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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 9 - N° 425 - August 2, 2015

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Alligator And The Frog


One day, hopping by the side of a river, a little frog saw a large alligator and hid among the plants while his terrified heart beat fast. The frog did not know what to do as he was very afraid of alligators, especially a large and ugly one like that!

The little frog waited for a long time but the alligator should be sleeping while he sunbathed because he did not move. So the little frog, finding courage, approached him slowly but already getting ready to flee if necessary.

As the alligator was motionless, filling himself with more courage, the little frog passed by him, but suddenly the alligator attacked. Vapt!...

- Help! Help! Help me! - the little frog croaked,


And the alligator, having the little one stuck under his big front leg, snapped:

- Now you can't escape me, silly frog! You thought you could deceive me? I'm a lot smarter than you think!

And the frog with folded hands, begged:

- Mister Alligator, have mercy on me! I am small and if you devour me you will not be satisfied! If you would like, I can find you another frog much larger than me to satisfy you!

- Oh, really?!... - said the alligator, which was old and did not have so much agility to hunt anymore, as his eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

- Yes, sir! I see that you deserve so much better than me, a poor frog that has nothing to offer you.

- Oh my... So if you promise me a better lunch, I think I can let you go free. However, I will be behind you. Do not think that you can fool me, little frog.

- Far from me to think such a thing about you, Mister Alligator! Let's go! I know where to find lunch that is good for you.

And the smart frog took the alligator to a field where there were many animals: deer, zebras and a lot of other animals. The alligator, with his large mouth watering and his eyes glowing with satisfaction to see so much food, thanked the frog and went in search of his food.

As he moved, the animals, who were more agile than him, would escape and he would get alone. Soon he got tired of that situation and, feeling a need of water,
wanted to go back to the river bank where his home was but could not find it anymore. He was lost! So he started yelling:

- Frog! Frog! Where are you? I want to go back to my house but can't find the way. Besides, I need to get into the water! I need water! Help! Help!

The frog, who was hiding and watching the alligator hunt, took pity on him and showed up.

- What happened, Mister Alligator? Did you not get your food? Animals abound here as I promised you.

- Take me back to my river! I need water or I will die! I feel very tired...

- All right, as long as you do not threaten me anymore, I'll take you there!

So the frog took the alligator close to his river and he was so grateful they became friends. And from that day on, the frog would climb on the back of the large alligator and slide across the river, showing all the animals that they were friends.

One day, the alligator went to visit his friend the frog but could not find him. Worried, he decided to look for him and found him hiding from a younger alligator and unable to defend himself.

So the alligator faced the other one who was his colleague and said:

- Do not mess with my frog! He's my friend and I do not want anyone to do anything against him, do you understand?

- Yes, I understand! I will not do anything to him, I promise! - said the younger alligator.

So the frog and alligator became great friends and always defended each other because of the gratitude they felt for one another.


(Psychographed on 08.06.2015.)


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