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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 10 - N° 461 - April 17, 2016
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Artur Valadares de Freitas Santos: 

“The message of Christ must be known, meditated upon, felt and lived” 

The Spiritist researcher talks about the method he uses to raise awareness and interest for the study of the Gospel 

Artur Valadares de Freitas Santos (photo) was born in a Spiritist family in the Brazilian city of Patrocínio, in the state of Minas Gerais. He lives in São Carlos (São Paulo state, where he is an engineer and where he does voluntary work at the Spiritist Centre Obreiros do Bem. He has a special interest for the study of the Gospels and that is one

of the main issues discussed in this interview. 

What is the best way of researching and studying the teachings and parables of Jesus? 

I believe the first step must be to carry out a profound and systematic study of the core works of Spiritism. That will give us a clear a coherent view on the passages of the Gospel, with a renewed assessment of we know about Christ, his message and his followers. It is also important to study the complimentary works written by well-respected mediums such as Francisco Cândido Xavier and Divaldo Franco, especially the works dictated by Emmanuel. Finally, it is important to understand the historic context in which Christ lived: the habits of Jewish society at the time and those of the days of the Old Testament.  

How did you become interested in the study and research of the texts of the New Testament? 

Since I was a small child I was interested in that type of study. I remember being particularly interested in the talks of our fellow Spiritist Simão Pedro when I still lived in Patrocínio, when he talked about and explained the New Testament. I wanted to know more. In 2013, I became really engaged in the Spiritist Movement. Around that time, Harold Dutra Dias published his new translation of the New Testament. I saw some of the talks by him and other Spiritists and I have become more and more interested in finding out more about the Gospel. 

Is there anything in the stories and references of the evangelists beyond what we can read? 

Yes, firstly because it is part of the Semitic language and the rabbi traditions of the time to use symbols and intuition to pass on information and to teach. That is part of their ancient oral traditions. We must also take into account the inspiration from the Spiritual Benefactors during the process of writing the Gospel, as Emmanuel explains in A Caminho da Luz (Pathway to Light). With the help of works from Emmanuel/Chico and other authors, we can see the importance of the Spiritual influence behind the written words of the Gospel. One of the most important Spiritist researchers in that field was Honório Onofre de Abreu, who wrote Luz Imperecível, with guidance on the methodology to study and understand the Teachings of Jesus. 

Why did Jesus use this teaching method? What was he aiming to achieve? 

As Kardec says in The Gospel According to Spiritism, the main points of the Teachings of Christ were always very clear and explicit. That includes his views on charity and humility, which are essential points in the process of Spiritual development. Jesus took a different, more careful approach, on other issues, as he knew that the wider public would need time to reach the maturity to understand them. They also needed to wait for the scientific and philosophical development that lacked in that era. But those truths are in the Gospel of Jesus in a symbolic and allegoric manner, so that people would be able to understand them at the right time. They are like seeds waiting for the right time to germinate. 

How do you feel when you make new discoveries in your research? And how do you transform that in motivation for the study groups you coordinate and the talks you give? 

I feel great joy and immense gratitude for realising how much guidance and assistance we all have received since the early stages of our process of Spiritual development. Every time I study or stop to meditate on Teachings of Jesus I feel like I was again in Ancient Galilee following Our Master though his earthly journey. From that comes a natural feeling to share what I was able to understand and feel in the process. And that is what I have tried to do through the study groups and talks.  

What is the best method to raise awareness and interest for study and research? 

I have tried to organise the groups in a dynamic and interactive manner, explaining to everyone how we do the bibliographic research and how we prepare the material for research. The discovery of the meaning behind the symbols and allegories is a great source of encouragement for everyone. I keep a roundtable format, encouraging fraternal debate and the exchange of ideas and the participation of every individual. 

Is there anything from your experiences that you would like to share with us? 

The most remarkable aspect of the studies and talks is to realise how much the figure of Jesus continues to touch the hearts of the people, even after all these years, and how much people continue to be attracted to Him and His message. I would like to remind the words of Alcíone who, along with Padre Damiano (Emmanuel) already uses this methodology for a more in-depth study of the Gospel. She said that “the Gospel is a vast journey upwards, whose end we will not be able to reach properly without having the knowledge and without putting into practice all its details. The message of the Christ must be known, meditated upon, felt and lived.” That is the four-step guideline of which knowledge if only the first stage. We must bear in mind that the study of the Gospel will only be useful and relevant in our lives if we change our lives and put into practice what we have studied and learned.


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