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Year 7 - N° 340 – December 1st, 2013


Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil) 

Elza Ferreira Navarro - mr.navarro@uol.com.br


Marcus De Mario

Mediumship and
the medium

No one is medium by chance; mediumship obeys
a reincarnatory planning

The study of mediumship leads us to the study of the spiritual reality of life with belief in the immortality of the soul, in the continuity of life after death and in the communication between the spirit world and the material world. One can not talk about mediumship without mentioning the spirits, which are nothing more than men and women who are disembodied from the physical(organic) body and now live in the spirit world (spirituality), wearing another body: the perispirit, also known as a spiritual body.

Nor can we talk about mediumship, if our belief is the continuity of life after death, without exchange between the two worlds (or two dimensions) existing,  i.e. the soul would still continue alive after the death of the body, but would not be able to communicate, interact with the so-called living, those who continue their existence in the physical body.

We affirm these two conditions because mediumship means bridge between two worlds, linking life dimensions, allowing those who departed through death to keep in touch with those who stayed. It is the kindness, mercy and justice of God in action, making affections, and also disaffections, to continue their relations, in an exchange of new learning for each other. 

We are all potentially mediums -  - We learn from those who have left on the return journey back to spiritual homeland, and their countless blessings received, as well as how much they learn from us, when they are in situation of suffering, perturbation, and receive our comforting and enlightening words.

Allan Kardec, the Codifier of Spiritism, on studying mediumship in the works The Mediums’ Book, informs us that we are all potentially mediums, since we are surrounded by spirits, receiving from them greater or lesser influence, for good or for evil depending on their character.

Some of us are more sensitive for begin endowed with an organic structure that can capture this spiritual reality, that is when mediumship itself with its varied nuances arises.

It is said that in the cases just mentioned above we have an ostensible medium, ie, the person who sees, hears, speaks with spirits, and receive communications from them, either through writing or speech.

For being an organic predisposition of the person and an existing spiritual reality with its interchange with material reality, we there have a mediumship that is natural and it has nothing extraordinary, requiring only education, guidance, control, which is achieved with study and with balanced practice that the Spiritist centre can provide. 

What is mediumship given to us for? – To think and to feel that we are immortal souls, that death is not the end of all, and that those who left can keep in touch with us, is at least a consolation. Plus, knowing that a person is endowed with mediumship, the so-called medium, is bale to be intermediary of this communication with us from the beyond, bringing the word of a loved one is at least to ignite the flame of hope in the tomorrow, in the love that never dies.

Mediumship is given by God to men so that they can take always advantage from it in a useful way, as with everything in life, serving as an instrument of proof of life after death, while at the same time serving as the interaction channel between the existential realities.

It is necessary for the proper use of mediumship, to know the reality of life beyond the grave, and also to go on living in the earthly world in order to prepare ourselves in the best way possible for our return to the spiritual world. This is done by combating our bad inclinations and developing the virtues.

For this we recommend a careful reading of The Spirits' Book, fundamental work of Spiritism, as well as participation in study groups in Spiritist Centre, or through the internet, in distance learning sites brought about by many Spiritists.

A person who is interested or has ostensible mediumistic faculties and knowing the spiritual reality, perhaps should take a second step: get to know mediumship, as it isn’t possible to exercise it usefully in ignorance of the facts. Thus, the study of The Mediums’ Book, preferably done in this study group, in a Spiritist Centre, where testimonies and experiences can clarify in depth the questions is essential. 

The responsibility of being a medium - To live mediumship is to be in direct relationship with the living from beyond the grave, but this experience should spread the good, sow love, so the medium must be a true Christian candidate, taking in the lessons of the Gospel the infallible roadmap of good conduct, turning away the morally lower spirits from himself and serving as a conduit for messages from good spirits, legitimate representatives of the uplifting message of the Good News.

The medium who is uncontrolled, unbalanced, without knowledge of the mechanisms of mediumship will be a plaything in the hands of spirits who just want to sow discord, disunity, placing obstacles for our moral improvement, deflecting mediumistic of the work of elevation of souls, ie, those we are presently incarnate. By knowing the reality of spiritual life, that death does not perform miracles, and that what we carried on being with the same vices and virtues after discarnation. The medium will not allow himself to be deceived because he knows that in the spirit world there are the ignorant and the wise, the wicked and the good, as much as here on Earth and that the fact of being outside of the physical body does not necessarily give the Spirit all the science, nor all knowledge, nor all the morality, which is only achieved with great effort, humility and time.

With Spiritism, the medium will learn to have mediumship gives you no ascendancy over others, and not even over spirits. In fact, the medium carries a great responsibility and he/she should take account of this faculty before divine law, when one receives a hundredfold if one puts oneself at the service of man and of improvement of the world. 

Being medium is not a privilege – an object of much curiosity, as well as numerous scientific studies, the medium is sometimes considered a person with supernatural powers, when in fact it is only an individual with the ability to maintain exchange with Spirits, our brothers who no longer wear the garb of flesh, no longer possess the biological body.

Thus, the medium can be anywhere living normally, and indeed he must do so by interacting socially, keeping his family life, exercising his professional work, allowing the time that that is possible for him for the ostensible mediumistic activity, but assiduously, faith and perseverance, always in a voluntary and free modus operandi, in service of the good, using of the mediumship meetings organized by Spiritist Centre.

Many people, when they read these lines, will perhaps be disillusioned because they thought it was a privilege to be a medium, as Spiritism shows it in a simple way, without fireworks, reminding that mediumship is at the same time, mission and test. This does not mean that mediumistic phenomenon hasn’t got its complexity, because we are referring to the medium’s individuality, the human being, who can be replaced at any time and not even be able to get this or that type of communication by spirits. 

No one is a medium by chance - So, the medium is not suffering from any disease, nor is crazy, much less a privileged being. He/she is a person who has the natural faculty of mediumship, being considered an intermediate between spirits and men. In order to be a faithful interpreter, one must have discipline and humility, two basic characteristics, and always striving to study the spiritist doctrine, knowing the phenomenon in all its nuances, and knowing how to listen the criticisms in order to enhance one’s work and to receive the confidence of good spirits.

No one is a medium by chance. Mediumship obeys a reincarnatory planning and those who will wear this label of service here on Earth, accepts it willingly, going through a whole preparation to better perform her task.

We are speaking of spiritual preparation before birth, ie, when the Spirit candidate for reincarnation and for  mediumship participates courses and exercises in the spirit world so that he/she will be able to develop satisfactorily, always in the service of the good, whatever mediumistic faculty one holds.

Marcus De Mario is an educator, writer, educational and business consultant. Works at Humility and Love Spiritist Centre, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.



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