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Year 9 - N° 446 - January 3, 2016

Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


José Passini

Analysis of the book

Reincarnation in the Spiritual World

Title of the book: Reincarnation in the Spiritual World  
Author: Inacio Ferreira
Medium: Carlos A. Baccelli
Publisher: LEEPP

The title of this book is misleading, because the reader is expecting serious information although the title itself is already inconsistent. To reincarnate is to return to the flesh, that is, the physical body, which is not feasible in the Spiritual World. The work consists of a series of puerile reports, a superficial dialogue, far from what is expected from the reading of a Spiritist book. We recognize the right that everyone has to publish a book. But to make use of the Doctrine and fill pages and pages with comments that have

nothing to do with the uplifting tone, educational, and seriousness commonly found in Spiritist works, is no doubt opportunism.

The difference between this Spirit and the honorable physician Inacio Ferreira is so great, that we are constrained in mentioning a name that is being used, and this is the reason why we write his name enclosed in quotes. However, we have to say that in this book we no longer see that aggressive, bragger “Dr. Inacio”, who in previous books boasted about is smoking addiction, his depression, sulking, although he still uses some vulgar and distasteful expressions, unfit for the Spiritist environment and the Spiritual Benefactors with whom he said in previous books he lives with.

Quotes are in italics-bold.

Here is a feature that still remains in this book: the sickening and systematic attack on Spiritists:

The truth is that the Spiritist still expects an easy ascent, without any effort on his inner renewal! He expects to be accepted into a model city, similar to "Our Home" and, if possible, immediately moved to higher dimensions without further need to reincarnate. The Spiritist believes that due to being a Spiritist, he is entitled to being favored by the Law. He preaches to others, but as for himself, he expects something else. (76) 

But "Dr. Inacio”, from time to time, cannot resist the use of vulgar and distasteful expressions:

- It is an honor, Doctor; it is a joy to work by your side!

- Do not pull, no, because they will burst… (130)

Translator’s note:

Brazilian vulgar saying when someone praises in excess: “não puxe o meu saco”

meaning: “do not pull my balls”.

They are dialogues that always sound as if said at a bar table. Here is his comment regarding his own disembodiment, in an elderly condition:

- The situation sometimes is shameful ... We run out of composure, isn’t it?

- And we have to pray a lot, Longino, not to bullshit...

- I know: swearing, taking off your clothes...

- To show what? Although now with the Viagra, we show a reaction...

My partner laughed.

- Priceless, Doctor! See if this is a conversation between two Spiritists afterlife?

- From two normal Spiritists, yes it is! (134)

He thinks it is normal to talk this way:

- Excuse me - I said - but, thank God, our intestines were responsible for not letting us forget our human condition... (306)

Talking about his visits to Earth, he does not lose the opportunity to brag with silly teenager’s outbursts:

- From time to time, I make a point of visiting Earth, just to see how they are, those who when I was 80 were in their 30s, 40s... If they do not take care, they will not arrive to my age, considering the cigarettes I smoked all my life! Some I do not recognize because they are so wrinkled due to so much suffering and struggle. Shame! And I, here in the Other Side, have become younger, stronger and more charming as I always was, and having to hide from the harassment of the chicks... (141)

And he goes on with is usual and systematic attack on Spiritists:

- Now the Spiritist, in general, reads half a dozen books and thinks he knows everything… Why, Doctor? (143)

"Dr. Inacio" says he is receiving letters in the Spiritual World sent to him even by the embodied…

The correspondence piled on my desk. Letters were sent to me from Earth and Beyond, and telling me about their doubts on the most different issues: questions on the Doctrine, personal matters, on mediumship, issues of doctrine, personal issues, questions about mediumship, requests for intercession on behalf of a loved one disembodied, and words of encouragement for the work we are developing... (148) 

Following are parts of a letter received by “Dr. Inacio”:

