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Year 9 - N° 441 - November 22, 2015

Campinas, SP (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca

Quantum Physics and Materialism

Quantum Physics is one of the most successful theories of Science, and at the same time the least understood by scientists. Thanks to it, technology has reached levels never imagined before the middle of the last century. Its effects on society and, in particular, on economics are striking, as the fact that 30% of US GDP is originated from products in which the knowledge of the Quantum Theory was applied.

But what, after all, is Quantum Physics? It is simply a Theory of Matter. It was developed to explain and describe quantitatively the behavior of matter in micro and nanoscopic size scales. An excellent introduction to Quantum Physics, written for the understanding of the Spiritists, can be found on the blog "Era do Espírito” (Age of the Spirit)"2.

But if it is a Theory of Matter, why has the Spiritist movement shown such a tremendous interest in Quantum Physics?

There are two main reasons for this. The first stems from severalstrange interpretations of this theory, which resemble mystical concepts. As these interpretations are quite different from the perception we have of everyday phenomena, they lead one to think that the Spiritist phenomena (also considered different from the perception we have of everyday phenomena) must be directly related to these interpretations. Examples ofstrange interpretations of Quantum Physics: an object being in more than one place at a time; the influence of the observer in the experimental measurements; a particle that can behave like a wave and vice versa; the existence of parallel universes; non-local connection; and so on. These interpretations are strange because they are attempts to understand the behavior of microscopic particles with the same notions of space, time and motion that we have regarding the macroscopic world through our five senses.

It is not always correct or scientific to force the relationship between different theories

The second reason why the Spiritists have an interest in Quantum Physics are in Kardec’s works: "Walking together with progress, Spiritism will never be surpassed, because if new discoveries showed it to be in error regarding any point, it would change at that point”. (Item 55 of Chapter I of Genesis3).

As Quantum Physics is one of the most successful theories in Science, this led some well-intentioned companions to conclude: If Spiritism is consistent with Quantum Physics, then it will be in line with the “new discoveries” of Science. But the problem with this line of reasoning is that not everything in nature is described by Quantum Physics, not everything needs to be in tune with it to “walk with it towards progress”, and what is more rigorous is that not always is it scientifically correct to force the relationship between two distinct theories.

In an attempt to see Spiritism valued and in line with Science, some fellows have published “excesses” regarding the concepts of the Quantum Theory to explain or describe the concepts and and Spiritist phenomena. To “overdo” a scientific theory is to use it to describe phenomena for which it was not originally designed, without making methodical experiments to prove such use. As a result, we have seen in the Spiritist field the use of terms such as “Quantum God”, “Quantum soul”, Quantum consciousness”, “reincarnation and Quantum Physics”, “Quantum healing”, “Quantum thinking”, proof of Spiritism by means of the “Quantum Physics”, and so on.

The question we want to examine here is whether these excesses do not hide a trap for the Spiritist knowledge. In the speech, these excesses sound like confirmations of Science for the Spiritist concepts. But to scrutinize the meaning of the concepts of Quantum Physics, what they represent and what are their bases and dependencies, we see that they (excesses) bring more problems than solutions. The main problem is that these extrapolations or excesses represent a direct support to materialism

The Quantum Theory has a very strong relationship of dependency with matter

At most, Quantum Physics concepts can serve one day to describe the behavior and properties of the spiritual fluids. But they do not serve to define or describe concepts such as God, soul, thought, reincarnation and others.

The explanation for this is actually quite simple. The Quantum Theory has a very strong relationship of dependency with matter. It applies only to material things like particles or waves. According to the Quantum Physics2, any information we can have of a material system is contained in the so-called “wave function”", which is a mathematical function that contains possible values for all measurable properties of the material system. According to Quantum Physics, there is no “wave function” separated from a material system. Therefore, if a Spiritist concept depends on Quantum concepts, then this Spiritist concept will have to be associated with a material system too. This is no problem when we only think about the spiritual fluids, which are, according to what the Spirits taught in question 27 of the Book of Spirits4 (LE) and items from 2-6 of Chapter XIV of Genesis3, modifications and changes of the universal fluid, which is the material principle. But the Quantum concepts cannot be directly linked to concepts such as God, the soul, intelligence, or with phenomena and processes such as reincarnation and mediumship, except in the fluidic counterparts of the same.

How can the Spiritist movement be damaged if it aggregates concepts which involve the relation between Quantum Physics and Spiritism? First, there is the matter of unshakable Faith: "Unshakable Faith is only the one that can face reason in all ages of Humanity” [Kardec, item 7 of Chapter XIX, “The Gospel According to Spiritism 5 (ESE)]. How can one face the reason of those who deeply understand the Quantum Physics and know that it does not apply to the Spiritist concepts

Can reincarnation be explained by Quantum
Physics as some wish?

Every Spiritist concept has to be grounded in the purest and clearest scientific and philosophical truth in order to face the reason of Science, critics, skeptics and those who, by some interest, fight the message of Love and Charity of the Third Revelation. Every Spiritist concept needs to have solid foundations on reason and common sense so that the disclosure of Spiritism becomes clear and simple for all those who seek it. This is an absolutely necessary condition for the most important Charity that can be done within the Spiritist movement, according to Emmanuel:6  "the greatest Charity we can do for the Doctrine is its own disclosure".

