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Year 8 - N° 365 - June 1st, 2014

Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br 


Gebaldo José de Sousa

Natural Somnambulism in mediunic sessions

Part 2 (Final)

Let us continue our search in Memory and Time6.

"(...) the human being survives in a still "physical" body, but infinitely rarefied, in which it preserves its integral memory. (...) In disembodied Spirits, we can also apply memory regression, if we use the proper technique to help them overcome their inner blockages." (Page 203) 

In another book 7, the author tells us how the memory regression occurs in Spirits:

"Memory regression in disembodied Spirits occurs in a more difficult manner. It can happen within two distinct conditions, or with the Spirit embedded in a medium, in the spiritual treatment of disobsession, or through indoctrination conducted by the embodied, or else between the disembodied Spirits in the Spiritual World." 

He does not state that the embedding occurs in a somnambulist medium. However, this is implied when he refers to the books "Stories told by the Spirits": The Exile, Lady of the Night, and The Vizier's Sister (Fraternal Mail). The first book, "Stories told by the Spirits", was reissued by Editora Leal, with a new title: "My Sister's Hands", Editor Fraternal Mail ABC. Dialogues with the Spirits are reproduced in this new edition, in mediunic sessions, where they were submitted to memory regression. They review their past and understand the reason of their anguish and remorse. From that moment, they start a long path in search of their Spiritual sanity. It is worthwhile reading and studying in detail all these books.  

Use of memory regression 

Memory regression in Spirits should only be used when dialogue is not effective to dissuade them from their outbursts of revenge. It is suggested that the Spirit then returns to the past to the origin of his current imbalances. This will only be able, if the Spiritual mentors allow it. In certain cases, it is suggested that the Spirit retreats further in time, and after that, he is told to come back to the present, keeping the memories of the past, now remembered or relived, with all its emotional. By means of suggestion, he can also be taken to the future and is shown what awaits him, if he decides to give up or not, his vengeance. 

It is an irrefutable method of persuasion, since the Spirit revises his actions in previous incarnations, which motivated the sufferings for which he now seeks revenge. He understands the Law of Action and Reaction "live". [Also, mentors produce transient images of ideas-ways to demonstrate to the disembodied Spirit that his body "died". (See Missionaries of Light - Spirit Andre Luiz/Francisco C. Xavier, pages 295 and 296.)]

The author mentions the books Memoirs of a Suicide and Broken Shackles, with reports of memory regression, made by Spiritual Mentors, so that the disembodied recognize their faults and begin their Spiritual recovery. Pages 204 and 205. And goes on: "(...) I was given the opportunity to test the validity of this procedure and the possibility to put it in effect on the disembodied Spirit, briefly incorporated into the medium. The subject is dealt with in the Dialogue with the Shadows and Stories told by the Spirits, which we suggest the reader consults (...)". 

What Edith Fiore found 

In the 3rd edition of Time and Memory (Postscript), at page 232, there is mention to the American psychologist Dr. Edith Fiore, whose book The Unquiet Dead (Os Mortos Inquietos - in Brazil: Possessão Espiritual - Editor Pensamento), states she learned to identify Spiritual influences in patients submitted to memory regression (magnetic somnambulism), for therapeutic purposes.

She noticed changes so drastic in their personalities that she realized they were due to Spirits' actions. She arrived to the conclusion that, "In this case, she was not witnessing the patient's previous lives, but lives of entities possibly coupled to the patient's psyche." (Page 233). Her findings are remarkable, because she learned with facts!

Here are some of the conclusions listed by Herminio: 

"It is not exactly the person that makes an appointment with the secretary for consultation, but the "possessing entities" are the real "patients". They are human beings like any others, lost and suffering. It would be cruelty to "send them away", even if that was possible".

"Possession may be responsible for an impressive array of psychosomatic discomforts such as headaches (including migraine), fatigue, insomnia, obesity, hypertension, asthma, allergies, and so on." 

Method used by Edith Fiore 

"Going to places not aligned with adequate spiritual vibration or of low vibration level, such as, for example, orgiastic gatherings, facilitates the coupling of such entities to the people who attend these places, even if occasionally. Unwanted intrusions may also occur in unaware people in hospitals and cemeteries, and also to those who indulge in outbursts of anger, envy, jealousy, or depression."

"Friendly Spirits are always willing to work with anyone who is dedicated to the rescue of the entities attached to the psychic of others.  Usually, they are (...) mothers, fathers, brothers, wives, husbands, children or friends. Doctor Edith works with these Spirits.

"Under normal circumstances, it is not difficult to persuade invading entities to leave their hosts, after they are duly enlightened. Sometimes they do not even know that they are "dead" and are unaware that they are hurting themselves and the host. However, there are obstinate entities, which refuse to abandon their victims by engaging in processes of revenge or overprotection."

"Through her patients, the doctor speaks directly to the Spirits attached to them, makes regressions with them and doctrines them in a very similar way to what a good mediunic group would do. She even blesses them, after convincing them to leave accompanied by friendly entities."

The noble writer ends, "Someone with a Spiritist education would not do better". (Pages 233 and 234). 

