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Year 7 - N° 347 – January 26, 2014

São Paulo, SP (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com


Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

Jesus Christ: examining elements of a perfect leadership 
(Part One)


It is virtually impossible to look at the legacy of Jesus Christ, and not be fascinated by his remarkable personality. Although we live on a planet which is extremely divided, where heterogeneous societies persist; with some still dominated by the winds of radicalism and intransigence of religion; one cannot help but admire the strength and the examples that arise out of his extraordinary figure. Exalted by the spirits that administer this planet as the perfect prototype1, he continues to support humanity through his representatives, who equip us with messages riddled with wisdom and touching appeals so that we do not falter at this time of testimonies that we must face.

Corroborating with this understanding, we turn to the thought of the Spirit Joanna de Ângelis, who makes the following statement: "We live at the time of the great planetary transition.  The forces of good confront the armies of evil in a cruel fratricidal struggle".2 Despite the immense oxidizing landscape that the Earth has become, where dissolute passions, unhealthy attitudes and nefarious actions are rampant everywhere, his appeals to the cultivation of peace and harmony continue to invite us to participate in the sublime divine banquet by the urgent and non-transferable way of inner change.  Through it all, the message of Christ remains updated and will continue being so as it is timeless and thus, also transcends the immediacy of the modern way, which is vitiated, by the way, by destructive values that thrive everywhere.

Having said that, the Christ of God is not only notable for his short and unforgettable passage through this world with his deeds, miracles and teachings. Thanks to him, we have an unquestionably solid route and guidelines to follow, which mark another facet of his personality: the unparalleled leadership - which makes his figure even more admirable. In this essay we wish to examine this aspect through some theoretical and conceptual lenses explored by science. From this perspective, then, we will therefore seek to "fit in" what is proposed by them and what he actually produced in respect of such dimension.

We hope eventually to bring to light some examples of what free-thinkers suggest and what Jesus performed, thus juxtaposing theory and teaching (evidence).


Nobody in this world is free of pain and disappointments - Although the topic of leadership constitutes a fascinating object of study to be lost in the flames of time, it has been only from the last century that it gained a certain status, becoming of interest to scientific research.3

Therefore, we must first point out that "The whole doctrine of Jesus is made ith simplicity and love".4 In other words, everyone is able to understand it and, above all, experience it. Roughly speaking, we all thirst and hunger for spirituality and Jesus provides us with the powerful food of faith, of consolation and clarification of objective. After all, who in this world can claim to be free of pain and disappointments however successful and powerful one is? We strongly believe that no one is able to. Nowadays tests and atonements knock in our doors - probably once more - charging us with balanced attitudes and behaviours and more evolved attitudes.

As such impositions are part of life; a serious religious and spiritual leader can never be lacking in  truth, because it is through truth that he builds the pillar of faith and trust in his followers and sympathizers
And Jesus is absolutely clear about the difficulties – “the crosses” - of the path so that our absolute integration with our Heavenly Father can be achieved, i.e., "... he that taketh not his cross, and  followeth  after me, is  not  worthy of me"  (Matthew, 10:38). There is no empty promise built in there. There is indeed pure sincerity in which a leader creates a context of trust.

Incidentally, leading scholars observe that "Authentic leadership is founded on trust, and the more people that have trust in their leader and in each other, the more they take risks, make changes and maintain their organizations and movements alive. Through this relationship, leaders turn their constituents into leaders themselves ".5

Spiritual leadership and his ability to inspire people
- As a leader par excellence Jesus knew to erect with mastery, in his unforgettable pilgrimage, a fabric of trust at the heart of his apostles and followers - based of course on his transforming speech and in the sincerity of his purpose aimed at changing the mentality of mankind, as if waking mankind up to other transcendent realities – a fundamental step to the spiritual challenges that were long before outlined for humanity on earth. Therefore, as renowned researchers argue, it is a vital characteristic of leadership.6

Oncethat is said, we also see that the ability to engage people through an engaging and sweeping vision emerges as one of the most important skills of a leader. To translate the visionary component by demystification and transcendental teachings as well as influencing the ethos of followers in search of that ideal, is a task that only very special people can accomplish.

