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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 8 - N° 359 – April 20, 2014
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Nothing happens by chance

Whenever it is registered something unusual, unpredictable, unexpected, we usually assign it to the call chance, a topic that has been discussed on several occasions in this journal.(1)

It was asked to Emmanuel the following question: - Should "chance" enter the cogitations of the life of a Christian Spiritist?

Emmanuel replied: "Chance, properly considered, cannot enter the cogitations of a sincere disciple of gospel truth. In the chapter of labor and suffering, the enlightened soul knows the need of redemption itself, with a view to criminal past and, with respect to the deviations and errors for the present, better than anyone, its consciousness should know about the undue intervention carried the effect on the law of love established by God. It will have to wait, consciously, without any notion of chance, redemptions and painful repairs of the future." (The Comforter, psychographed work by medium Chico Xavier, question 186.)

We have read in the book Spiritist Conduct, by André Luiz, these two recommendations:

"Use with caution or replace all verbal expression indicating customs, practices, political, social or religious ideas, contrary to spiritist thought, which are luck, chance, supernatural, miracle and others, preferring in any event, the use of pure doctrinal terminology." (Spiritist Conduct, psychographed work by the medium Waldo Vieira, chapter 13.)

"Free yourself from mental chains arising from the use of talismans and helpful, covenants and betting and gaming devices of any nature, deceptive and expendable. The Spiritist is informed that chance does not exist." (Mentioned work, chap. 18.)

The author J. Herculano Pires, in the work In the Age of the Spirit, written in partnership with Chico Xavier and various spirits, noted:

"The unpleasant relatives are today what we did with them yesterday. Nothing happens by chance, without a reason in our lives." (In the Age of the Spirit, chap. 2.)

"Nothing happens by chance. Everything is from the law of cause and effect. And every effect has a meaning: the evolution. We are all absent Spirits and suffer the evidence we ask before incarnating. There are collective debts to be rescued. But beyond redemption awaits us freedom, peace and progress." (Mentioned work, chap. 3.)

The facts that surround us, the trials that beset us, successes and failures in life, none of these should be attributed to chance, to luck or bad luck, because such things are the result of so-called law of cause and effect which is pictured in the Letil’s case, narrated by Kardec in chap. VIII of Part 2 of the book Heaven and Hell, which we summarize below: 

Letil was an industrialist, who resided in Paris and had in April 1864, a horrible death: it burned up a kettle of boiling varnish and he in a flash, was hit by the burning matter. Letil although seeing he was lost, yet had courage to walk to his home, a distance of over 300 meters. When he received the first aid, his torn meat fell apart, baring the bones of a body and face. Still, he survived for twelve hours, amid to excruciating sufferings, retaining however, until the end a perfect lucidity order.

Duly assisted in the spiritual world, Letil chronicled in Spiritist Society of Paris as occurred in his disembodiment and the cause of his atonement. "Go for two centuries - he said – I sent to burn a girl, innocent as can be at her age - 12 to 14 years. What is the charge that weighed her? The complicity in a conspiracy against clerical politics. I was then Italian and an inquisitor judge; as the executioners dared not touch the body of the poor child, I was myself the judge and the executioner."

Addressing to all who deplore the forgetting of past lives, Letil exclaimed: "Oh! You followers of the new doctrine, which often say cannot avoid the evils because of what happened in the past! Oh! My brothers! before the Father bless, because if this memory follow you to earth, no longer would rest in your hearts there." "How could you constantly harassed by shame, remorse, enjoy a moment of peace? Forgetting there is a benefit because the memory here is a torture." (Heaven and Hell, Part 2, chap. VIII, Letil.)

(1)  Read also about the subject in the following texts published at this magazine: 

Chance in Spiritism view

Transformations of our time are not a product of chance http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/135/editorial.html

What does the Spiritism say about chance? http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/103/oespiritismoresponde.html

Chance does not exist; life is causal, not casual.  http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano3/122/especial.html



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism