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Year 8 - N° 403 - March 1st, 2015

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Christina Nunes

The solution is outside the square 

According to etymological dictionaries the origin of the word religion comes from the Latin "re-ligare" meaning reconnecting, connecting again. Thus, we arrive to the conclusion that the word religion means to reconnect again our ties with God. To do so, however, we must accept that, somehow and at some point, we cut our ties with God and with the source of Life that nourishes, and surrounds us, and penetrates everything in the Universe.

However, there is something still unclear. When were these ties broken? Was there a moment in history when this happened? Or does this occur always and intermittently, since from the very beginning, when man sensed in a very rudimentary way that he belonged to a sovereign Author, who gave him life? Or was it when the souls, going through the tortuous paths of many lives in a succession of reincarnations, arrived to a more clear awareness that there was a wise and perfect Intelligence from which their own life originated? Man has an inherent instinctive impulse to look for the help and inspiration of a Strength or Supreme Being. Contemplating the starry infinity above, man intuit the manna of all the spiritual nourishment needed to move forward on his hard learning day - thus originating faith - and thus he became responsible for the creation of countless religions. These religions were born concomitantly with multiple temperaments of people and from cultures, social contexts and different views of life. 

We need a more rational religiousness 

However, in the endless succession of historical facts, today we are aware with more clearness of an issue, which under a closer analysis, offers us an impasse. Would the positive influence of an institutionalized religious format  be an efficient help for all serious dilemmas of humanity with its moral dramas, wars, political and social problems?

Based on only the established beliefs about theoretical theological contents, and speeches in pulpits or rostrum, or still on the reading of sacred books forged by man himself? Or what we need most, with the severe global crisis in full planetary transition, is something that requires from us a more practical and rational religiousness - especially demanding from us a larger share of responsibility for our attitudes and their consequences, putting us as co-authors of our own history, and rejecting the comfortable attitude of imputing to God's punishments all the evils that happen to us, as if they do not belong to us?

A religiousness - as a reference of a more spiritual lifestyle, implying maturity about choices that create endless repercussions for us and for our neighbor, at each initiative on a short or long term?

This premise is supported by the same Universal Laws that govern us, discussed and explained today in sync by several scientific fronts and current philosophies, mystique, or even religious.

Coding books and several other Spiritist books mention how the Law of Cause and Effect operates along our successive lives.

The  Law of Attraction is mentioned in the reputed postulates of the Jewish Kabbalah and in daily discussions in the media. And ever since ancient times, from Buddhism to Hinduism, all religions proclaimed the maximum "do to others just what you want for yourself ". 

From the Middle Ages up to today very little has changed 

Early this year we were shocked as the tragedy in Paris echoed all over the world - the massacre in a satirical French weekly magazine carried out by Islamic radical extremists. Unfortunately, these terrorist acts are wrongly associated to religion itself, but the prophets and messengers of the divine light never encouraged violence as a response to the ideological sensitivities within religious territory.

Therefore, there was a disproportionate response to the perceptions of the French cartoonists, and we do not know to what extent they were aware of being wrong about the religious values of other men. Curiously, a similar case happened, during Middle Ages when the French crown ended up supporting the Catholic despotism to unleash the brutal Albigensian Crusade, in the Languedoc region, due to differences of interpretation and conduct regarding Jesus' message, which at the time threatened especially the control of consciences and political/religious supremacy of Catholicism over the Cathars, burning them alive in the hateful fires of Inquisition.

From that time to now, centuries have gone by, but what changed? In essence, not much. Economic, political, religious investments, or mere opinions, always, and somehow, are and will be confronted by the thinker who dares make use of his freedom of expression, of his thought - even if undeniably and improperly regarding other people's values, if what he wants for a civilized society is precisely the respect for ideological and faith differences of the individual or population. However, to what conclusion can we arrive from all these repetitive and painful events throughout History? If we are impartial and "impersonal", we can say that from the Middle Ages up to today very little has changed. 

It is necessary and urgent to respect differences 

We are living an irreversible process with a progressive globalization, territorial borders attenuated, and an increasing widespread of news. With all this, how can we still live and maintain inflexible and orthodox formats regarding religions? Effective and irreversibly, there is enough information, crossed knowledge all over the world, information clarifying all matters for individual choices, so why do we not review the urgency of peaceful coexistence between the different mentalities, different world temperaments and understandings about what is or what is not divine, and the many ways of dealing with the problem in favor of human progress.

At this moment of great pain, experienced by the French and Muslims, in the clash of opinions, the most sensible immediately reflect about the converging points of countless temperaments, of the many religious trends in the world. It is necessary to urgently learn to respect differences and to enhance our neighbor's virtues, whether Muslims, Christians, Jewish or Buddhist. We also have to learn to enhance and respect their best views of religiousness, instead of suffocating and voiding them, especially privileging our private perceptions and rooted in several cultural contexts. If we proceed to an adequate analysis, we will surprisingly arrive to the conclusion that they all point to the same direction and their purpose is  the same: the need to find peace in the inner recesses of every human creature.

We need more religiousness than religions 

This direction, however, hopelessly is "outside the square". Of any religious "square", institutionalized or not. Out of that that formula, which has already proved to be a failure for the proper harmonization between people, if what we want is a kind of life in this planet, so that we will never see again a "September Eleven" or a "Charlie Hebdo".

It is the formula that favors more the religiousness attitude instead of the format or religious label. The one who will finally recognize, with daily practice, that the cream of the religious message brought by successive prophets and teachers, who visited us in pure mission Love through the world, arriving from more evolved dimensions of the Universe, does not belong only to Christianity, to Islam, to Spiritism, and not only to the Bible, the Torah or the Koran.

The most important part of this Message tells us that in a future, more or less distant, those boundaries will also disappear and that, without the need of the support of mere religious labels, which separate and trigger wars, man will live adding to himself the best essence of what one day was intended to be a perfect religion, present in all religious currents that have existed and still exist, focused on the good in the world: the essence of the supreme Love for Life, existing in himself as a man and in his neighbor!

The vital power that is in every creature on this planet, and also in other worlds scattered in the Infinite, as in the countless dimensions, which man does not even suspect of, gradually encourages his greatest spiritual awakening. 

The value of life is the same for all people 

We must learn that the ultimate solution to pacify people is "outside the square"! Of the so many rigid formats that even nowadays many cling to preserving a basically selfish version of life. Formats and religious, political, and economic labels that are not efficient for the solution of the greatest hardships endured by the material and spiritual human race. And after so much suffering, and what we learn through the pain of these collective experiences, we will gradually arrive to a time in which all social contexts will fail on its own, inflexible and separatist formulas!

Only then will we be able to see that Life has the same value for all people who want peace and happiness instead of tears and pain, and humanity will be more unified, enjoying the generous wealth of a prodigal planet. And all of us, in possession of this new understanding, will finally tend to unify, and to enhance the rich diversity of existence - not the illusion of rigid formats of oppressive and inflexible ideologies that generate conflicts and sufferings, in all sectors of society!

And blessed will be those times, when the Divine and the Universe will be understood and will peacefully come together and the people of an orb will not need any religion, because man will be aware that the seed of the Light Source lies in him, like a blessed lighthouse, guiding him safely and making him responsible for each choice leading him to live harmoniously, always based on the harvest of a permanent seeding of Love, Respect and Religiousness!


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