"Dr. Inacio” - she said - I love to read your psychic books and in my name and in the name of hundreds and hundreds of others, and considering what you have done for the Doctrine and our Movement, I ask you not to give up such an important work.  I am nobody, but I venture to address you to let you know that I am aware of the unfounded criticism and the backbiting that you and your psychic go through. I am horrified with what I hear from some Spiritists, or at least from those who claim to be so. Believe me, I have strong reasons to think that your psychic books are in our Movement behind the scenes, and this needs to be clarified while there is time, and that they are hunted down and censored because they go against the interests of alleged leaders, particularly those that are leaders at the Federations, with a few exceptions of those who have an open mind and therefore act in a different manner. (...) The worst, Doctor, is that I am aware that there are renowned mediums fostering such a state of things, unacceptable by our Doctrine that, as you said, defends freedom of expression. (...) I cannot agree with the nasty way these brothers, who by reading your works, are being led to a confrontation with their own conscience and rebel, many of them perhaps because their hidden intentions are being disclosed". (148/149) 

The "letter" is long, and it goes on with greetings, words of encouragement, praising "Dr. Inacio". The reference made to Andre Luiz does not even deserve a comment:

"A few days ago, talking to a friend who is a very learned and intelligent man, he made me the following remark on your works:

- Dr. Inacio’s books have made me rediscover Andre Luiz...

You see, Doctor, what a beauty! Not worth it? Let those who have their hands free from doing good go on throwing stones at you… They will not reach you and, I believe, nor even the medium”. (150/151)

It is obvious that if the “Beyond Post Office” took the letter to “Dr. Inacio”, it also took the answer back:

- Dear sister L.G.D.S., God, bless us!

"I hope that this letter can still find you on Earth, enjoying a good health and peace. (...) but also to show you that no one may want to intimidate us in the testimony of faith, as if we were still in the Middle Ages, when these people today dressed as Spiritists, lived with a torch in their hands to light the fires of the Inquisition...

(...) Sometimes, before the fury of our opponents, who do not save words to offend, I have the impression that I have committed a crime... (151/152) 

He went on saying that talking to his friends in the Spiritual World he did not understand why his books were rejected:

(...) I confess that I have not yet come to a consensus: some are (with a high probability ratio) because I openly defend that Chico Xavier was Allan Kardec’s reincarnation: others are of the opinion that it is because I commented about pregnancy occurring in the Spiritual World, thus going against the belief of those that imagine that Perfection is obtained immediately after death. (How much naivety, my God!); some say it's because I use an ironic or irreverent style when I address my Doctrine brothers, especially if they have leadership positions… (152/153) 

He calls it “warning”, what is indeed and attempt to mock the Spiritists leaders in all his books. And he continues his long letter:

Now, dear L..., let us mention the part that hurts most and which, by the way, is the one I prefer: when it is said that the language I use in my books is very coarse and vulgar… Well, if you could only listen to what the most moralist Spiritists think, of course with some exceptions! The “monsters” that are created by the minds of those who preach and write… even of those who pray in public! Morbid day-dreaming! They preach, write and... even pray in public! Morbid daydreams! There are people who, when they realize, they have already committed crimes in their thoughts… (155

The "letter" is long, and full of unpleasant passages like the above. And he ends this letter:

"With my fraternal embrace, I ask you to redouble your prayers on my behalf, so I do not let myself be affected by the
“fever of vanity and my ego” which has sent a lot of promising people to the sanatoriums of the Earth and Beyond".

Answering another "letter", this time to an embodied brother by the name of Joaquim, he tells him how to deal with the psychics who threaten to leave the Doctrine due to the requirements of the Spiritist leaders. Please note the coarseness of the language he uses: 

For any mishaps, there are many Spiritists that threaten us by dropping the Doctrine! Solemnly he says: “I am leaving Spiritism. Where are the Spirits that do not help me?”…

But to spoil this letter in which, so far, I have been so well behaved, I will answer: “If you want to drop it, then drop it and go to hell! But do not threaten, and do not cast your outrage towards Heaven! ... Am I right or wrong, Joaquim? Is this not an affront? – “Ah”! – he says – I am going to drop Spiritism and become an evangelical… “Well, go! Turn into a werewolf, if it pleases you”. (164) 

Only now, in the middle of the book, after he filled pages with puerile subjects, “Dr. Inacio” becomes a counselor of the Spirits who psychograph on Earth. In this sense, he talks to his assistant, Manoel, about a lecture he has to give to the "High School" students, who await for his clarifications:

- They want to ask you to clarify some issues.

- On what topic?

- The issue of pregnancy in the Spiritual World.

- Guys, it is something so simple to understand!

- It is that they are finding barriers to address this matter through other mediums.

