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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 447 - January 10, 2016
Salvador, BA (Brasil)  
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Ed’Lauro Ferreira Santos: 

Ambrósio was my first book published”

The medium and Spiritist leader talks about his early days in Spiritism and the novel he wrote through automatic
writing, or psychography

Ed’Lauro Ferreira Santos (photo) was born in 1948 in the city of Itaberaba, some 200 Km (125 miles) inland from the capital of Bahia state, Salvador. From a very early age he could see Spirits, but it was only as an adult, and through painful events in his life, that he became a Spiritist and develop his mediumship. He is the current president of the Spi-

ritist Cenre Estrela da Seara, in the outskirts of Salvador. He also uses his medium abilities to write books and messages. In this interview, he talks about his mediunimic novel, Ambrósio, and a number of other issues: 

How did you come into contact with Spiritism for the first time? 

It was painful events in my life that took me to Spiritism. I was a metalworker and union leader and, because of my activities, lost my job. I was married, had two children and was unemployed. It was very distressful. I began selling things in markets: shoes, alcoholic drinks, pizzas, rubber stamps, anything that allowed me to keep my dignity and try to support my family. A friend of mine told me to look for a lady who gave spiritual healing at home. She tried lighting up a candle, but could not. She tried other methods, but nothing worked. Finally a friend of my wife’s recommended the Spiritist Centre Estrela da Seara. I went and have been with them for 28 years. I have been either vice-president or president in four administrations. 

Why in most Spiritist Centres there are only a few people who put their name down for the posts of command? 

There are many reasons and explanations. The oldest members tend to take over, in the belief that young people lack the maturity and experience for the job. That, as a principle, is not true. We really need to think about that. On the other hand, if there is lack of qualified leaders, we should look at why the current leaders did not prepare other workers to replace them. But there are other reasons too. Lack of commitment is one of them. Many people have all the qualifications, but “don’t have the time,” or have other commitments for their weekends etc. And for that reason they refuse to help as they could at Spiritist Centres, which are the spiritual laboratories of Jesus. 

Ambrósio, the book that was dictated to you by the Spirit World, was your first book published? 

Ambrósio was my first book published. Others came afterwards, including Vidas em Trânsito, from the same author (Zebedeu Palhares, Spirit). But publishing is very difficult for any new author, be them Spiritists or not. Many people have passed away and could not publish their first book.  

Tell us a bit more about the book. 

I must emphasize that the author of the book is Zebedeu Palhares. I certainly would not be able to prepare such a complex book, if you look at the plot, the characters, how their lives intertwine and cross each other’s, not to mention the details of the role played by the Spiritual World in the preparations for the reincarnation of Ambrósio. He is the manifestation of the Law of Justice, Love and Charity as explained in The Spirits’ Book, chapter XI. 

When did your medium abilities become evident and how did it all begin? 

It began when I was very young, but no one spotted it. Everything I said was seen as lies or fruits of a child’s imagination. I grew up in a house that had been a hospital in the city of Feira de Santana and at night I often saw discarnate Spirits walking about in the house. 

Apart from the tasks of president and vice-president, what other activities have you done in the Spiritist Centre? 

I have worked on projects to develop my medium abilities and get better connection with the Spirit World. I have also got engaged with a number of charity programmes, including handing out food and clothes for people who live rough in the streets. I have also coordinated study groups for adults and children. 

Which of those activities gave you most satisfaction? 

To hand out soup and clothes through the streets of the city. Charity is a very powerful experience, truly a learning experience, because we see first hand the huge problems faced by our brothers and sisters to survive. We realise how much a simple plate of soup, a litre of water or a garment mean to them. What those people go through is inhuman.  

What else would you like to add? 

We need to look back at the example of great Christians, such as Allan Kardec, Bezerra de Menezes, Cairbar Schutel, Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco and many others. We must fight with all our forces against the lack of humility, vanity and anything that compromises our future existence, especially materialism. We need to follow the example of Jesus and look out for natural leaders, like John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, and bring people like that for Spiritism. We must be committed to Spiritism and defend it at all levels: in the books we publish, in the courses and seminars and in the charity and healing work we carry out. Thank you for this opportunity.


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