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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 462 - April 24, 2016

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Seeds


Carlos was a very lively and intelligent boy who was always wanting to do something good for people. He liked to help and his biggest pleasure was when he could do a good deed. 

One day he saw a boy trying to plant a seed in a small cup, like his teacher had taught him. 

However, the boy could not do it and was already very angry and discouraged with the task. And because he would get a grade for his work, Zeze was almost crying. 

Seeing him so nervous, Carlos came up and asked him what was going on, and Zeze explained: 

- I can’t do the assignment that my teacher gave us! She wants each student to plant little seeds that she has given us and make them sprout during the holidays. But I do not know how to do it!... 

Carlos smiled at the simplicity of the task and decided to help Zeze. Then he explained: 

- Zeze, you have to take a little bit of cotton, put it in the cup, soak it and bury the seeds. Then just leave them alone to sprout. 

- Is that it?... But my teacher said that I must also increase the quantity. 

- No problem. You'll see how easy it is. 

So Zeze did as Carlos had explained and left the seeds to grow, then asked: 

- And now, Carlos, what do I do? 

- Well, nothing, Zeze. Now you have to wait for the seeds to sprout; then I'll tell you what to do. 

After a few days, the first seed opened and let out a bright light green bud. Zeze was happy and took his seeds for his friend Carlos to see. Then Carlos explained that he should take the seed that had sprouted and put in a box with a bit of earth, taking care to water it every day. 

But Zeze was not happy. He thought he would just have to let the seeds sprout, but Carlos explained: 

- Your teacher wants you to start other plants with the seeds that sprouted, Zeze. 

But the boy was already annoyed. He wanted to do the task without work. Zeze then began to squeeze the seed that with all his strength and they bursted out of their cases, injured. Carlos patiently explained to Zeze that he was spoiling the job he had already done and that the sprouts were delicate and would not withstand the force of his hand. 

- What do I care?!… I now want them die! I'm tired of dealing with seeds. 

At that moment, Carlos looked at the plants that had begun to grow and noticed that they felt what Zeze said, getting sad and a little withered. Carlos, full of pity, looked at Zeze. 

- Why are you looking at me like that, Carlos? I did nothing! 

- Your anger reached the plants, Zeze. Look at them now! 

And Zeze looked and noticed that the plants had their little heads bowed down, were very sad and helpless. Seeing them, Zeze frowned and stared at Carlos, who explained: 

- Zeze, these plants are fragile and when someone involves them with strong negative feelings, they become sad and feel weak. 

- What now, Carlos? I did not mean to hurt them! 

- So talk to them and tell them how you're feeling. 

Zeze approached the little plants and gently explained: 

- I would like to apologise. I did not want to make you sad. I did not know the evil that I was causing you. Please, forgive me. I like you, my little friends, and I want you to grow very beautiful and happy. Never again I will act like this with you, believe me. I am sorry. Friends?

The seedlings raised their little heads, glad to see that Zeze did not want to harm them. And even the dark colour of their leaves was replaced by a lighter and cheerful green. 

Satisfied with the result, Zeze promised himself never to act with violence against anyone, whether they were plants, animals or people. If the plants had reacted that way, then animals and people would be sad too. And he wanted to live well with all beings of nature!... 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 04.01.2016.) 


O Consolador
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