Despite the fact that considerable content of the theme of leadership is linked to modern organizations and their drivers, we believe that if we extend the thought, we can see its propositions and consistent applicability to the subject at hand. Thus, it is worth mentioning that many thinkers of our times work extensively researching leadership and its multiple facets, including spiritual ones.   In the latter, incidentally, some researchers suggest that spiritual leadership involves the ability to inspire others to behave according to the highest moral and ethical values in the way we live with others. Such values thereby would encompass empathy, compassion, humility and love, and as such, its bearer would be driven by an innate sense of what is right, regardless of consequences.7

Another prolific and respected researcher in this field, Dr. Louis W. Fry usually defines this ability as "[...] comprising of the values, attitudes and behaviours that are necessary to intrinsically motivate oneself and others so that they have a sense of spiritual survival through calling and association".8


It is from the most sublime source that Jesus is nourished - Seeing the path of Jesus through this lens, one can thus observe that intrinsic motivation is, for example, in his full identification and harmony with the Creator, whose will, moreover, becomes the true performer: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30), or "I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your Father" (John: 8:38) or "But it is that the world knows that I love the Father and that I do as the Father has sent me [...] " (John 14:31).

One sees, therefore, that Jesus finds in his close connection with God an inspiring spiritual force and indispensable wisdom to illuminate human consciousness. It is, in short, from the most sublime source that he is nourished and motivated in the implementation of his mission.

Moreover, he enlists the faithful and determined collaborators who are, in turn, touched in the core of their souls and through his natural magnetism and his rhetoric focused on inner change - first of a new era, that is, of the immortal Spirit.

Of such a profound impact were these episodes that, as the Spirit Amelia Rodrigues describes so well, "the fears and concerns were left behind. Notwithstanding the political intrigue, religious jealousies, problems of each Spirit, a general harmony identified the spirits gathered around the sweeping Rabbi” .9

The benefactor adds: "His lessons were received as divine concessions which penetrated the heart of the feelings and opened up panoramas never dreamed of before. When they marched through the immense paths sowing love, the pace of all formed a chant that seemed to resonate beyond the boundaries of the land that was dear to them. They felt overwhelmed by a strange and singular enthusiasm. His presence gave them unknown power and everyone seemed willing to do any work, the indistinguishable battle that reveberated at different places ".10  


A spiritual leader presents certain basic elements -   Furthermore, the Spirit Amélia Rodrigues also notes that "In intimate conversations they discussed the reasons why they were dominated by the strange magnetism of the Master. While his constant love and tenderness, which with they were quite often received, turned out to be austere, energetic. He was a commander who led them safely, taking responsibility for all acts.He never cheated the truth and never missed the opportunity to teach through the bombastic language of the example. His presence and his message were thus a perennial spring of emotions... "11

As history records, in time, these souls deeply twinned to Christ-ideal become "fishermen of men", greatly expanding his work. In fact, it is estimated that today Christianity encompasses somewhere around 1.9 to 2.1 billion people, that is 29% to 32% of the world’s population.12


On the other hand, it is noteworthy that a spiritual leader; as the researchers of this thought propose; has certain basic elements, such as the ability to create a vision, in which other organizational members (followers in this case) can enjoy a sense of vocation (awakening) so that their lives have meaning and, from there, they start to make a difference in the fulfillment of their activities. Under this premise, a leader establishes a social and organizational culture anchored on selfless love, through which leaders and followers show authentic and genuine care, concern and appreciation for each other, thus generating a sense of association in which the feelings of understanding and respect prevail.13

The theory of spiritual leadership expresses, in many respects, the atmosphere of genuine brotherhood and camaraderie that was established in the formation of Christianity, due to the action of one leader endowed with extraordinary abilities in this dimension of management.

