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Year 8 - N° 404 - March 8, 2015

São João Del Rei, MG (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Leonardo Marmo Moreira

The perispirit and the etheric double and their relationwith human magnetism and
health in general

The perispirit is also called spiritual body, astral body, psychosoma, biological organization model (BOM), among other names. It corresponds to the semi-material body, which serves as the interface between the Spirit itself and the material body. Besides the perisprit itself, the called etheric double or vital body is also a semi-material structure, in this case more materialized than the perispirit properly considered, and it functions as an intermediate structure between the perispirit and the physical body.

Considering the constant search for the so-called "full health" of the incarnate Spirit, the perispirit and the etheric double cannot be neglected in our studies and considerations. 

Perispirit: a new frontier of medicine 

Doctor Decio Iandoli Junior said on one occasion that "the perispirit is the new frontier of medicine". Indeed, the concept of health has significantly changed and is no longer associated solely to the absence of disease, but it also promotes health in many different levels of human activity. In this context, the Doctrine provides an important input because it clarifies the triple composition of the human being (Spirit/Perispirit, including, in this simplified approach, the etheric double/physical body), and the consequent implications in terms of signs and symptoms, and even in terms of the individual's social behavior.

Waldo Vieira says that "very rarely do we have interpersonal encounters in which the fluid is neutral. Normally, someone gives and the other one receives". Note that such information does not refer to an obsession, because if someone unconsciously "sucks" our fluidic emanations, this can happen through someone who wishes us good and who we might never see again.  Therefore, this is not featured as a "persistent influence," as is the case of an obsession, but only an unconscious fluid transfusion. 

Among us some say: "I am a fluidic sponge" 

This process often causes great discomfort to the one that donates the fluid, who often says, "I am a lightning rod! I am a fluidic sponge". This type of complaint is because the fluid donor can suffer from headaches, drowsiness, laziness, unexplained bad mood, indisposition, among others, without the presence of any obsessing disembodied Spirit. If we consider that some people experience this type of process many times in a single week (because they are in contact with different environments and/or people), we become aware of how seriously "human magnetism" can affect our health.

It is interesting to note that individuals who have greater ease to donate fluid, which originates vital fluid, commonly called "ectoplasm", end up suffering more with these unconscious "fluidic transfusions". In this context, the so-called "magnetizers" and/or "healing mediums" are individuals who need to be more careful not to be often affected by a process of loss of energy, and, what is worse, assimilate negative fluids, which are difficult to neutralize.

Knowing this, we focus on the defense mechanisms that we use to avoid unwanted negative impacts. Then what do we have to do to maintain an internal balance of fluid-energy, becoming less affected by these types of unconscious "vampires"? 

The importance of the Gospel worship at home 

The Spiritist Doctrine teaches us that the habit of prayer and meditation regarding our higher goals in life; the daily reading of uplifting and moral messages (we suggest "The Gospel According to Spiritism", books with messages on evangelical verses of Emmanuel, books with uplifting messages of Andre Luiz, among others); the reading of the Gospel at home at least once a week (and if possible on a daily basis); attending the Spiritual Center frequently (at least once a week and better if two to three times), and, of course, the effort in our moral betterment  are the key features to raise our spiritual vibration and, therefore, improve the fluid of our perisprit/etheric double, even if we are subject to influences and contacts that affect our energies.

In addition to the topics discussed in the previous paragraph, to receive the laying on of hands at the already mentioned above meetings at the Spiritual Center would help very much to avoid the negative influences that come from our fellows with coarser fluids. Matthieu Tubino, author of "A vital fluid called Ectoplasm" and "Health and Ectoplasma/The action of Ectoplasm: practical insight and philosophical dissertations", emphasizes the efficiency of the laying on of hands, in a dispersive manner, to improve a number of symptoms in adults and children. 

Techniques used with success 

Anyway, some techniques have been used with significant success, aiming at a constant state of "fluidic self-defense", which reduces our magnetic susceptibility. Jacob Melo ("The Laying on of Hands", "Heal Yourself and Heal by the laying on of hands"); "Manual for the one who practices the laying on of hands" and "The cure of depression by magnetism") and Waldo Vieira ("Projections of Consciousness"/Library Allan Kardec Publisher-LAKE ), among other authors, suggest that to walk, to shower ("magnetic shower") and to practice the diaphragm breathing are interesting resources that help us maintain our individual fluid balance, even when we have frequent contact with negative fluidic environments. This individual fluid balance is directly related to the energy conditions of the perispirit and the etheric double. 

Thus, the search for the so called good health is not restricted to the Spirit and physical body only, but it also includes the work guided to the health of the Perispirit and the Etheric double, as well as the interactions between each of these human structures.

The growing study of human magnetism, which was recommended by Allan Kardec, from the time of Franz Anton Mesmer and other classical authors (The Marquis of Puysegur; Deleuze; Du Potet; Lafontaine; Hector Durville, and so on) to contemporary scholars, should be, therefore, a topic considered within the doctrinal deepening goals of the directors of the Spiritist Centers, lecturers, scholars and Spiritist mediums, as one of several issues that we need in our individual studies and the ones performed by Spiritist Centers.


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