- It is natural, who wants to be criticized? We are just at the beginning of Spiritism on Earth; many issues are controversial and will still cause a lot of polemic… Honestly, Manoel, I do not know the exact idea of how the Spiritists imagine the Spiritual World! Well! - he said - I'll do what I can.”
- If I was still in my body, Doctor, I would also have doubts... to think about pregnancy in the Spiritual World is a revolution for the Spiritist thought! It messes with the head of many people…

- It is because what we know about reincarnation, even on Earth, is too little let alone on the Universe! (176) 

Dr. Inacio” begins his lecture to the “High School” trainees:

You've been faced with difficulties when it comes to further clarification regarding Reincarnation in the Spiritual World... Spiritists, with some exceptions, have been reluctant to consider the thesis that we defend openly and that, for us, is an undeniable practice, i.e., natural, as natural as the need of the Spirit take a new body on Earth, following in its uninterrupted path towards the ridges of Evolution. (177/178)

If reincarnation in the Spiritual World were a fact why was “Dr. Inacio” not aware of it, according to his book “Emmanuel Foundation” (pages 97/100), published in 2006? Note that he was already disembodied for 18 years and he mentioned he was already a director of a Hospital for six years at least. He mentions this job in his book “In the Next Dimension”, published in 2002 (page 13).

Moreover, if it were true that there is reincarnation in the Spiritual World, why would "Dr. Inacio" have to talk about it at the "Liceu" in 2008, addressing it as a novelty to a group of trainees? Did these Spirits, living in this Colony, never ever saw a "pregnant" woman as the one who surprised so much "Dr. Inacio", as mentioned above?

In all the work of Andre Luiz there is not even a slightest reference to the subject. In "Our Home" (Chapter 9), Andre Luiz says that this Colony received at one time, about two hundred instructors coming from the Highest Levels to give instructions about feeding. Andre Luiz says it took thirty years of convincing work. Although they came from the Highest Level, there was no need to "reincarnate" as mentioned in "Dr. Inacio’s" thesis.

In the work "Emmanuel Foundation", "Dr. Inacio", after being surprised by the pregnancy of a young woman, describes her giving birth. The woman in labor has a sensor on her arm to check the glucose level, temperature, blood pressure, pathogenic microorganisms and the eventual imminence of a heart attack... (page 226). If a heart attack occurred, would the mother disembody? If indeed there is incarnation, there should be disembodiment, especially in the lower regions where there is a lot of violence between the Spirits.

Notice that this Spirit’s statements are sometimes true, but have nothing to do with the pretense "reincarnation in the Spiritual World". And he quotes, in

With this gelatinous mass, protoplasm was born in this orb and with it Jesus casts on the world's surface the sacred germ of the first men. (180) 

Yes, it is true, but this happened on the physical plane. Then he mentions the Chinese civilization, with no connection at all with the pretense reincarnation in the Spiritual World. He always uses his words to impress, with mocking comments with which he hopes to call the attention of the unwary, and at the same time he places himself as a herald of “new truths”.

Andre Luiz, in "Evolution in Two Worlds" (Part 1, end of Chapter II), says about the perispirit. "This body that evolves and improves with the experiences of action and reaction on the earthly plane and on the Spiritual planes, which border the Earth, (...) can wear out in the immediate sphere to physical sphere, to remake itself on it, through its rebirth, according to the pre-existing mental mold, or still be limited so as to rebuild itself in the womb to review the teachings and experiences it may be needing, according to its failures of consciousness before the law". (Emphasis added).

Note that Andre Luiz speaks of the restoration of the perispirit in a new incarnation, and incarnation takes place in the flesh, in the physical sphere.

It should be noted also that Andre Luiz describes at length life in the Spiritual World in all his work, which has characteristics of a legitimate unfolding of the Third Revelation. Let us note the seriousness with which he develops his work and the noble words and careful language he uses. And it could not be otherwise, because the revelations that come from the Greater Life are always brought by serious, balanced and evangelized Spirits. In the specific case of Andre Luiz, let us see what the Spiritual Director of Chico’s work said about him: "(...) Andre Luiz worked with us for seven hundred consecutive days, in total harmony with the instrument being used. In addition, his effort is not personal, since it reflects the indirect cooperation of Benefactors, who live in the Higher Spheres". ("I Came Back”, page 22). Thus we can evaluate how carefully the High Spiritual Spheres prepare the Spirit and the Medium to pass true revelations.