In the examination of this line of leadership one can identify three major constructs (concepts) under which certain indispensable actions are found, namely:

Vision: the quality that includes, as already mentioned, a broad appeal to stakeholders (humanity in this case). It defines the destination and the journey (wholeness and perfection through successive incarnations for the ethical and moral improvement of the Spirit); it reflects high ideals (universal values anchored in love); it encourages faith and hope (the essential fuel of the redemptive walk) and fixation of standards of excellence (the good as the compass).


(Article continues in the next issue of this magazine) 




1. KARDEC, A. O Livro dos Espíritos. Versão Digital. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007, p. 212, questão 625.

2. FRANCO, D.P. (Pelo Espírito Joanna de Ângelis). Ilumina-te. Catanduvas: Intervidas, 2013, p. 89.

3. FRY, L.W.; VITUCCI, S.; CEDILLO, M. Spiritual leadership and army transformation: theory, measurement, and establishing a baseline.
The Leadership Quarterly, v. 16, n.5, p. 836-837, 2005.

4. FRANCO, D.P. (Pelo Espírito Joanna de Ângelis). Ilumina-te. Catanduvas: Intervidas, 2013, p. 159.

5. KOUZES, J.M.; POSNER, B.Z. The leadership challenge. Fourth edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2007, p. 21.

6. FRY, L.W. Toward a theory of spiritual leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, v. 14, n. 6, p. 695, 2003; MILLER, W.C. Spiritually-based leadership. In: ZSOLNAI, L (Ed.). Spirituality and Ethics in Management. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, p. 169; LENNICK, D.; KIEL, F. Moral intelligence: enhancing business performance and leadership success.Wharton School Publishing: Upper Saddle River, 2005, p. 87.

7. GUILLORY, W.A. The living organization: spirituality in the workplace. 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, UT: Innovations International, 2001, p. 186-187.

8. FRY, L.W. Toward a theory of spiritual leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, v. 14, n. 6, p. 694-695, 2003.

9. FRANCO, D.P. (Pelo Espírito Amélia Rodrigues). Luz do mundo. 8ª edição. Salvador: LEAL, 2003, p. 103.

10. ______.______. p. 103-104.

11. ______.______. p. 104.

12. Religião. Fonte: <http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religião> Acesso em: 23 out. 2013.


13. FRY, L.W. Toward a theory of spiritual leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, v. 14, n. 6, p. 695, 2003.

14. ______. p. 695.

15. LUTHANS, F.; AVOLIO, B. Authentic leadership development. In: CAMERON, K.S.; DUTTON, J.E.; QUINN, R.E. (Eds.). Positive Organizational Scholarship. San Francisco: Berret-Koelher, 2003, p. 243.

16. TOURISH, D.; PINNINGTON. Transformational leadership, corporate cultism and the spirituality paradigm: an unholy trinity in the workplace? Human Relations, v. 55, n. 2, p. 151, 2002.

17. ______. p. 162.

18. Por exemplo, BOOROM, R. Spiritual Leadership: A study of the relationship between spiritual leadership theory and transformational leadership. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, 2009; TWIGG, N.W.; PARAYITAM, S. Spirituality as a determinant of transformational leadership: moderating effects of religious orientation. Journal of Management, Spirituality, and Religion, v. 4, n. 3, p. 326-354, 2007.

19. Leader-member exchange theory = teoria de troca entre líder e subordinado.


20. XAVIER, F.C. (Pelo Espírito Emmanuel). Vinha de luz. 4ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1977, p. 248.

21. KORAC-KAKABDASE, N.; KOUZMIN, A.; KAKABDASE, A. Spirituality and leadership praxis. Journal of Managerial Psychology, v. 17, n. 3, p. 169, 2002.

22. VAN DIERENDONCK, D. Servant leadership: a review and synthesis. Journal of Management, v. 37, n. 4, p. 1232, 2011.


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