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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 374 – August 3, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Using Time Well


Ten year-old Lucius was always complaining that he did not have time for anything. When his mother asked him if he had homework to do, he responded:

- Yes, but now I have no time for it. I'm playing.

Later the mother would came back to ask:

- Honey, have you done your homework?

- No, Mom. I will do it later; now I'm watching TV!

And so he would procrastinate with everything that was really important. One day, his teacher Meire sent a message to his home asking Lucius' mother to come to school in the afternoon. Surprised, his mother confirmed her attendance.

When Lucius got home his mother wanted to know how his morning had been. The boy looked at her and replied:

- OK!

After lunch, his mother made an excuse and went to school.

Meire, who was waiting for her, took her to the staff room and after they had sat down, the teacher asked:

- Alzira, what is happening with Lucius? He has not been doing his homework and is not studying for his exams, claiming that he does not have the time. I wonder if this is true, because the situation is serious. His grades are very low!

The mother, who listened with wide eyes, replied:

- I did not know it was that bad! When I ask him about his exames, Lucius says the teacher still has not given him the grades nor handed out the report card.

- Not true. Try to talk to your child and find out what is happening. I'm worried, Alzira!

- Given what you said, me too! Thanks, Meire. I'll talk to him.

The mother returned home and found her son on the computer, distracting himself with a game.

She asked him to shut it down so they could talk.

- Now I can't, mom. I'm busy, can't you see? I have no time!

The mother pulled the power cord from the

socket and turned off the computer, stating:

- We are talking now, son.

She led him to the living room and sat with him. Then she wanted to know:

- Lucius, do you know what "time" means?

- Of course I do, Mom! Time represents our life. 60 seconds form a minute; 60 minutes, one hour, and 24 hours represents one day, and then there are months and years ... Is that what you want to know?

- Yes, but it goes far beyond that, honey. I asked about "time", as an opportunity God gives us to live and learn, not only at school but with life itself; to accomplish things that please us, grow and evolve. Later on, to choose a profession to help ourselves and others. Get it?

- Yes, mom, but what is the problem? Where are you getting at?

- How do you use your time, Lucius? - She replied with another question.

The boy lowered his head and said nothing. Then the mother considered:

- The problem, dear, is that you spend your time uselessly! Nothing is good or instructive, and therefore you have problems. And you especially do not value your studies.

- Oh, mom, it is just that I like to play with my toys, play games, watch TV! - the boy muttered, without looking up.

- I know, you're still a child! But you cannot do just that! You must also study, honey. We will have to give account to God for the time we wasted. Scheduling your day carefully you can do everything without neglecting anything.

The boy agreed and told his mother, opening his heart to her:

- It's true, Mom. My grades are terrible! I know I need to study more!

Then he took a deep breath and smiled relieved:

- Mom, I was worried. To recognise this truth and tell you helped me feel much better. I really need to plan my day! Help me!

- I will help you, son. You can count on me, but try to put everything on paper.

Lucius took a sheet of paper, divided the day by hours and put his schedule in, with the exception of the morning - which was school time – and the space he left for rest after lunch; then the schedule of his chores and studies. He saw that he would even have some spare time before sunset to play with his friends! Happy, he showed the sheet to his mother, who approved.

- Very well, honey! Now you just need to follow this program.

- You can be sure of that, Mom. I do not want our Father in Heaven to ask me for the time I wasted here on Earth. I will say a prayer asking Jesus to help me to be more organized. I'm sure it will happen!

Some months later, Lucius grades improved and he showed his mother his report card with satisfaction.

-You are doing well and certainly has had much help from Jesus! Congratulations, honey! I'm proud of you. You showed that you have a strong will: you decided to change and stood by your decision.

- And now I have spare time for everything, Mom!


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 09/06/2014.)



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