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Year 8 - N° 383 - October 5, 2014

Muriaé, Minas Gerais (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Rogério Coelho

Relentless multidisciplinary plan to sabotage Spiritism

Without Spiritism, the Doctrine of Jesus would still be suffocated within the walls of dogmas created by men distant from the essence and basis of Christianity

Part 1 

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand". - Jesus. (Mt 24:25.)

In his book Around the Master, Vinicius, pen name of Pedro de Camargo, imitating Tostoy, tells us an interesting story, which we can summarize like this:

"(...) Satan, the prince of demons, facing the Nazarene, whose body hung from the infamous cross, erected on top of the Calvary, exclaimed: "Wretch! You died thanks to the perfidious insinuations I suggested to the Pontiffs and Pharisees, but in what is this vain victory useful to me, if Your Doctrine has already been understood and assimilated by those who practice and propagate it? Damn! My kingdom is destroyed forever. I had my revenge, by dragging You to the gallows of the cross, however, this does not affect you, because you are willing to be sacrificed".

Babbling these last words, Satan bowed his black wings over his slender body and disappeared into a large crack that opened in the ground, as a suicide that casts himself into the wide abyss. Falling into the depths of Hell, he remained unconscious, in a silent and gloomy environment where the darkness of the night could have been instead a sun, if only light could enter such a den, the headquarters of the diabolical reign.

A century, two centuries, three centuries have passed ... Satan stood motionless, his horns between his claws, struggling to forget the fact that had caused his ruin. However, despite this, he could not think of anything else.

Suddenly, after a long time had passed, he heard some movement around him. He peered intently and distinguished the sinister noise of chains being dragged, along with piercing groans, screams, curses and gnashing of teeth...

Hell was back running at full steam

Then Satan rose hardly believing his ears, but it was real: Hell was back running at full steam! But how? How did they restore my kingdom after the victory of the Crucified?

Coming out of his cavern, he asked the first subordinate he found: "Hell was restored? What became of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ?".

Glad to see the almighty boss, the subordinate replied, "Learn, respectable Chief that our kingdom is as firm as before... Every day you open the gates of hell to let in hundreds of sinners. The teachings of the Divine Master did not affect us because we managed to adulterate them, introducing misconceptions.

Soon after the destruction of our empire, we paid attention to the men who practiced the fearsome doctrine of Mary's Son. They lived happily. They loved one another, had properties in common. There was not, nor could there have been jealousy or strife or rivalry between them. They paid evil with good, always forgiving. People, who came near them, became a follower of that Faith such was the living force of its exemplification. Now, in such conditions, they were inaccessible to our influences, however efforts we employed.

However, suddenly a slight divergence rose between them regarding mere formality matters. Thus, each one said that circumcision was imperative. Others referred to other Jewish ritual ceremonies, and were of the opinion that they should not despise them at all. They spoke about fasting, ablutions, water baptism, the sacred Host, and so on. That is when we took action, suggesting to each group not to give in regarding their point of view concerning those important questions for the salvation of souls.

A rush of blood flooded the Earth

The poison began to soak in... Selfishness and pride started to awaken, discussions were getting hot. Finally, the schism happened... The most important ones, who had distinguished themselves throughout the discussions, organized a strong party, with headquarters in Rome, allying to the civil and political power of the century. They created a Court from where they decreed the new articles of faith. The people had to accept the decisions of the councils gathered in Rome. Blood began to flood the Earth. Thousands of victims were sacrificed because they went against the statutory dogmas".

"Dogmas? What is that?" asked Satan surprised.

"Now, Chief" - replied the subaltern - "dogma is a process we invented and inspired the members of this court, and it consists of imposing to reason and conscience of others whatever absurd, which is convenient to our work".

"Splendid! ..."

"Thus, the Hell was restored and the terrible doctrine of the Nazarene carpenter disappeared amid the ruins of dogmas, formulas, rites and ceremonies with which we inspired men, at the very moment they forgot the essence and basis of Christianity, and were busy with external appearances and formulas".

Vinicius masterfully ends his interesting parody of Tolstoy... Of course, as Spiritists, we know that Satan does not exist. Yes, there are enemies of the Light Spirits, nevertheless, perfectible.

But now (not resisting the temptation), we would like to ask permission to Vinicius and striving not to tarnish his page with our intellectual retrenchment, we will take the reins from here and continue with his parody and the story will continue, starting again from the point where he stopped.

Spiritism is no longer a threat

So, let us go on, "The almighty boss, recovered from the pleasant surprise of seeing his fully restored infernal kingdom, frowned as if remembering something very important. Seeing him frowning, looking worried, the subaltern, already surrounded by a legion of assistants, asked him, "What is it, Boss? Is something worrying you?"

"Yes, very much! I am now remembering a frightening prophecy made by the Crucified: He said that later He would ask His Father to send another "Comforter" to Earth, in order to remind people of His teachings and teach them too all the other things that would allow them to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We must summon our intellectuals to meet in a council to guard ourselves properly against this most terrible threat to our reign".

General laughter! ...

"What are you laughing at?" - The almighty boss asked a little cross.

"Now, Sir, with all our respect, but we were not sleeping all these centuries as you! The so-called "Comforter" has already come through the merit and work of an excommunicated and miserable Frenchman named Allan Kardec, in partnership with the Spirits of Light.  Incidentally, this chap, Kardec, had already bothered us two thousand years ago, in Gaul, as a druid priest. However, do not worry, boss, we have already "solved it easily" - the "Comforter". Here on Earth it is known as Spiritism. It is no longer a threat. We already have many of our people infiltrated there, and they are simply "devastating"! As soon as a team of Spiritist workers begins to bother us and there we go and infiltrate our agents - incontinenti - within the group.

Every kingdom divided will not stand

"Soon we destroy their work. It's easy, boss ... We have never seen such a race of people who is offended as easily as these Spiritists! For anything and there goes the Spiritist Institution, with Kardec, the Gospel and everything else"!

"Really? How do you manage to accomplish such a feat?"

Then, rising in his velvety paws, quietly waving his tail and distending the gleaming membranes of his wings, exhaling a strong odor of sulfur, the subaltern devil said, with a hint of pride in his voice:

"Most of the Spiritist leaders are the prior cardinals of the Catholic Church, now reincarnated. They are creatures used to the power of games used to fight for the "throne of Peter". These foxes flow into the Spiritist movement with their old ambitions. They accept being Spiritist directors, functions, which they hold on to and transform themselves into dinosaurs of the Spiritist movement: they imprison everything and do not let others work... Without knowing, they help us to succeed in our actions, and this plan is called among us the RMPSS (Relentless multidisciplinary plan to sabotage Spiritism).

"What plan is this, anyway?"

"It's the efficient Relentless Multidisciplinary Plan to Sabotage Spiritualism".

"How do you put it into practice?"

"You will not believe me, Sir, but we base our action plan in the words of the Nazarene. He said, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand".

Based on this information, and remembering the one that tells us about the "bundle of sticks". He taught that one only needs to separate the sticks and break one by one easily...

"Tell me about the "modus operandi" of such a RMPSS".  (Continued on the next issue).


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism