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Year 9 - N° 440 - November 15, 2015

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Christina Nunes


This topic was also discussed in one of my last talks, because it is necessary to repeat this matter, due to the nonsense that occurs in current events. They are unquestionable developments of serious prejudice rooted in the absence of definitive awareness towards greater spiritual realities that await us all at any time. And one of the most regrettable consequences of this framework can be seen in the trend, still common in many, to position themselves as if in fact, before and after this bodily life, there is nothing else, no repercussions. As if the continuity of our existence along the evolutionary material journeys did not exist, without obeying continuous line of effects, rooted in causes that lie mostly on individual choices, from the smaller to the larger!

Reincarnation, effectively, is a natural fact of a Universal Law. Its dynamics affects every being on this Earth, just as each rise and sunset affects us. And each one will have the duly observation, one more time, and still once again, at the end of the transitional stays in a material body – in absentia of belief and unbelief, as well as of willful ignorance, or not, of the matter.

We often say that there is no point in someone, who is blind, denying the existence of the sunlight, just because, he is temporarily under the influence of a trial, one of his many lifetimes in a carnal body, and therefore he cannot see the light, but senses its existence beyond the heat effects of its powerful radiation in the world. In fact, the sun is still there, sovereign in Heaven, waiting for that Spirit transiting through Earth to finally rescue the gift of sight in his body of flesh, or after his passage into a wider world, when, at last, he will perceive it again! But the sun does not cease to exist due to the momentary failure of this or that one in seeing its magnificent glow that spreads every day on all the beings of Creation, instilling them with health and vigor. 

How many new "bindings" did we have?

Since we have clearly understood this point, the reality of successive lives, known for several millennia by the most diverse cultures and peoples around the world throughout human history, let us move on to the next consideration: during our countless successive bodily lives, how many languages have we spoken? How many climates did we experience? How many habits, beliefs and moods have we shared in several different cultures?

How many skin colors have we had? How many new "bindings" did we go through to take advantage of the inspired and funny definition of a dear friend within our professional environment, when she mentions reincarnation?

Indeed, in the path of our millennial experiences, it is quite likely that we have already outsourced our transitional personalities under the skin of an Asian, an African or a Dutch. We can tell you for sure that we have already been excited, bored, fought with a spade, or have been emotional or in a joyful mood under the nuances of understanding the life of countless people, who perceived their own existence, and therefore God too, with their myriad religious readings, and with a diversification of understanding, which is so wide and intricate and conflicting, if faced with the opinions of other faraway places in this world! 

The magnificent richness of life, the existence in this world, in the infinite Universe, and the various dimensions invisible to the harsh limitations of the physical senses, is a fact! This therefore makes this same life so magical, respectable, worthy of deep reverence for the Creator's ability to infinitely expand in myriad beings and nuances that never repeat themselves in their colors, and their idiosyncrasies!

And yet, the human race still remains in this small blue dot lost in the immensity of the Cosmos, in the same stubborn and painful illusion of the blind ego, although no more than transitory; in the bad habit of judging and confining everyone and everything in the smallest model of one’s choice! In the bottle more to your liking in terms of shape, color, and surface details!

What is aesthetic, superficially acceptable?

Preconception is a prior concept! A rash concept, usually distant from the authenticity of the faced reality – because it is partial, and based on a handful of opinions and ideas with which we identify ourselves, before any diversity of situation what we understand as “normal” or “common”! And the reason is that this "common" is comfortable to our ego. And everything that is different, if misunderstood, frightens, raises fears because it throws us into conflict with our own definitions with which we identify ourselves existentially, and which, for this very reason, we cannot and do not want to undo without losing track of ourselves, of our "floor"!

But it lies in the basic mistake of identifying ourselves with concepts – we become unaware of who we really are, and which has nothing to do with our ideas and transient thoughts to which we have been conditioned throughout our life!

Let us ponder! Because this is the only reason of painful dramas currently seen in daily reported cases of racial and sexual discrimination, oppression among social classes; the deplorable episodes that take place among our youth and children victimized by the today so called “bullying”, based precisely on this brutal inability to deal with respect, and even admiration and affection, before the diversity which is present in the dynamics of life!

