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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 394 - December 21, 2014
Matão, SP (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Isabela Pereira Dias Esperança:

“Humberto de Campos, the writer whose aim is to write constructively”

The teacher and researcher talks about the work dictated from the Spirit World by the Brazilian author, who passed away 80 years ago

Part 2 (Final)

Isabela Pereira Dias Esperança (photo), Portuguese and Spanish Language and Literature teacher in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, is a passionate researcher of the work dictated from the Spirit World by Humberto Campos, who also signed as Irmão X (Brother X). She also works as a volunteer at the Filhos da Luz Spiritist Centre in her home-

town of Barra Mansa. In this interview, which has been published in two parts, she talks about the 80th anniversary, in December 2014, of the passing of Humberto de Campos. The first part was published in last week’s edition: 

What changed in Humberto de Campos after he passed away and came back as the Spirit, Humberto? 

The first book dictated by the Spirit of Humberto de Campos, Crônicas de Alem-Túmulo (Chronicles from Beyond the Grave), was published in 1937, three years after he passed away. In the preface, the author admits his materialistic past and says he used to consider unrealistic and idealistic any concepts of life after death. He says that his anger and bitterness in the face of adversities prevented faith from flourishing in his troubled heart. He got to know Spiritism, but he did not allow it to reach him with its comforting message. As he said, “the worst patient is the one who has tried all known medication”. When he woke up in the Spirit World, he was surprised and amazed as he was certain that the grave would mark the end of everything. What he found had nothing to do with the prevalent religious concepts, with angels, heaven and hell. He describes the new reality in the book. The work of Humberto de Campos in the Spirit World is that of an intelligent and educated Spirit who has awaken and eagerly tries to regenerate his heart. He writes in the preface of Boa Nova (Good News): “There are Educated Spirits and Evangelised Spirits. I now ask God to bless my hope of belonging to the latter”. 

And what was the outcome of the Irmão X, or Brother X, controversy? 

The widow of Humberto de Campos took the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) to court for the copyright of the books written by the medium, Francisco Cândido Xavier. The case allowed Spiritism to prove the authenticity and the value of the Spiritual Teachings, which are in truth universal truths that do not belong to any one in particular. The cause of Spiritism gained form the case, which went to Court. Chico Xavier had to go to court to defend his mediumship. In a letter to the FEB president from 23 November 1944 he urges fellow Spiritists to help him by praying in silence and not by trying to defend him. Very often, we do like Peter and we pull out our sword to defend Jesus, Spiritism and the truth. In reality, they are perfectly capable of defending themselves. And Chico Xavier suffered when he saw other Spiritists, who had so much knowledge about the Gospel and the Teachings of Jesus, become fierce fighters. They often left behind the Christian values and the ideals of charity, as well the Teachings of Spiritism. Jesus said that he would send his disciples to the world like sheep among the wolves. Humberto de Campos describes in Novas Mensagens (New Messages) a meeting in the Spiritual World with many fellow companions of Allan Kardec who discussed the future of Spiritism. He says that they were told to focus on Europe and the US, where there were much anxiety and disturbance. The renewal in those areas would come with a great deal of pain, tears and blood, but a new society would flourish from the ruins of Western society, he says. 

What is the main aspect of the texts written by Humberto, the Spirit? 

In A Letter to my Mother he says: “I would like to go back to the world I left to be your son again, to be a boy again to learn how to pray in your holy manner in the face of adversities”. Humberto de Campos was very poor and had a very difficult childhood, having been born in an underdeveloped area of Brazil. He had little access to formal education but went all the way up to the Brazilian Literary Academy. Before passing away, he had in his hands the book of poems written through mediumship by Chico Xavier. But he rejected it, reacting with cynicism and irony. When he arrived in the Spirit World, he finally accepts Jesus. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

In chapter 20 of his Crônicas de Além-Túmulo, Humberto de Campos describes a meeting in Minas Gerais with Peter. He was surprised by the apostle’s presence in Brazilian lands, but Peter explains that Brazil had an important role to play in the work of Jesus. Brazil is the heart of the world and the home of the Gospel of Jesus, our guide and model, who invites us to renounce with courage and determination, reassuring us that he will be with us. In several short stories and chronicles in this book Humberto de Campos makes it clear that the Spiritual Benefactors, guided by Ismael, are urging us to spread love and charity throughout our country. But as he points out, “the work of Ismael has to begin inside each one of us”. 

Your final thoughts, please. 

The Spirit of Truth, in chapter VI of The Gospel According to Spiritism asks us: “Spiritists, love one another! That is the first lesson! Educate yourselves, here is the second one!” Many of the narratives of Humberto de Campos in the pages written in trance by Chico Xavier describe events in which the writer takes part. He shares with us his experiences and learning process.


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