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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 413 - May 10, 2015
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Francisco Habermann:

“Trust is the basis of
therapeutic success”

A Spiritist from birth, a doctor and lecturer in the Brazilian city
of Botucatu, our interviewee this week talks to us
about health and spirituality

Francisco Habermann (photo) was born in a Spiritist family in the city of Leme and is based in Botucatu, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He is retired Medicine lecturer and doctor, specialised in Nephrology. He is also a member of the Spiritist Centre Joanna de Ângelis and the Medical-Spiritist Association of Botucatu. In this interview,  Mr  Ha-

bermann answers to several questions about medicine and spirituality. 

As a doctor in the area of Nephrology, focusing on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, what would you say to patients who are aware of the immortality of the soul? 

If prevention is the basis of physical health, for the eternal Spirit prevention means the spiritualisation of our being. Prevention can keep away illnesses that could potentially cause long-term damage to our spiritual body (perispirit) during and between our many incarnations. Among those illnesses are fixed ideas, neuroses, behavioural disturbances people are born with, Spiritual infections and many others. It is important to say that science will one day accept the determinant role spirituality plays in human health. Until then, religion will do that job. 

How do you assess health problems such as hypertension, obesity, sedentary life and smoking in the light of Spiritism and our commitment to spiritual progress? 

There is a direct link between the common behaviour of so many people, who neglect cardiovascular risk factors, and events that precipitate their passing away. Modern medicine is already studying the impact of the so-called “potential years of life lost”. We need to look after our bodies but we also need to take preventive measures in relation to our spirituality, so that we are able to make the most of our incarnation and advance spiritually. The Spiritual Benefactors teach us that we must put into practice the principle of ‘mens sana in corpore sano’.  

What can be said about the prevention of the main avoidable causes of “lost years of life”? 

During an incarnation, a Spirit can be distracted by the glitter of the physical world and may well incur in avoidable suffering, bringing about illnesses that will precipitate a precocious death. While the idea of the immortality of the soul is usually born with us, many people remain unaware of the need to look after their health in order to make the most of their incarnation on earth. That leads not only to the loss of useful years of life, but the loss of essential time for the Spirit, who will have to return for compulsory reincarnations aimed at repairing the damage done. As the Spirit André Luiz said, spiritual development does not come without a price. 

With your experience in Medicine and Spiritism, what is your assessment of human life and its battles? 

Human suffering has many palpable aspects. They all denounce our lack of understanding of our existence as a spiritual blessing from God. I get sad when patients receive a donated kidney and neglect it, losing the transplanted organ. As a professional, I get seriously concerned when patients ignore medical recommendations to change their habits. The good news come from a groups of brave professionals, doctors and researchers of various religious affiliations in Brazil who have dedicated their efforts to carry out high quality research showing the links between physical health and spirituality. Medicine in the 21st Century has a new paradigm: Spirituality. And many groups of researchers in Brazil and abroad are now doing research on light forms of energy, the power of thought and healing in animals and human beings, following the most strict scientific standards. 

How does faith influence our health? In other words, is religion a form of therapy? How and why? 

The operational concept of Medicine is well known: trust is the basis of therapeutic success. We have to start with the theoretical knowledge of Medicine. With that as a given, faith enables a patient’s health to recover, but that is not always the case, as merit to be cured is contained in the Spiritual memory of each one of us, imprinted on our Spiritual body. Faith must be defined here as the Spiritual illumination of either the patient or the doctor. Religion, however, is an important collective tool, gathering whole communities, and thus provides power and support to weakly or ill individuals. Religion is an important therapeutic resource, recognised as such by the World Health Organisation. 

Your final thoughts, please. 

Nothing is lost when there is a perfect relationship between doctor and patient, especially when there is spiritual synergy. The results, however, depend on our merits according to the law of action and reaction and the guidance from the Spiritual Benefactors. But we must help each other and any good willing person can and must do it, as recommended in the Gospel.



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism