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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 450 - January 31, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Ye are Gods...

Wrongly attributed to Jesus the title sentence, in truth, a known Psalm that the Master had reported, in accordance with the teller John, the evangelist, theme which was seen in this magazine on July 22nd 2009 and the reader can read clicking on: oconsolador.com.br/ano3/115/oespiritismoresponde

It is from Jesus, however, the words “be perfect, as well as our celestial Father is perfect”, that it is found in the following text from Mathews’ Gospel:


“If you love only who loves you, which is the reward? Do not do like this the republicans? If you only claim your brothers, what extraordinary you do? Do not pagans do it as well? Therefore, be perfect, as well as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Mathew, 5:46-48.)

Is it possible anyone reaches perfection?

If we believe in what Jesus taught, it is obvious yes, human being can reach one day the goal to what it was created.

This thought was expressly formulated in the answer given to a question made by Allan Kardec to the spiritual instructors. Here it is:

- Are there Spirits which remain forever in the lower orders? “No; all will become perfects. Change the order, slowly, for how much we had said before, a fair and merciful father cannot banner his sons forever. Would you intend that God, being so huge, so good, so fair, was worse than yourselves? (Spirits’ Book, question 116.)

The issue would rise at the call codification of spirit doctrine, numerous issues, one of which touches directly without any subterfuge, the form, how this objective can be achieved. Here it is:


- How can the soul, which has not reached perfection during body life, finishes its purification? “Suffering a test of a new existence.”

a) How does it happen? Will it be throw its transformation as Spirit? “Debugging itself, the soul doubtless experiences transformation, but for this it is necessary the test of a body life.”

b) Does the soul pass then throw many body existences? “Yes, we all count many existences. Those who say differently intend to keep you in the ignorance which they themselves are. This is their desire.” 

c) It looks that from this principle, the soul after leaving the body gets another body or then reincarnate in a new one. Is it like that it has to be understood? “Evidently.” (Spirits’ Book, question 166.)

In the book O Pulo do Gato – The Cat’s Jump – by Felinto Elízio Duarte Campelo published by EVOC – Virtual Publisher of The Comforter in the last Friday 29th, the author writes an interesting dialogue between his grandson Ricardo, 9, and his mother. The dialogue is about the differences between what teaches the Catholicism and the spirits teachings. Here is a part of it:


Mother – Let´s go to the main. The Catholicism adopts as article of faith the theory that the soul is created by God in the moment of conception, the spirit has only one incarnation, which means, one life on Earth and depending on how it lived, after death it goes to idleness of a heaven of eternal glory and deity of contemplation, or goes to hell of sufferings endless, without remission. It is the idea of an inflexible God, without mercy.   


Ricardo – A heaven only of contemplation must be really boring and this hell, a bad place which there is nothing to do with God´s kindness! How is spirit version?


Mother – Spiritism teaches that spirits are created by God, simple and without wisdom; it is allowed to them countless lives in this or in other planets from the billion planetary systems which populate the immensity universe.


Ricardo – Why life for so many times?


Mother – Learning and the seeking of perfection until becomes an angel. God do not condemn any of his children to ruin, on contrary, desiring that none of them get lost, give them new opportunities to correct be correct. This is the reincarnationist law.  Thus manifests justice and goodness of God.

O Pulo do GatoThe Cat’s Jump e-book can be downloaded freely, clicking on: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/editora/evoc.htm



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism