have trouble with anyone.

The father heard his daughter, and was even more ashamed to see that his wife listened to the conversation leaning in the kitchen doorway. He had no choice but to agree with her: 

- Your teacher is right, Luana. I confess that I have really acted very badly with our family. The fact that I arrive home tired from work does not justify the irritation tantrums that I always have here at home, especially with your mother. 

He paused for a moment, called his wife and son who heard from a distance, and involving everyone in a big hug, promised: 

- Starting today I'll be a better, more affectionate, calmer man who is present in the life of his family that he loves so much. Especially, asking myself what would Jesus do in my place. Thank you, dear, for the lesson you taught me today. 

- Thank Jesus, Dad.   



(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 10/06/2013.)

 In Brazilian society, dona is a term of respect that is used with the woman's first name.


O Consolador
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