Why would now the High Spiritual Spheres give the noble mission of making new revelations to Mankind to an unbalanced Spirit, disrespectful, who has outbursts, and agrees with abortion ("Speak, Dr. Inacio!", pages. 130/131), and who is interested in the gossip published, according to him, in a newspaper called “Resenha”, a journal in circulation in the Spiritual World, as per his description in the book “Emmanuel Foundation" (page 135)? Moreover, as he himself says in the book, while reading the newspaper he became aware of the criticisms that were being made to him on Earth, and he answered with a rude gesture of giving a banana, offending the Spiritists with this gesture.

The approach that follows is vulgar, does not match the Spiritual Ethics, and moreover, it is part of this book, which is announced as having "new truths":

- The evangelicals extorted him as they could...

- Well, my dear, there are a lot of people like this: silly! Before, they believed in the confidence trick, now they fall into the tale of the shepherd ... I hope they never believe in the Spiritist tale! (170

We appeal to the reason of those who are enchanted with the references made about Chico, Emmanuel, Andre Luiz and his works, mentioned by "Dr. Inacio" with no coherent basis. Imagine that now is the time for an important revelation to come to Earth. Would it not be through a worthy Spirit, with the behavior and the enlightenment of Allan Kardec, or of Chico Xavier? Can it be possible that the levels of seriousness have fallen in the Spiritual World to the point that the new revelations are being made through a disrespectful Spirit, a bragger, someone who tells jokes not fit for the seriousness of the Doctrine? Would such a revelation come through a Spirit that uses an aggressive, vulgar and rude language?

In the work under consideration, "Dr. Inacio " reproduces in ten Chapters an alleged visit of Chico Xavier to his team. They formed a caravan, consisting of more than a dozen well-known names. They visited various places of suffering, with application of the ointment Vovô Pedro (Grandpa Peter) in Spirits, used even to cure nightmares, and also given to some of them to eat it with bread. During the visit, long chats, tasting of assorted flavors with tea biscuits, comments on donuts recipes... Would Chico be so available? On this occasion, he mentions that Chico made the following statement, in which he would recognize the permanent power of Darkness on Earth: 

Darkness, if I may so express myself, agreed that Christ preached the Good News in their stronghold, which was the Earth, if they ultimately triumphed permanently. (279) (Emphasis added.) 

The image one has of Spiritual Life is that the Superior Spirits greatly value time. Andre Luiz, in "The Messengers" (Chapter 1), says: "Spiritualizing conversation has become very important to me”. In Chapter 6, we learn that "By our constructive talks therefore we also receive compensation due to normal cooperation".

Even more because "Dr. Inacio" reaffirms the absurd thesis that Chico was the reincarnation of Kardec. See the meeting that night of "reaffirmation of commitments", described by Humberto de Campos, in the book "Letters and Chronicles" (Chapter 28), when the venerable figure of the one who would be the Encoder appeared, and was honored by tens of Benefactors, whose names are famous in the History of Humanity. Would this Spirit of elite now, more than two centuries later, give vague guesses on Doctrinal matters? Where is the noble and austere figure of the scientist, philosopher, educator, theologian, sociologist, penologist, who spoke with the Superior Spirits, on equal terms, leaving us the Lights of the Third Revelation?

Moreover, Kardec, or even Chico, would need the help of a medium - given the spiritual level difference - to manifest in the plane they were "Dr. Inacio” and his companions were, as happened to Matilde, who had to take advantage of Gubbio’s fluids to materialize before her son Gregory. (Freedom, end of Chapter XX).

But not even the noble figure of the tireless worker, who was Francisco Candido Xavier, colloquially called Chico would thus be available to attend circles where he would admit to having been Kardec. He too, a Spirit of elite, would have nobler and higher concerns in the Spiritual Plane where he is. It would be to underestimate that selfless Missionary who, having been the mediator of the unfolding of the Third Revelation, would now spend his precious time with a group of Spirits, directed by someone who behaves and expresses himself the way as seen above.

Finally, we reaffirm that the title of this book is misleading, by approaching the subject “Reincarnation in the Spiritual World”. The reincarnation,   approached in this book, is physical, and the Spiritists are already well informed about it. None of Kardec or Andre Luiz’ quotes made throughout the book supports this absurd thesis.

Editorial note:

On the subject, see also Joseph Sola’s analysis published in issue 200 of this Magazine.

Here's the link: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/200/especial.html 


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism