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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 353 – March 9, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The School Test


One day, worried about a test he would take at school, ten year-old Eddie had no peace. The fear of not getting a good grade made his heart beat faster.

Sitting on the floor holding his legs, he did not know what else to do. He was terrified.

The mother, seeing him like that, was surprised:

- You seem worried, Eddie. What is happening?

With moist eyes, the boy explained:

- I'm scared of test that I have at school tomorrow, Mom. I do not know what to do!

- It's simple, my son! You need to study. Moreover, trust in God. Open the Gospel and read something. Then say a prayer. Certainly you will have the support of Jesus!

More cheerful, Eddie took the Gospel, opened it and read the text that he chose by chance.

Eyes wide open, he thought about the words he had just read. Would he have understood well? Jesus said that those who have faith in God, and say to a mountain: Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him!...

- Yikes! Jesus really knew about things! - he exclaimed, surprised.

Then more excited, knowing that he could get what he wanted, he prayed with faith asking for divine support to get all answers right at the test and quietly waited for the next day.

Later, as she had not seen her son studying all day, his mother asked:

- So, dear, have you studied for the exam? You seem calm!

- I really am, Mom. Calm and confident. The fear is gone!

- Good! But I have not seen you study, Eddie...

- Do not worry, Mom. Leave it to me!

The next morning, Eddie went to school confident. The teacher handed out the sheet of questions and wished a good test to everyone.

Eddie took the sheet, smiling, quite different from his classmates who trembled in fear. However, when looking at the paper, he was startled. What now? ... He did not know anything! ...

Terrified and pale as wax, his hands were trembling and cold. With no other option, he was answering questions anyway, because he did not know anything. He handed it in and left the room quickly so that his classmates would not see him cry.

He got home with red and swollen eyes. He was desperate. On seeing him, his mother asked anxiously:

- How was your school test, Eddie?

The boy threw his backpack on the floor and collapsed in a chair:

- Very bad, mom. Terrible! I knew nothing!...

- How so? You were so confident, my son! - She asked, wiping her hands on her apron and approaching him, worried.

The boy shook his head and told what had happened:

- The truth, Mom, is that I trusted in Jesus, and

He did not help me...!  

The mother sat beside him, asking him to explain himself better.

- It's true! Yesterday, you told me to read a passage from the Gospel and say a prayer. That's what I did! But to no avail, mom! ...

The mother looked at him full of pity, understanding the problem, and said:

- My dear, you forgot the first thing I said to you: Study! Without studying, how could you do well on the test? Jesus helps us by giving us tranquility, clarifying our memory of the texts we study... But if you do not have anything in your mind, how will He help us? Jesus will always rescue us, but we must do our part!

The boy hung his head dejectedly.

- Now, mom, there is no hope. I'm going to flunk! ...

- Eddie, keep trusting in Jesus. If you flunk, it is a sign that you do not deserve a passing grade; you need to learn more. However, keep your faith and hope. You still have not seen the result of the test!... Who knows?...

The next day, Eddie had a big surprise! The teacher announced to the class that, because most of the students had not done well on the test, she would give them another test. It was scheduled for the following week, thus giving the students time to better study the subject for the exam.

Eddie came home all excited, screaming, and threw himself into his mother's arms:

- Mom! You will not believe what happened! The teacher will give us another test next week!

Smiling, the mother hugged the boy:

- Didn't I say you should trust, Eddie? Now, you have another chance. Study hard! Pray to Jesus for help, but be sure to study, dear!

- I learned my lesson, Mom. Now I will study hard, but I will also ask the support of Jesus, so I can remember what I learned!

They sat at the table for lunch, and Eddie seemed very happy. When they finished eating, his father invited him:

- Son, would you like to go sightseeing? I am going to the next town and would like you to come along!

He smiled, thanking his father, but said that unfortunately could not go, and explained the reason:

- I need to study, Daddy!


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 18/11/2013.)



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