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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 377 – August 24, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The House of Aid


- Mom, what is DEDICATION? - the boy asked his mother.

His mother, who at that moment was beating the batter of a cake for the family, after thinking a little, answered:

- George, right now I am "dedicating" myself to prepare the cake we will eat at snack time. Get it?

- Got it, Mom. And I "dedicate" myself to do my homework. But is that it? My teacher told us to do a paper on the subject of DEDICATION.

- So, you'll have to do a little research. You and I,

right now, are dedicating ourselves to small tasks. However, dedication may represent the work of a lifetime: as the mission of parents towards their children, for example.

George nodded, showing that he had understood.

- As the doctor with his patients, the professor with his students etc.

And George began to look it up in dictionaries, encyclopedias, books and magazines.

The more he sought the more he found. And he began to realize how broad the study about Dedication is.

Starting with the people closest to him, George discovered that his paternal grandfather devoted himself to the Army all his life; that his grandmother had devoted herself to teaching; that his father, besides their family, was devoted to the bank for which he worked. And so on.

However, George discovered more: that there are people who devote themselves to others without having the obligation to do so and without it being a profession or receiving a salary for the service. Their dedication in such cases is spontaneous and is a contribution to the community.

And George, excited, kept on researching. He talked to many people, learned excellent examples, but one of them touched him deeply in the heart:

There was a lady called Vera, from a very poor neighbourhood of the city, who knowing that there children were left home alone while their mothers went to work because they had no one to leave her children with, became worried and decided to help.

She went to talk to the mothers and offered to care for the children, taking them to her home and caring for them while their mothers worked. Thus she discovered that not only they were alone, these children also had nothing to eat and were starving.

What to do? Because she did not the resources herself, Vera decided to ask for some food from those who could help; she also went to a street

market and collected what was left over, bringing it home, full of joy for having what to cook. Then she cooked the food and served it to the children.

As the number of needy families only increased, due to the volume of service, Vera decided to talk to the mothers who to help her out began taking the children to her home, reducing her tasks. Thus, the oldest kids helped to take care of the smaller children and the babies.

Upon learning of the volunteer work that Vera was doing, other people decided to help her with food, diapers, clothes, toys, and also mattresses, bed linen and blankets.

Because of that, the conditions of caring for and feeding the children improved, who as a consequence began to enjoy better health.

The most important side of that lady's work was that children also improved in behaviour, becoming more giggly and happy, because all day they received care, attention, affection and especially love.

George did his homework and handed it to the teacher, who was moved as she read it.

She then asked George to read his work to the whole class and his classmates cheered enthusiastically.

Interested, his classmates wanted to visit the House of Aid, as it was called. And they volunteered to help the children who had learning problems at school.

After an analysis of all the assignments done by the students, the House of Aid won first place and was entitled "Dedication: the goal of a lifetime".

And George, who had made that school assignment, impressed with the dedication of that woman, also decided that he would too would get a job that would represent the dedication of an entire existence.




(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 17/02/2014.)



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