Somnambulism and its grades 

Let us look at something in the book Spiritual Magnetism8, "Somnambulism is neither a state of vigil, nor a sleeping state strictly speaking. It is a combination of both. It is a particular way of existing". (Page 102). Somnambulists are different from each other, as are the grades of somnambulism they present." (Page 197).

"One of the effects of magnetism is somnambulism, which is a more complete state of emancipation of the soul than sleep, in which its faculties become more extensive (...) because somnambulists do not sleep (...) some magnetizers are of the opinion that this designation is not appropriate. It is curious to note that the somnambulists themselves have the same opinion, and oppose to the claim that they are sleeping, when, indeed, they can see, hear, and feel." (Pages 178 and 179).

"The somnambulist can see through opaque bodies and at considerable distances." (Page 185). On page 192, we learn about the process devised by Alphose Bue to favor the magnetic somnambulism. In the following pages, you will find important suggestions as to conduct the medium in trance and to awaken him when the study ends. 

Guidelines for leaders of sessions with Somnambulists9

- The natural somnambulist shows the following signs:

a - Drowsiness (with the sensitive fit for the task with no physical or mental tiredness);

b - Goes into and out of trance at the initiative of the Spirits who run the session without any action of the present, with the exception of the state of prayer, and concentration;

c - Clairvoyance of approaching entities or of the places where they meet, describing them in many cases;

d - When dialoguing with him, as soon as he is in trance, the somnambulist answers us by confirming that it is he who is answering and tells us too what he sees in the physical and spiritual worlds.

By analyzing the answer, we realize it is a disembodied Spirit, who will tell us who he is and even identify himself in many cases. Through his words, we will know if he is a good or bad Spirit.

e - "Forgetting absolutely everything when he awakes is one of the specific signs of the true somnambulism, (...)"10;

- The somnambulist can:

1 - As a psychophonic medium, which he also is, he can allow the Spirits to manifest themselves without entering the somnambulistic trance;

2 - Manifest himself in the somnambulistic trance, out of his physical body, spiritually unfolded, in a psychic phenomenon. In this case, he says, for example, "We will go down to the region where suffering Spirits are, to rescue some of them". There is no Spirit speaking through him.

What Allan Kardec says

3 - In section 173 of The Mediums' Book, Allan Kardec states what we said previously, when he mentions the case of a somnambulist who prescribed medicines to the sick and who once said he could not do it because "(...) my angel doctor is not here.(...)".

He presents another resource available to the somnambulist when he says at the end of the mentioned item, "(...) when I was by myself, I was only a somnambulist. However, when assisted by the one I called my angel doctor I was then a somnambulist-medium." (Italic is ours). At the beginning, it was an animistic manifestation, then psychic manifestation. 

4 - Finally, acting as a medium, going from trance to somnambulistic psychophony.

- Mediums, somnambulists or not, are different from each other. They present general characteristics, but their actions and perceptions, which are peculiar to them, are different too, not only regarding their levels of trance, but their capacity as mediums.  Some see at distance, and even through obstacles. Some can hear the Entities, others are able to read the thoughts of the Spirits, still others see the inside of physical bodies, describe diseases, indicate medication.

We must impose nothing on them. It is ideal that this faculty, or any other, develops spontaneously.

- When there is more than one somnambulist, it can happen that a Mentor uses the faculty of one of them to "indoctrinate" the Entity that manifests itself in the other. The Spirit who does so has information about the Spirit assisted. It is normal to do so. We all learn in situations like this. 

Where is the reliability of the somnambulistic trance 

- Mutual trust between leaders and mediums is essential for the good performance in the mediunic session. The leader, always alert, should encourage the mediums to trust their Mentors who conduct the session and have confidence in themselves too, using fervent prayers in certain occasions. The results will be expanded over time, peaceful and patiently. 

When the manifestation of the obsessing Spirit ends, the return of the medium to waking state must occur calmly. Noticing that the medium awakens (if it does not happen suddenly), he should be guided to do it calmly, breathing deeply, moving feet and hands, opening his eyes slowly.

- The reliability of the somnambulistic trance is directly related to the medium's moral conduct, level of studies of mediumship, and use of this faculty, besides his hard work and harmony of the psychic team too.

- Allan Kardec's instructions regarding mediumistic communications must also be followed.

This is our modest collaboration, which we offer for the study of this important issue for all of us who dedicate ourselves to mediunic sessions.


6 - MIRANDA, Herminio C. Memory and Time.  3rd Ed Niteroi: Publisher Art & Culture, 1991 Chapter VI - Experiences and personal observations.

7  - MIRANDA, Herminio C. What is a Psychic Phenomenon. Sao Bernardo do Campo:  Editor Spiritual Fraternal Mail ABC, 1990, p. 84.

8 - MICHAELUS. Spiritual Magnetism. 3rd Ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1977.

9 - Prepared based on the works mentioned in the text, personal experience and on the Article "Sleepwalking in Practice", Adilson Mota, published in the October 2010, Vortex Journal (http://jacobmelo.webs.com/apps/documents/).

10 - Kardec, Allan. Practical Instructions on Spiritual Manifestations. 6th Ed. Matao:  HOME EDITOR The CLARIM, 1987, page 64.


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