Another problem is the lack of consistency with the Spiritist principles, which may give rise to a long-standing concern of Kardec when he spoke of the exalted Spiritists (The Book of Mediums, Chapter III, item 28.)7: The worst thing is that unintentionally they give weapons to the unbelievers, who instead of believing, seek all occasions to mock and do not let go by the opportunity to impute all the ridicule of some ". (Emphasis in bold mine). According to Kardec, an exalted Spiritist is the one that "Trusts in a blind and often puerile manner in Spiritism, in the invisible world and who believes very easily and without proof in what reflection and verification would be absurd or impossible”.  (Emphasis in bold mine). In this case, to magnify occurs in the hasty use without demonstration of the Quantum Physics regarding the description of the Spiritist concepts.

Let us see an example of absurd or “impossibilitythat stems from the interpretation of the soul as a “wave function”:

A known scholar of Quantum Physics, and his acceptance of the Hindu concepts, proposed that, when considering the soul as a “wave function”, reincarnation would be explained by Quantum Physics. 

Spiritism is a Doctrine very well grounded in
facts and phenomena

The problem is that, according to the same scholar, if the soul is a "wave function", then in the interval between one incarnation and another there can be no conscious life in the spiritual world. To get an idea of the consequences, works such as Our Home, by Andre Luiz and others, should not exist because the soul as a wave function”, therefore, it would remain in the spiritual world in an unconscious state until it would be born again in a new body8. I.e., to support thisQuantum” theory of the soul is to contradict what is taught by Spiritism! To admit this, is to provide ammunition for the opponents of Spiritism to say that the Spiritists do not know their own Doctrine.

We have published other examples of analysis of theses and spiritual theories, which although fraternal and well-meaning, they use concepts of Physics in a superficial and wrong way to propose practices not in accordance with the Spiritist Doctrine. 9,10

Spiritism is a very well based Doctrine in facts and phenomena; well analyzed and discussed in philosophical terms; and clear regarding the consequences of a moral nature of deep religious reach. Simple in its Humanity's regeneration purposes through the regeneration of each of us, the Doctrine is the only doctrine known in Humanity that has a dual character of a revelation: the divine character and the scientific (Kardec, item 13 of Chapter I, Genesis 3). It is important, therefore, to value Spiritism in the way it is revealed by the Good Spirits, not by blind faith or fanaticism, but in order to study, understand it and, above all, work it within its progress, being aware of it, without the risks of sophistry of reason, and to develop it within the parameters of quality and seriousness that will make it increasingly known, respected and, above all, enjoyed by all. 



[1] Fernanda Vilela, article: "But, after all, what is Quantum Physics?", Science Agency website, link: https://agenciacienciaweb.wordpress.com/2012/10/18/mas-afinal-o-que-e-fisica-quantica/

(accessed on October 11, 2015).

[2] A. Xavier Jr., "Basic Concepts of Quantum Physics I-VI" blog “Era do Espírito”, link: http://eradoespirito.blogspot.com/2012/02/conceitos-basicos-de-fisica-quantica-i.html, http://eradoespirito.blogspot.com.br/2012/03/conceitos-basicos-de-fisica-quantica-ii.html, http://eradoespirito.blogspot.com.br/2012/05/conceitos-basicos-de-fisica-quantica.html, http://eradoespirito.blogspot.com.br/2012/08/conceitos-basicos-de-fisica-quantica-iv.html, http://eradoespirito.blogspot.com.br/2013/02/conceitos-basicos-de-fisica-quantica-v.html, http://eradoespirito.blogspot.com.br/2014/03/conceitos-basicos-de-fisica-quantica-vi.html  (all links accessed on  October 11, 2015).

[3] A. Kardec, Genesis, Publisher FEB, 36th Edition, Rio de Janeiro (1995).

[4] A. Kardec, The Book of Spirits, Publisher FEB, 76th Edition, Rio de Janeiro (1995).

[5] A. Kardec, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Publisher FEB, 112th Edition, Rio de Janeiro (1996).

[6] FC Xavier and W. Vieira, Study and Live, by the Spirits Emmanuel and Andre Luiz, Publisher FEB, 11th Edition, Rio de Janeiro (2005).

[7] A. Kardec, The Book of Mediums. Publisher FEB, 96th edition, Rio de Janeiro (1996).

[8] AF da Fonseca,”Physics of the Soul and Spiritism”, The Comforter 188, (2010). Link: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/188/especial.html (accessed on October 12, 2015).

[9] AF da Fonseca, "Apometry: neither Science nor Spiritism" The Reformer 2224, p. 403 (2014).

[10] AF da Fonseca, "Is the transmission of the thought a non-local phenomenon?" Journal of Spiritist Studies 2, art. n. 010,302 (2014). Access through the link:
https://sites.google.com/site/jeespiritas/volumes/volume-2---2014/resumo---art-n-010302 (Accessed on October 14, 2015).


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