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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 9 - N° 458 - March 27, 2016

Viana do Castelo, Portugal


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Victor Passos

Lifting the veil of euthanasia

 In light of Spiritism there is no explanation to justify euthanasia

This is a topic that is now beginning to stir again the Portuguese citizens, especially due to the concerns it raises, regarding medical ethics and the concept of choice. Through this article we will try to show that it is necessary to understand the content of what we say or do, so that later do not create weaknesses for ourselves and, therefore, problems of conscience.

Before any referendum and its response, we must try and understand well what we are dealing with.

When we are speaking of a life, we have to check several concessions, either in concept or in position.

Everyone has heard about Dysthanasia and Orthothanasia. Let us clarify their meaning related to life.

Dysthanasia means the therapeutic care to postpone an imminent death.

Orthothanasia is death in its natural process, without prolonging the treatment of the patient.

Euthanasia is the practice of shortening the life of a hopeless patient in a controlled and assisted manner by a specialist.

Firstly, it is important to mention that euthanasia can be divided into two groups: the "active euthanasia" and the "passive euthanasia". Although there are two possible "ratings" of euthanasia, it consists in the act of providing death without suffering to a person whose state of disease is chronic, and therefore incurable, usually associated with an immense physical and psychological suffering.

The "active euthanasia" has an outlined set of actions aimed at putting an end to life, to the extent that it is prepared and adjusted between the patient and the professional, who will carry out the act.

The "passive euthanasia", in turn, does not intentionally promote the death of the patient. However, as time goes by, with the interruption of all medical, pharmacological or other care, the patient eventually dies. All procedures to prolong the life of the patient are interrupted. Therefore, there is no specific act to cause death (like in the active euthanasia), but no action is taken to prevent it (as in dysthanasia).

Difference between euthanasia and "assisted suicide"

It is important to know the difference between euthanasia and "assisted" suicide. In the first case it is a third party that accomplishes it. In the second case the patient himself causes his own death, even though he needs the help of a third party to carry it out.

Etymologically, dysthanasia is the opposite of euthanasia. Disthanasia claims that all options must be tried to prolong the life of a human being, even if the patient will not be cured and will be subject to great suffering.

We have noticed that there in an increasing number of people in favor of euthanasia. We just have to see the Government taking measures without thinking of the consequences, with the aggravating circumstance of wanting to decide without listening to what the people have to say about the matter. Such actions, in most cases, are caused by a sense of compassion due to the suffering of the terminal patient, lying in his bed, and knowing by medical diagnosis that the situation is irreversible.

Frequently, we can see the existence of hidden interests, often related to issues of economic and financial order, or the presence of selfish feelings that lead to the need to free the patient, to emancipate itself from this commitment and to release the obligation towards him.

The materialistic and additional context felt within the contemporary society in relation to euthanasia, comes as a breath, releasing the being of unnecessary suffering, as there is no possibility of cure or return to consciousness. But who knows what the real waiting limit of this situation is?

This question, at the light of Spiritism, brings us to the analysis of two fundamental points: Reincarnation and the Law of Cause and Effect.

Reincarnation is a process that enables the intellectual and moral development of the being through the plurality of existences, and enables the inner growth, which is usually slow, but continuous. We know that "The physical experience is an extremely short time to conquer the undreamed ​​treasures of wisdom that comes from God".

Thus, in every physical experience the being progresses gradually, either by pain or by love, in its walk in search of perfection. Therefore, life is a gift that we receive, so that we can fulfill our evolutionary processes, in a rising path to God. 

The course of evolution is slow and often painful 

The body is the blessed device that allows us to live and gives us the opportunity to redeem reincarnation. It is molded according to the matrix of the perispirit, which has on its record all the principles of virtuosity, or debts acquired by the spiritual being in its successive reincarnations. So, therefore, we are the artisans of this valuable instrument through which we follow the march toward sublimity. The different methodologies of the diseases in which we fall may have their origin in less healthy attitudes, which we experience in our present life, and arise from past storms. 

The evolution path is slow, often painful but fair, according to the specifics of each being.

