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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 434 - October 4, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


God helps those who early
bird catches the worm

We have learnt from the spirit doctrine that the spirits, embodied or disembodied, are never idle and during physical sleep the ties that bind the spirit to the body loose and do not need this in its presence, "it launches into space and enters more direct relation with other spirits."

This explains many dreams and also certain occurrences that people consider a miracle.

Yes, miracles for those who ignore the fact that we are always interconnected and that, therefore, even if we are lost, alone on a desert island, like a Robinson Crusoé of modern times, someone knows the fact and can, if it likes, perfectly help us.

This is what we read in a pamphlet published by the Baptist Church, Philadelphia, United States: 

After a shipwreck, the only survivor thanked God for being alive and managed to hold on to part of the wreckage in order to stay afloat.

This only survivor was stranded on a small island uninhabited and out of any navigation route, and he thanked again.

With great difficulty and debris from the wreckage, he was able to build a small shelter so he could protect himself from the sun, rain and animals and to store his few possessions, and as always thanked.

In the following days every food that he could hunt or gather, he was grateful.

However, one day when he was returning from the search for food, he found his shelter on fire, wrapped in high clouds of smoke.

Terribly desperate, he rebelled and screamed crying: "The worst has happened! I lost it all! God, why have you done this to me?"

He cried so much that he slept deeply tired.

The next early day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching.

"We came to rescue him", he was told.

"How did you know I was here?" he asked.

"We saw your smoke signal!” 

Commenting on the case, our Baptist brothers wrote: 

"It is common to feel discouraged and even desperate when things go wrong. But God works in our benefit, even in times of pain and suffering.

Remember, if someday your only shelter is on fire, this may be the smoke signal that will make Divine Grace to reach you."  

Clearly, though unusual, the fact narrated is not a miracle, because it is repeated every day in different life situations, as many people surely can confirm, as our spiritual protectors never abandon us and, without derogating eternal laws, they do everything when we need help.

There is not, teach the higher spirits, chance in our life, or bad luck, or fate.

The vicissitudes, difficulties and stumbling blocks are part of the evolutionary process as much as the providential aid, which it will come in due course.

If we are going through situations like this, and the help does not come, it's because it is not yet time for that.

We must therefore expect, but in the meantime, do the part that competes in.

"God helps those who early bird catches the worm" it says, with remarkable accuracy, an old and wise saying.



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