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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 391 - November 30, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Bath


Twelve year-old Roger was a smart and intelligent boy who got along with everybody because he was very nice. But he had a serious problem: he did not like bathing and, as much as his mother tried, Roger always managed to avoid it.

His mother would begin the day by asking him kindly:

- Son, it's time to take a shower! Do not forget that you have little time to get ready to go to school.

The boy would respond, agreeing:

- I know, Mom. But first, I need to prepare my backpack. Then I'll take a shower.

- So, hurry up then! Otherwise you will be late for school.

But the boy would spend his time in his room and when he left it, he was always in a hurry:

- Mom, I will not have time to shower now. I'm late. I will take a shower when I come back, okay?

The mother, disgusted, would reply:

- Roger, but are you going to school dirty? Your teachers and classmates will notice, dear!

The boy would laugh, amused:

- Nah, mom! No one will notice. My uniform is not dirty and I sprayed a bit of perfume on, check it out! - And he approached his mother so she could smell the pleasant smell it spread in the air.

His mother was unhappy, but could do nothing.

- All right, dear. Godspeed! But before lunch, you will have to take a shower, do not forget it.

Returning from school, Roger would get home, throw his backpack on the couch and run to the table, where everything was prepared for the family lunch. His mother would put the food platters on the table and say:

- Roger, you're forgetting to shower.

- Oh, mom! Not now. I'm starving. I have not eaten at school!

The mother agreed, at the father's request, and Roger had lunch, satisfied. His sister, sitting next to him, could smell the stench coming from him and complained:

- Roger, your clothes are dirty and you stink!

- Even you, Lucy? You are all on my case! Has everyone decided to nag at me now? - he complained.

The father, who until that time had not said anything, gave his opinion:

- Roger, bathing is a basic rule of health and wellness in life. Why do you run away from the water?

- Dad, I'm not running. It is just that today I have not had time to shower, that's it!

- Very well. Then, after lunch you are going straight to the shower, got it?

Roger looked sad, but soon remembered something and said,

- After lunch will not do. My teacher said it's bad to shower immediately after meals!

- So, after a while, you'll finally take your shower, right? - said his father.

The boy agreed and, after finishing the meal, went to his room. He stayed there for several hours playing video games until his mother came in to bring some clean and ironed clothes. Roger saw the clothes and perked up:

- Yay! Clean clothes. I need them! ...

His mother nodded in agreement and added:

- It is true. But before you change clothes you have to shower first, do not forget.

- Mom, but you are really on my case! Everyone only talks about it!

- Of course, dear. Everyone here at home notices that you flee from personal hygiene. I imagine that at school it should be the same. Aren’t you ashamed, Roger? Why do you refuse to shower so much?

Mentally the boy thought of a reply. Suddenly remembering the lessons they read in their weekly meeting of the Gospel at home, he answered, full of himself:

- It is just that we have read the other day that the important thing is the Spirit who is immortal, isn’t it? So I thought that bathing is not so necessary! ...

His mother found her child’s excuse funny but stated:

- Roger, nowhere in the Gospel we read that bathing is not important. On the contrary! We have to take care of body and spirit, for the body is the vehicle with which the Spirit works here on Earth: with it we move, work, study, progress. If the body gets sick, the Spirit is prevented from carrying out its actions. And lack of cleanliness, son, is good only for viruses and bacteria that will take over the body and can lead to physical death. Get it? Would you like to get sick because of it?

Roger opened his eyes really wide, as he listened scared to what his mother said.

- I never thought it was so serious, mom!...

The mother left the room, letting her son think about all she had said.

Before long, Roger showed up in the living room clean and fresh. He had his hair wet and neatly combed, he wore clean clothes and a good smell of soap emanated from him.

The whole family was happy. And Roger was too because, as a matter of fact, after the shower he felt a great feeling of well-being and joy. 


(Psycographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 27/10/2014.)



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