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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 385 - October 19, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Octavius' Gluttony


As usual, Octavius woke up very hungry. He got ready and went to the kitchen where his mother was fixing breakfast.

He sat at his usual place and fed himself very well: he ate a papaya, a banana and some oranges; not yet satisfied, he had two glasses of milk with lots of sugar, accompanied by two sandwiches, pieces of cake and some cookies.

His mother watched him in silence. Then, barely able to walk,  Octavius rose from  his  chair  and

grabbed his backpack for school. Before leaving, he took his hand to his belly and showing pain on his face, he said:

- Mom, I'm not feeling well today. I wonder why!?...

The mother looked at him sadly and replied:

- Certainly because your stomach is too full, dear. I always warn you not to overeat. Our bodies can't take it! ...

- Ah, but my teacher said that we must feed ourselves well to be able to learn better!

His mother considered, with a smile:

- Your teacher is absolutely right. Good nutrition helps the brain to think better. I'm sure, however, that she did not refer to exaggerating at the table. When we overeat, our body slows down, we can't think well and we feel the need to rest.

- Okay, Mom, I understand. But could you give me a remedy for the stomach? Like this, I will not be able to study.

The mother, full of pity, gave him a few drops to drink. Soon Octavius felt better and went to school.

However, that situation always repeated. One day, when he felt really unwell after lunch and needed to lie down, his mother sat on the edge of his bed, and advised him:

- Octavius, you can't go on like this! You are getting fat and, if you do not stop, over time, you will not pass through the door! ... If you felt fine,

I would not say anything, but you always feel sick or unwell!... You need to think about your health. God gave us a perfect and healthy body for life, but you are trying to destroy the body that you received!

As the boy was sleepy, his mother closed the curtains and left him alone. With the room in dim light, he closed his eyes sleepily.

Suddenly, Octavius found himself in a different place, where there were many children like him: all huge and with problems for overeating.

A friendly young man, smiling, talked to them explaining:

- God gave us our body to be used carefully. So, do not forget that the body's organs are alive and subject to education just like you. Without changing your thoughts towards healing, and without using will power to control your appetite at the table, the remedies will be useless.

The children were frightened, and one of them asked:

- I want to cure myself of gluttony! But I do not know how to do it!

And the young man, who looked like an angel with his bright clothing, smiled, and his face lit up:

- Prayer is always our best resource in the good times and in times of difficulties. So pray, asking the support of Jesus whenever you need it. Especially when you feel like doing something wrong.

- Like overeating? - asked Octavius.

- Exactly, Octavius. However, also use prayers when you feel like fighting with someone, offending or humiliating someone else, cursing, criticizing or anything that is negative for someone. Before making an enemy, say a prayer and you will not regret it...

Suddenly, Octavius woke up in his bed. He looked around for the other kids, especially the so likable young man who taught them like a teacher does. However, he was alone in his room.

He sat on the bed, stretched, and rubbed his eyes, muttering:

- I must have dreamed it!...

He got up and went to look for his mother, full of good intentions. Seeing him all smiles, she asked him what had happened, and Octavius told her his dream, concluding:

- Mommy, the young man taught us that prayer is the best medicine for gluttony. And that we need to control our thoughts and use our will to overcome what is negative in us ... - Octavius was happy and ran to embrace his mother, saying:

- It was Jesus who sent him to help us! I'll never overeat nor fight with anyone again. I understand that the lesson he brought is to help us. We need to start being better inside so we are better to others.

And that morning, Octavius sat down and ate a piece of papaya, drank a glass of milk and ate a bagel with butter. The mother asked:

- Anything else, son?

- No, Mom. I ate enough.

The mother embraced her son and elevated her thought to God, thanking the help that He had sent her through the enlightened young man, the Spiritual Friend who charmed Octavius.



(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 08/11/2014.)



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