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Year 8 - N° 366 – June 8, 2014


Osasco, SP (Brasil)   


Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


Cláudio Bueno da Silva

The Gospel: a century
and a half

The good spirits were always at the side of Allan Kardec, in a close connection and mutual trust. We could say that they produced together (from 1857 to 1869 ), in perfect harmony, the whole basis set of the Spiritist Codification and its books and supplementary texts. The intensity of this relationship can be found in the text "Imitation of the Gospel", contained in Part 2 of the book Posthumous Works  (translation by Bezerra de Menezes), where the spirits reveal to the codifier: "Our action, especially that of the Spirit of the Truth, is constant over you, and from it, you cannot escape."  In another translation of the same passage (by Guillon Ribeiro ), one sees the idea as if reinforced by another verb: " Our action , especially that of the Spirit of Truth, is constant around you and such you can not deny."  Interestingly neither could he "escape from" the influence nor " deny it". 

As it was under this inspiration which never failed him, that Allan Kardec organized The Gospel According to Spiritism, leading to its edition in 1864 , a revolution in the ecclesiastical environment of the time .

Allan Kardec stated in the book Spiritist Travel in 1862: "The importance of an idea can measured by the opposition that it raises"¹. This thought came in handy at the time. At the time, the Church still had too much power and influence. If the clergy can somehow accept some principles of The Spirits' Book, the same would not happen in relation to those contained in The Gospel according to Spiritism, contrary to those that supported the doctrine of the Church. So much so that the spirits warned Kardec to prepare for the fight which would become tougher and that the difficulties were about to start. 

Ideas that bothered the Church 

After all, did this book present that upset both the clergy and the Church so much? Let us list briefly some of the ideas contained in the book of Kardec and that bothered the clerical class.

In Chapter 1: the alliance of science with religion, hitherto incompatible. Allan Kardec established that science needs the moral standards of religion, and religion needs science to explain the phenomena of life, they must go together. The Church often trod different path not only from science but from the general culture and from the advancement of ideas too.

In chapter 2: the future life unfolded in the beyond in always progressive achievements of the Spirit, as opposed to the eternal and the contemplative life sentences concept, both immobilising the being.

In Chapter 4: reincarnation as a biological law, instrument of God's justice, an essential condition for the evolution of the Spirit, a concept denied by the Church.

In Chapter 5: universal and democratic concept of "Without charity there is no salvation", which nullifies other exclusionary axioms such as, for example, "Outside the Church there is no salvation".

In Chapter 16: to serve God and not wealth, an evangelical orientation is not always followed by the Christian religions.

In Chapter 19:  reasoned faith replacing blind faith which generates unproductive dogmas.

The entire chapter 26, "Give for free what you receive for free", which addresses the gift of healing(mediumship), the paid prayers, the gratuity of gifts etc.

The affirmation of Jesus as son of God and his divine mission as opposed to the idea of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

These and many other concepts, now fully accessible to modern intelligence, were studied by Allan Kardec and added to the information from the higher realms spirits, constituted in The Gospel according to Spiritism, a practical and accessible guide to human actions. 

The Spirits talk about the work 

Allan Kardec states in the introduction part of this book, that he chose to expose only the part referring to the moral teaching of Jesus, which, in his words, "It is the common ground on which all religious cults can be meet together." He also says: "For men in particular, is a rule of conduct, which covers all circumstances of private and public life, the principle of all social relations, based on the most rigorous justice. It is, finally, the sure way to conquer happiness. "

The spirits also spoke about the work: "This book of the doctrine will have considerable influence, because it explains issues of major interest. Not only will the religious world, but also nations, will find in it the maxims they need. In their practical life, they will get excellent instructions from it."

Through these observations one can glimpse the role that The Gospel according to Spiritism would play alongside humanity in the construction of the regenerated world. Still talking about it, the spirits conclude: "You have done very well in addressing the issues of high moral practice from the standpoint of general interests, social interests and religious interests. Doubt needs to be destroyed. " 

What doubt they are referring to? 

I think Allan Kardec clarified this doubt to the extent that it served two purposes.The first one: when he proposed to write the Gospel emphasizing the moral teachings of Jesus in an explained manner, free from ancillary questions regarding the Master's life which has always provoked discussions and religious disputes, he intended that this work became an universal manual for use by all, without distinction of worship, and that it contributed objectively to the moral transformation of humanity.

He himself justifies the production of the book with those characteristics, writing in its introduction section a true and courageous statement: "Everyone admires the Gospel morality, all proclaim its sublimity and its need" (...)"But few know the background, and fewer still understand and know how to realise implications from it. The reason is, in large part, due to the difficulties presented by reading of the Gospel, unintelligible to most. The allegorical form, the intentional mysticism of the language, makes most to read it only for the sake of conscience and duty. "

This problem continues until today with the adherents of Christian religions that embrace the Bible as a guide. Many are happy to just accept the traditions and repeat proverbial maxims without penetrating into the "spirit" of teaching. Many others strive to study, but cannot figure out the meaning of the whole, because they lack the key that Spiritism brings.