"Man is the builder of himself under the inalienable compliance and the determinism of the sovereign Laws ... Since he is responsible for his own experiences, he molds in a step the wrap that he will wear in his next life, winding himself in the entanglement of his guilt, or developing wings with which, free, he will float in the spaces of his right conscience”. 

Regarding the Law of Cause and Effect, the being experiences in the present life the reactions to his past actions, so he is the judge of his actions and also responsible for all the good and bad that happens to him. Therefore, human distress constitutes a means of spiritual redemption, due to the moral imperfection of the being. Through it, man redeems the evil commitments made in his past life, and at the same time he repairs the transgressions committed against the codes established by the Law of Life, moving up the evolutionary hierarchy and leaving behind his primitive animal.

When we understand and accept reincarnation, and we become aware that justice is put into action by the very being through his behavior, then we cannot accept euthanasia. It is like an offense against the conscience of the spiritual reality. No man can determine on life or death of his neighbor, even if he is going through great suffering, dying or experiencing other chronic torments. Only God alone can establish when the ordeal ends. Who are we to anticipate the time of an edifying spiritual redemption? Who can guarantee that the patient cannot recover unexpectedly? Who can say that science never failed? And, what if science discovers the cure?

Before Spiritism there is no explanation to justify the use of euthanasia. We have to respect human life to the last breath, as well as the spiritual real life that follows it. 

Covering up euthanasia is a mistake

When man is inspired by true faith, he will then understand the real definition of pain and pity, and euthanasia will no longer be the cause of discussions or anxiety, because measures will be taken to help, so that the brothers in pain can arrive to the end of their lives accomplishing with success their trials and atonement, to leave this earth in peace towards their total freedom.

This, the opinion of our Spiritual Brothers:

28. A man is dying, prey to cruel sufferings. It is known that his condition is hopeless. Is it lawful to spare him a few moments of anguish, by hastening and putting an end to his life?


Who would give you the right to prejudge the designs of God? Can He not lead a man to the edge of a moat, and then spare him in order to bring him back to his senses and make him think differently to what he did before? Even if a dying being has reached the very last moment, who can say safely that the last minute has arrived? Has Science itself never failed in its predictions?  We all know of cases that can be desperate. However, even if there is no hope of a definite return to life and health, there still is the possibility, attested by numerous examples, that the patient, at the very moment of his last breath, revives and recovers for a while his faculties!

Well: this time of grace, which is granted to this dying being, may be of great importance for him. Aren’t you aware that this Spirit can go through several thoughts and reflections while in his last agony and how many suffering he can be spared through a flash of repentance? The materialist, who only sees the body and not the soul, is unable to understand these things. The Spiritist, however, who already has the knowledge of what is going on beyond the grave, is aware of the value of a final thought. Relieve the last suffering as much as you can, but beware of shortening a life, even if for only a minute, because that minute can avoid many tears in the future. - St. Louis (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter V). 

106 – Is Euthanasia worthwhile, in cases of incurable diseases?

Man has no right to practice euthanasia, in no case whatsoever, even if apparently it looks like a beneficent act. A prolonged suffering can have a precious purpose for the soul. The incurable disease can be good too, operating like the only valve to flow the imperfections of a Spirit in his path towards immortal life. Moreover, God's purposes are unknown and man’s Science is still very poor to be able to decide on the spiritual concerns regarding the needs of the Spirit. - Emmanuel (The Consoler, psychographic work by Francisco Candido Xavier.)

To cover euthanasia is to defend a crime. Let us not demoralize our present civilization by defending murder. A life is sacred, even though it is under great suffering and pain. The life of every man until his last moment is a subsidy to the supreme harmony of the Universe. Let us not be accomplices of Death.



FRANCO, Divaldo P. Emergency Therapeutics/Various Spirits. Salvador, BA: Livraria Alvorada, 2002.

Kardec, Allan. The Gospel According to Spiritism. St. Paul: Livraria Allan Kardec. 1970.

XAVIER, Francisco C. Divine Justice/Emmanuel. Rio de Janeiro. FEB, 1962. XAVIER, Francisco C. (EMMANUEL - The Comforter).

Victor Manuel Pereira Passos is a writer and lecturer, and a member of the Associação Espírita Paz e Amor, in the city of Viana do Castelo, Portugal.


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism