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Entrevista Português Inglês    
Year 11 - N° 516 - May 14, 2017
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Renato Vernaschi Lima: 

“Jesus was the greatest educator we ever had” 

Our fellow Spiritist from the Brazilian city of Bauru speak about the Gospel, the main subject discussed in his talks and lectures  

Renato Vernaschi Lima (photo) was born in a Spiritist family in the city of Marília and lives now in Bauru, both in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He has a degree in Computer Science and a Master Degree and PhD in Engineering. He is a university lecturer and consultant. In Bauru he is a volunteer worker at the Vicente de Paulo Spiritist Centre,

where he is a speaker and also coordinates courses on the work of Allan Kardec. In this interview, he speaks about his work to help to disseminate Spiritism. 

Where does the idea of focusing on the Gospel in your talks and lectures come from? 

There won’t be in our humanity a bigger example to be followed than our Master Jesus. To study the Gospel is to delve into the most profound lessons available on the rules of moral conduct. To follow the steps of the Master on Earth is to understand the Kingdom of God. When I prepare a talk or lecture, I always aim to offer the people something that may have an impact on understanding their afflictions, their questions and their doubts. I always put together a talk based on what I understand will help the spiritual development of our brothers and sisters who seek answers in Spiritism. And the Gospel of Our Master Jesus is the most important reference to enable us to carry on with our journey with optimism and understanding of the trials and tribulations we need to go through. And, more importantly, understanding that conquering love is the biggest help possible to our Spirit.  

How do you link in your lectures the lessons taught by Jesus and our daily problems and situations? 

As well as being the most enlightened Spirit ever to be born on our planet, Jesus was also the greatest educator we ever had. His words had at the same time the depth of someone who knew the mysteries of the universe and the simplicity required to explain matters to people with limited capacity to understand. That is why linking the lessons of the Gospel to the matters and problems we face on our daily lives is very simple, as Jesus provided us with teachings that we would be able to apply to all of our thoughts and acts. The public is, therefore, able to connect with the lessons of the Gospel and make their first steps towards inner reform. Daily matters, situations we live in our families, dilemmas we face at work… they can all be linked to the lessons of the Gospel, helping us getting better understanding of the words of Our Master Jesus.  

How did you introduce short stories and music in your talks? 

These are two things I really like. Short stories always bring edifying measures, with narratives that draw the public’s attention. People can identify with the characters and feel they are living the stories. Music is a separate chapter for me. I have always been passionate about music and I believe it helps us elevate our thoughts. Music brings happiness to people, make them smile and soothes the tensions that we face on this troubled planet.  

How does the public react to it? 

Of course there is never unanimity for anything we do in this life. And that is not what I am aiming for anyway, as I understand there are different perceptions and cultures out there. But people in general have the most amazing reaction to music when it is introduced as part of a talk or lecture. Many sing along from the very start. I notice others close their eyes and travel somewhere else in an emotional journey.  

What part of the preparation process of a talk that you like the most? 

It is without a shadow of a doubt the effect it has on my own reflections, my inner questions and my process of inner reform. This thought may sound selfish, but it is rather the opposite. It reflects one of the essential laws of Our Master Jesus: Love other people as we love ourselves. When we are stronger and better prepared to face the big questions of life we are in a better position to help other people. True charity must begin with us, so we can then practice with our brothers and sisters in need.  

Which lessons from the Gospel mean the most to you and why? 

The beauty of the Gospel is in its simplicity and, at the same time, the depth of the words of Our Master Jesus. Some passages of the Gospel are very moving and become true guides of moral conduct. There are so many examples: the calm he showed in dealing with the silence in the story of the adulterous woman; the huge peace displayed when going through immense pain and suffering during crucifixion and the unconditional forgiveness he offered to all of those who challenged him during his life. May we continue to drink forever from that endless source of love! 

What about the lessons provided by Spirtism? What is your view on that? 

As the Consoler promised by Christ, Spiritism continues the work initiated by the Master on Earth. Under the guidance of Jesus Christ, Spiritism brings better understanding of the work of Our Father taking into account the limits of our intellectual and moral development. Spiritism puts us firmly on our pathway to spiritual development, without dogmas. It explains what comes from the past, shedding light on the present moment and, more importantly, showing us what is yet to come. Spiritism makes us agents building our own future, without vain promises, mysteries or detours. To know Spiritism is to put the light on the bushel and have the possibility of never again being in the dark.


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