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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 400 - February 8, 2015

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Football Game


This family was beloved by how gentle, kind and attentive they were with everyone in the neighborhood. The only problem was Henry, the eight year-old son who had a horrible temper.

He was the terror of the neighborhood!

He would create a commotion for anything. Playing ball in the street with the neighbors was a problem. If he did not win the game, he would get furious!

His friends would soon notice it: Henry would turn red, then his anger exploded by kicking and screaming everywhere. The ball, he would throw away as hard as he could and the kids, with their jaws dropped, could only watch to see where it would end up.

Or, if he was angry with someone, he would just distribute slaps and kicks all around, not worrying who would get hit.

Thus, no one wanted to play with him, and he complained to his mother of his lack of friends. His mother, full of patience, would say:

- Son, try to control your temper, which sucks! It just takes you getting angry and you start hitting everyone!...

Henry, would hang his head, sad, and explain:

- It is just that I can’t control myself! When I'm angry, I see nothing in front of me! I become blind and do not know what I'm doing! Help me, mommy! I'm sad because I do not have friends anymore...

With great affection, his mother considered:

- Honey, you must learn to control yourself! We have two sides: the animal nature and the hominal or human nature.

- What does it mean, mom? - asked the boy, his eyes wide open.

- It means that we have already belonged to the animal phase at the beginning of life on the planet, when we had to defend ourselves from wild animals and humans to get food, protect our family, our home and our lives.

- Wow! It must have been very difficult!

- It certainly was difficult because size and strength were what prevailed.

- Mom, and when did the hominal nature appear? - Henry asked, interested.

- After millions of years as a result of our inner changes, we moved on to the hominal or human kingdom. Thus, we evolved, leaving the aggressiveness behind and becoming more loving and fraternal with our brothers.

- Ah!... So we improved...

- Yes, until we became what we are today: more friendly to each other, fraternal, loving, exercising patience, tolerance, and forgiving when we are harmed by someone, or when we are hurt and injured. Get it?

- More or less, Mom. Just like... Something that does not turn out the way we would like when we're playing football and lose the game?

- That's right, Henry.

- Ah! So we have to accept it and not fight the opposing team?

- Exactly, my dear! Because there will always be those who win and those who lose! It is a law of life! One day you lose and the other you win. Isn’t it how it works?

- It is! - He said, nodding.

- So we can’t always win. It will depend on the way we play. If we do not win, we have to understand that the other team played better, and respect the outcome!

The boy lowered his head, unhappy:

- But I do not know how to lose, Mom!... Then the blood boils and I start fighting, throwing punches and kicks - Henry said, upset.

- You need to learn that every day is a new and wonderful experience! Imagine if the winners were always the same, and you were in the other team?

- Ouch! In that case, I would always lose! ...

- That's right. So what you, as an intelligent player, should do?

The boy thought for a moment and replied:

- I should prepare myself better to beat the other team.

- Very well. You are right! - said the mother clapping, satisfied.

- So I will show that I am better and I am more prepared to win. With no need to fight anyone! - completed Henry, wide-eyed, before his smiling mother.

- Perfect. Do you understand now why the teams shake hands after a game? Because they recognize that the other was better!

- It is true. No one comes out fighting. Doing the right thing, we will not have problems in a game and in life.

Henry, his eyes bright with excitement hugged his mother, happy to have understood that reality that would serve him as a guide for all his existence in the family, at school, at work, anywhere.

Then cheerful, he told his mother that he was going out to make amends with his friends.

- Do not worry, Mom. I will not fight with anyone! 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 10/11/2014.) 



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