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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 8 - N° 378 – August 31, 2014

Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira

Grow old and die 

A biological and spiritual approach 

Part 2 (Final)

It is obvious that there are certain limits for spiritual interventions.

In the book Heaven and Hell, Allan Kardec states:

An incarnate Spirit, under certain conditions, may continue his existence embodied, in order to finish necessary instructions. It is a concession that can be made for this specific example, and many others. This extension of life is brief, because man is not allowed to reverse the order of natural laws, or to, on his own will, return to life, if it has ended. It is just a brief suspension. However, we cannot arrive to the conclusion that life can always be continued in this manner. As a trial for the Spirit, or with the purpose of completing a mission, his depleted organs can receive additional vital fluid allowing him to prolong for a moment the material manifestation of thought. These cases are rare and do not rule. Moreover, we should not see in this fact an exception to the immutability of God. (Heaven and Hell, Part II, Chapter III). 

A case of postponement 

Andre Luiz, in Chapter 7 of his book Missionaries of Light, mentions the postponement of time of death when he describes the situation of Anthony, approximately 70 years old, victimized by severe atherosclerosis, with imminent risk of death due to a stroke. Anthony benefited from the intervention of the spiritual dimension technical, and he lived for another five months. This postponement was granted due to urgent business, related to his family, which needed to be solved.

Regarding the anticipation of the time of death, Andre Luiz reports in the book No mundo Maior, Chapter 12, the procedure of the disembodied Benefactors on Fabricio, on the verge of madness, resulting from morally compromising attitudes during his life.

If the psychic alienation took place, his family would have an extra share of problems and concerns to solve, and they would not deserve this.

Thus, the spiritual dimension technical magnetically intervened in the circulatory system of Fabricio, causing a DVT, which was the cause of his premature death. 

Behavioral factors  

Besides karmic and genetic factors, there are others related to the behavior of the reincarnated Spirit: the way he lives, his choices and his attitude regarding different situations in life.

Therefore, how long he lives in each incarnation cannot be determined before the Spirit enters physical dimension. It also depends on conditions, which are not directly connected to his past reincarnations, but yes to his life choices.

You will find in The Book of Spirits:

Can a man, exerting his will and his action, stop an event that was supposed to occur and vice versa?

"Yes, he can, if that apparent change in the order of events is appropriate in the sequence of the life he chose. Moreover, to do good as he must, since this is the main and only purpose of his life, he can prevent evil, especially if this evil contributes to a greater evil". (LE, item 860).

Kardec warns:

There is a high likelihood of one drowning if you want to swim across a river without knowing how to swim. (LE, item 862).

He goes on:

Fate, which we see sometimes, only exists regarding material successes, the cause of which are outside us and independent of our will. Regarding acts of moral life, these always come from man's inner self and therefore he always has the freedom to choose. As for these acts, fate can never be considered. (LE, item 861). 

Major causes of death  

A Duke University psychiatrist, Harold Koening, states that although genetic factors may be related to a wide variety of diseases and life expectancy, genetics has its limits, especially to help understand what causes a long and healthy life. Research shows that only a quarter of the life expectancy can be attributed to genetic causes, and the genes have little influence on longevity before sixties. Even this influence is questioned. For example, some researchers say that parents' longevity has little association with the life expectancy of their children.

Dr. Koenig recalls that according to James W. Vaupel, director of the Laboratory of Survival and Longevity at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, parents' lifetime explains only about 3% of the life expectancy of their children. Longevity may be influenced by other factors, such as psychological, social and behavioral, besides age and access to medical care.

The main causes of death around the world are heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disorders and infectious diseases. There are no doubts that these medical problems are directly affected by negative emotions, psychological and social stress and poor health behavior, as well as genetic influences. 

Relation between religious involvement and health  

Any action that improves coping with stress, which reduces negative emotions and encourages positive health behavior, should influence the mortality rates of these diseases and affect mortality in general. One such factor is belief and religious practice.

It is believed that religious involvement affects health through psychological, social and behavioral means, i.e. helping people cope with stress, increasing social support and encouraging a healthier lifestyle and habits. (Medicine, religion and health).

Emmanuel, regarding reincarnation and behavioral factors, stated:

From the embryonic stage, the Spirit molds his own reflected image in this world.

Creatures exist beyond the grave so troubled with the problems of suicide and homicide, delinquency and addiction, that, when they are brought back to reincarnate, they show at once the most painful imbalances, due to the vibratory dysfunction that classifies them within cellular pathology.

The importance of doing good  

Congenital diseases are nothing but the consequence of how we lived and acted in our close past. Sometimes, we have to stay in the physical dimension for a short period treatment to cure our inner disharmony.

However, other nuances in our body arise from the past, from disguised guilt and hidden remorse.

They are as crops with a predetermined time and are ruled safely and accurately by the law of action and reaction.

That is why many times, depending on what is determined before birth, and referring to the reincarnated spirit's debts and rescue, man suffers strange trials of full material prosperity, or of touching physiological disasters when he is in full health. However, we have to remember that there is always a reaction to an action, but one can also mitigate the consequence of our actions, when we have the good attitude of recognizing them and looking for a solution for our own debts.

The practice of good, simple and tireless can change our fate, since clear and correct thinking, used in good actions, affect cellular functions in the same way it affects human events, drawing on our behalf, by means of our improved reflection, the noblest, supportive, enlightenment, according to the helping and supporting rule. (Thought and Life, Chapter 14).


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