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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 366 – June 8, 2014
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Kardec and the
good spiritists

How should we conduct well to fulfill the task, the mission, the commitment we have made to this existence? This question always comes to us when we thought we examine and evaluate what we have been doing in life.

There are certainly many ways to get an answer to the proposed question, and Kardec provided us precise information about it in his works.

Here is one:

“That who can be rightly described as a true and sincere spiritist, is found in higher degree of moral advancement. The Spirit, which at him dominates more fully the matter, it gives him a clearer perception from the future; the principles of the doctrine make vibrate fibers at him that are conserved inert in the others. In short: the heart is touched by the unwavering that faith turns. At one is a musician that some chords are enough to move, while others just hear sounds. It recognizes the true spiritist by his moral transformation and the efforts he employs to tame his evil inclinations." (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter XVII, item 4.)

Years before, when he wrote the work we know as The Mediums’ Book, he had already said something about it, when he drew up what would be the initial classification of fans of the nascent doctrine:

“Among those who were convinced by a direct study, can be singled out:

1º. Those who simply believe in the demonstrations. For them, Spiritism is just a science of observation, a series of more or less curious facts. We will call them experimenters spiritists.

2º. Those who see in Spiritism more than facts; they understand its philosophical part; admiring the ensuing moral, but do not practice it. Insignificant or null is the influence it has on their characters. They do not change their habits and do not deprive from even one joy. The miser continues to be, the proud preserved full of him, the envious and jealous always hostile. Consider Christian charity only a fine maximum. They are the imperfect spiritists.

3º. Those who are not content with admiring the spirit moral practice it and accept all its consequences. They are convinced that earthly existence is a transient event; they try to enjoy their short time to advance on the path of progress, only that it can elevate them at the ranks of the world of spirits, striving to do the good and forbid their evil inclinations. Relations with them always provide security because the conviction they nourish preserves them to think of doing evil. Charity is, in all, the rule of conduct that complies. They are the true spiritists, or rather Christian Spiritists.

4º. Finally, there are the exalted spiritists. The human species would be perfect, if they always take the good side of things. In all, the exaggeration is harmful. In Spiritism, instills confidence blinds too and frequently puerile, concerning to the invisible world, and leads to self-acceptance with ease and without verification, that which absurd or impossible to reflection and examination would infer. The enthusiasm, however, does not reflect, it dazzles. This kind of fans is more harmful than helpful to the cause of Spiritism. They are the least able to convince anyone, because all of them rightly suspicious of their judgments. Thanks to its good faith, they are deceived thereby by mystifiers spirits, as by men who seek to exploit their credulity. Only half evil they would be, if only they had to suffer the consequences. The worst is that, without wanting they give weapons to unbelievers that first seek occasion to mock than to convince themselves and do not leave to impute everybody of the ridiculous of some. No doubt this is not fair, nor reasonable; but, as it is known, the opponents of Spiritism only consider good carat the reason they enjoy, and to know in depth about what that discourse is what gives them less care." (The Medium’s Book, chapter III, item 28.)

Years have passed and as we know, still today there is in the spiritist midst representatives the four kinds presented at the text above, there has still been what is the most regrettable, those who have misled through the path, a fact which took Kardec to build the following question to one spiritual benefactor: - If among the called to Spiritism many have been misled, which are the signs whereby we will recognize the ones who are in the good path?

Here is what it was answered:

“You will recognize them according to truth charity principles that they will teach you and practice. You will recognize them through the number of afflicted that they lead comfort; you will recognized them through their own self-esteem, and through their abnegation, through they personal disinterest; you will recognize them, finally, through the triumph of their principles, because God wants the triumph of His law; those who follow His law, are the chosen and He will give them the victory; but He will destroy those who misrepresent the spirit of that law and make from it a degree to content their vanity and ambition. – Erasto, the medium’s guard angel. Paris, 1863.” (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter XX, item 4.) 



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