Otherwise, let us consider: what is aesthetic, superficially acceptable? If we have already reincarnated as Japanese, English, Brazilians or Africans, having gone through thousands of spiritual stages corresponding to each of these eras and nationalities; sharing with friends and enemies, who accompanied us, experiences, joys, worries, sickness, suffering, and considering other places, their habits and values too - how can we then limit within a clause and determine what is good, attractive, and "normal"? How can we claim a universal standard, and absurdly try to impose it to the millions of beings passing through this world? 

What do we gain in mistreating Blacks, Indians or Latinos?

In a country you may find, for instance, the prevalence of the Buddhist religion, tanned or white skins, a certain political, parliamentary, imperialist or democratic system, as well as a determined language; the most different social rules, this or that vision of divinity, different paths leading to one God only.  Someone may be considered a beautiful person in some region, and in another place, with a different standard of beauty, this same person is just considered a normal person. Some also enjoy certain flavors. Others enjoy many other different flavors.

So, why are we against who is white or not, who does not speak English, or any other difference? What do we gain in oppressing and mistreating Blacks, Indians, or Latinos, when they practice a different sexual orientation, which conflicts with what is usually considered as “normal” in this regard?

What do we gain in terms of individual or group fulfillment, when we attack physically or morally the followers of the Candomblé, or the Evangelical or Protestant Church, Catholics and Spiritists? When we do this, what differentiates from common criminals, who live their lives in evil by practicing violence against their neighbors?

When somebody lives a different life, how does it affect us so adversely? We should question ourselves about this whenever we feel an impulse to judge or criticize someone

Why can we not get along harmoniously with the multiple differences present in Humanity, and the global existential context, if, under a cold analysis, none of this affects us, in fact we all benefit from the absence of sameness, with the healthy debate and growth through mutual learning obtained by the intertwining of different experiences? 

Proud Senator Publius Lentulus returned as a slave

An Indian spiritual teacher, long ago, pondered about it, illustrating the futility of what would be an oak standing up to discuss with a pine tree about being superior for one reason or another. Would this make sense? With each type of flora playing worthily their role in the vital chain, what would happen if they also started to try and prove to each other their superiority in the earthly fauna causing chaos and destruction, in a continuous and incurable gangrene.

Two works by Chico Xavier, authored by the Spirit Emmanuel, Two Thousand Years Ago, and Fifty Years Later, historical novels interlaced in their content, tell us about the evolutionary deadlock to which we arrive when this attitude reaches the extremes of oppression and practice of intolerance against our neighbor. We are told about the story of Publio Lentulus, a noble Roman senator, proud and a despot in dealing with his subordinates, and who returns in a later reincarnation as Nestorius, a slave, in the same environment of difficult social contrasts where, due to not having practiced vigilance regarding his spiritual life, he strongly contributed to root the losses triggered by the same distorted pattern when judging the world. And this pattern is still found among the people for more than two millennia!

In many cases, however, it is the same reincarnated Humanity, slowly learning how to coexist with others and the pressing needs of respect and acceptance of the differences, if what we really want is, in fact, a social advancement leading to a more peaceful scenario with an authentic quality of life, and supported by realistic values, and therefore not allowing man to identify himself any longer with the illusion of power “labels”.

Our true self is not made of transitory things... 

Ultimately, when we reach this inner improvement level, we finally understand that we are not those labels, which are convenient to the transitory satisfaction of the ego regarding our endless wishes that never satisfy our emptiness. We can only fill it when we clearly understand who we really are. And this being is not the transience of a skin color, a nationality, a language, a momentary sexual orientation, or a religious concept more akin to each conditioning stage experienced in bodily lives, due to cultural or ideological environments!

We are not height or weight. We are not the aesthetics of fashion, or what is considered its antithesis by the consumerist media standards. Still less are we the jargon of language and writing, consumers of this or that product or brand! We are not a passing bank account, or our present social class and we are not our family names or opinions!

All this will pass - in most cases very soon! Observe with exemption and you will easily see that there is a subtle gap between the real "being", truly unchanged, and all this swirl of circumstances bound to a natural end, on a long or short term!

There is an observer! There is a state of mind, of pure consciousness, free - this yes, forever, for eternity! A state of being that exists in the precepts of the unconditional love for life present in all Creation, and within its countless manifestations – the love once taught and conceived by Christ, Buddha, and many others enlightened beings, in transit through this Earth, to exemplify the safe route to a dimension of Light. Its final scope depends only on our choices, guided by respect, compassion and reverence for the sacredness of Life, existing in us, as in everyone and everything around us!


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