Allan Kardec thus rendered a great service to humanity when produced The Gospel According to Spiritism in a clear and understandable way. This was, in my view, the first purpose of Kardec: to make the teaching of Christ intimate and pleasing to men on earth. The second purpose of Kardec, and most important one, was to restore the original meaning of the Gospels. Rescuing the Gospel, still alive, from the rubbles to which was launched to the ignominy and human impudence. 

Reason for the Promisse 

Spiritism is a brief history of Christianity, a movement which began with Moses, widened with Jesus and ended with Spiritism. As the central figure and coordinator of this process to lead mankind through the paths of spiritualization, Jesus knew that men, by immaturity, would not understand enough and would eventually end up despising and misrepresenting his teachings, mixing with them elements of the pagan world and Judaism, besides the deliberate omission and interpolations applied over time, according to certain interests.Christianity was disfigured. Precisely for this reason that Jesus promised to send, as we read in John 14: 15-17; 26, a Consoler that "will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you": the Spirit of Truth. This Consoler came to restore the denatured truth and to complete his teachings, not in the sense of adding new truths, but meaning to explain and to develop what there is in seedling: reincarnation, the plurality of worlds, the prior and the survival of the soul, the future life, the penalties and rewards or divine justice, mediumship and relations between the two worlds.

And, so, Allan Kardec cooperated in the fulfillment of the promise made by Jesus to send another Consoler. 

However, Why a Consoler? 

Chapter 5 - "Blessed are the afflicted" - it is, by no accident, the longest of the book and it illustrates very well the human need for consolation.

Jesus predicted that men would need consolation, since they would not find satisfaction within the beliefs they would adopt. Allan Kardec in "Characters of the Spiritist revelation," explains this by saying: “Because it is to the disinherited, more than to happy ones of the world, that Spiritism speaks to" (...) "When the poor are sick and Consoler is the medic. "

Besides consolation to human afflictions, the Consoler has brought hope to man. What doctrine, what religion, that philosophy, but Spiritism can bring so much faith in God and hope in the future?

The Gospel according to Spiritism is an educational roadmap for the Spirit. In that sense, consolation and hope indicate that man should become morally correct and outline development plans from the present time.

Spiritism therefore having science as an ally, is the key to understand the words of the Gospel and to give them a practical goal of high interest for humanity. 

The Brewing of Ideas 

Herculano Pires, in his book of chronicles entitled The mystery of good and evil, uses the Gospel image of the yeast which is mixed to the flour for the dough to rise, comparing this chemical action to the action of the Christian ideas that fermented and changed the social structure of ancient process and which continues acting.

Herculano Pires states that in relation to ideas, similar fact will occur with Spiritism. The ferment of spiritist ideas since 1857 is mixed to the dough and will produce ideological changes in the world, until the true Christian civilization is implanted in the whole earth.  

Chain Reaction 

The laws of duty and brotherhood lead the spiritualised men who inhabit the earth to act individually or in groups, and in a chain reaction, they will propose new ways of living to the masses, both in the physical and mental realms; the will go on exemplifying love in many manifestations, spreading spiritualist concepts and thereby building a different mentality in the world. Thus, the influence of renovating and humanitarian forces will be expanding and gaining adhesions.

Meanwhile chaos, disorder, indiscipline  reigns  and few are willing to listen, let alone to think about ethical and moral standards, but the divine force of progress, driven by higher spiritual spheres which have always been relating to Earth, acts incessantly in sense of put humanity forward to a new stage of life, a more orderly, peaceful and advanced stage. Once the energies of materiality are exhausted, which are responsible for leading men to exhaustion, men in turn, will turn themselves to what can console them and give them hope. 

The Action of Spiritism 

So in this more prepared environment, the time will come in which Spiritism will act consistently about humanity, speaking directly to the Spirit. The Gospel will have leavened the dough, which grew to feed the hungry ones of the world. The Gospel will continue leading, through the centuries, the stragglers who are willing to "see and hear".

The fact that Christianity has survived to our days, now dressed in the garb of Spiritism, despite opposition suffered at all times, is a great victory of Jesus. But Christianity is a process still in development and we believe that it will conclude when we implant the kingdom of God on earth and worship Him "in spirit and truth." 

The need to talk about Jesus and to disseminate his Gospel 

A good part of men and spirits has not yet approached the truths of the Gospel; nor have they yet reflected on the advice of Jesus, our pure brother; many have not realized the importance of life in the body for the evolution of the Spirit. Hence, the need to talk about Jesus and his Gospel today and to promote the great revelation that Spiritism brings. We need to give daily witness of "love one another", working tirelessly for the implementation of the regeneration process on Earth.

Allan Kardec brought the Gospel to all of us, and made us see that the lessons of Jesus are not to be lived only in churches, temples, the spiritist centres, in religious circles, but in all places and times in our lives; after all, good example, good thought, good word, charity, tolerance, and many other virtues that Jesus taught, fit anywhere and at any time.

Gospel according to Spiritism is a special book, but not sacred. The concept of the sacred book is not prevalent among spiritists. A Spiritist drinks the knowledge in order to put it into action, to the benefit of general progress and for their own advancement. "A true spiritist can be recognised by the effort in improving himself”, Allan Kardec states. So let us be true spiritists, true Christians.  We are not lacking in resources for this. 

¹ Kardec, Allan, "Particular Instructions given groups in response to some of the proposed questions.”


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism