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Year 9 - N° 436 - October 18, 2015

Matão, SP (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Orson Peter Carrara

The soul of Spiritism

The title of the present approach inspired a book with the same name, which we published a few years ago. Its author is the Encoder of Spiritism, Allan Kardec, and it is in his speech of November 1, 1868, delivered at the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, and in the Spiritist Magazine, dated December 1868.

Referring to the communion of thoughts, in a brilliant text, within valuable considerations and expanding his lucid comments, in a particular passage, he says: Charity is the soul of Spiritism. And then by means of reasoning, he comments on charity. 

By what is said, the reader can arrive to the conclusion, together with me, about the purpose of this work to which we refer, highlighting this unique character of the Doctrine: precisely the encouraging it provides, supported by reliable bases, for the improvement of relationships, using charity as a guide and the importance of its presence in our lives.

I invite you to think about the content presented in the mentioned work and really think about the importance of charity in all its scope, so that we can both understand how the doctrinal content of Spiritism inspires people everywhere.

As a result of the above mentioned sentence, the Encoder of Spiritism wrote with great beauty:

 "(...) It (charity) summarizes all the duties of man to himself and to his fellow men, and this is the reason why we can say that there is no true Spiritist without charity (...)". (R.E. (Spiritist Magazine), December, 1868).

Yes, let us see together:

a) it sums up all the duties of man towards himself and towards his fellow men;

b) it can be said that there is no true Spiritist, if he does not practice charity.
This conclusion should guide our steps. Since we consider ourselves followers of Spiritism, this is a reliable guide of behavior, action, and a guideline for you and your relationships.

At this point we cannot forget what the Spirit Simeon (1), stated in the same sense:

"(...) If you say you are a Spiritist, then be one: forget the evil that may have been done to you, and think about only one thing: the goodness you can do to others. (…) happy, because, you can fall asleep every night saying: “I have nothing against my neighbor”.

Simeon’s recommendation is clear and in the same guidance as charity, directing it also to our heart, since, when it recommends to forget evil, it relieves us from the troubles arising from the pain kept inside and guides us to do good, opening the channels of charity.

Precious passages

With that in mind, we are very motivated to copy some precious passages of the Spiritist Magazine:

a) "(...) To love your neighbor is therefore to put aside every feeling of hatred, animosity, rancor, envy, jealousy, revenge, in short, every desire and every thought of harming someone. One must forgive our enemies and repay evil with goodness. It is to be indulgent before the imperfections of our fellow men and not look for the mote in the eye of the neighbor, when you do not see the beam in your own. It is to conceal or excuse the faults of others, rather than feeling pleasure in exposing them just as slander. It is not to make oneself worthy at the expense of others. It is not to belittle anyone under the weight of your superiority and not to despise anyone to satisfy your pride. This is the true benevolent charity, the practice of charity, without which charity is an idle word; it is the love of the spiritual Truth, as a true Christian; and the one who says: without charity there is no salvation, and does not practice this, he is then pronouncing his own condemnation, both in this and in the other world (...) "(RE, Spiritist Magazine, December 1868, in the same Discourse by Kardec, mentioned above). 

b) "(...) Follow me; I know all the misfortunes, all the pain, all the suffering, all the afflictions that beset mankind. I am the mother of orphans, the daughter of the old, the protector and support of the widows; I treat the infected wounds; I take care of all illnesses; I give clothes, bread and shelter to those who do not have it. I go up to the most wretched attics, in the humble hut; knock at the door of the rich and powerful, because everywhere where there is a human being, there is under the mask of happiness, bitterness and excruciating pain. Oh! How my task is great! (...) Come to me: I am charity. (...) Spiritism has the motto: Love and Charity, and all true Spiritists will come in the future to adjust to this sublime commandment preached by Christ (...) Follow me, brethren, and I will lead you to the Kingdom of God, our Father, I am charity". - (Adolphe, Bishop of Algeria, copy dated February 1862, in the message Charity).

c) "(...) From the day when man reached out to another man, he practiced an act of charity (...) give to those who suffer, to those who wait; to these mothers, these abandoned children, to all those disinherited, and you shall accomplish a true work. But all this is merely the common charity, that all men practice (...) The Spiritist should go further; through study and intention, the Spiritist should probe these hidden, shameful pains that erode so many beautiful and excellent natures, so many martyrs of their duty, and conscience, so many exiled of human trial (...) Ah! for these have a good heart, a delicate attention, comforting words (...) Yes, cleverly observe the wounds of all these disinherited, go to them; comfort them, give your heart, your purse, your hand, your support, because the merits of the Spiritist charity is to search gently; this is the chosen work and the intimate sense of the words so dear to the master: Without charity there is no salvation. Four words should be the basis of the spirit language: forgiveness, love, solidarity, charity". (Bernard, in the message Charity, copy dated October, 1869).

Kindness is always the sign of a beautiful soul

We also recommend reading the full text of the Open me! Carita’s Appeal, which Allan Kardec placed on the first page of the copy of December 1865. Due to the full beauty of the text, we are not copying it, but do recommend that the reader goes directly to the original publication.
We end with the expressive message and interview of St. Vincent de Paul, in the copy of August 1858 in the same Spiritist Magazine. We copied partial passages, strongly recommending the reader to go through the full text.

The noble Spirit highlights the following in his message: 

a) "Be good and charitable. This is the key to Heaven that you have in your hands; all eternal happiness is in this maxim: Love one another. The soul cannot rise to the Spiritual regions but by devotion to others; it does not find happiness and comfort but through charity; be good, help your brothers, lay aside this horrible scourge of selfishness. (...)"

b) "(...) your ills do not come but from the voluntary abandonment of the resume of all divine laws. Read therefore these burning pages of devotion to Jesus, and meditate on them. (...)"

c) "(...) Charity is the fundamental virtue, which should sustain the whole structure of earthly virtues; without it, the others do not exist; without charity there is no faith or hope; because without love there is no hope for a better luck, no moral interest to guide us. Without charity there is no faith, because faith is nothing but a pure beam that makes a charitable soul shine. (...)" 

d) "(...) Charity is the eternal anchor of salvation in all the globes: it is the purest emanation of the Creator himself; it is His own virtue, which He gives to creature. (...)".

And we point out, in part, the interview given by the same Spirit and published by Kardec in the sequence of the message in the same mentioned issue:

In answer to Question 2: "You can distinguish those who can work, and then charity obliges you to do everything possible to get them work; but there are also poor people, who can pretend they are going through misery, when they are not: as for these you have to leave them to God’s  righteousness". = The question refers to the false misery or to possible encouragement to vice and laziness. 

In answer to question 4: "It is mostly the way in which the service is supplied, that charity is truly worthwhile; goodness is always the sign of a beautiful soul". = The question refers to the way of practicing charity.
In response to question 7:
"Imitate Jesus; He told you all this; listen to Him more than ever". = The question refers to Christian’s charity.

Chapter X, item 14, of The Gospel According to Spiritism. 

Author's note:

The highlights in bold are the writer’s.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism