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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 338 – November 17, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Son Of The Heart


Bento was walking through the neighborhood when, passing through a square, he saw a boy sleeping rough, hidden among some foliage under a tree.

Curious, Bento approached and watched the boy sleep.

The boy woke up, stretched his arms, and looked around. When he saw the other boy watching him, he said angrily:

- If you also want to sleep, there are other places around here. Go find one!

Bento smiled and explained:

- I do not need a place to sleep. I have my house!

- Oh!... - exclaimed the boy - Good for you. And do you have a family too?

- Yes, I do. And my parents love me very much!

The other boy's eyes became full of tears and bowing his head, he muttered:

- Unfortunately, I have no one. I am alone in the world.

- But all people have a family! Where is yours? - Bento wondered.

So, John - that was the boy's name - explained as he sat up:

- I vaguely remember my mother and father. I woke up one day and noticed that I was alone at home. I searched the neighborhood but did not find them. I cried a lot. I searched for my parents everywhere, but no one had seen them. So hungry, I began to beg.

Bento felt very sorry for John, who continued telling:

- After a few days, they did not let me enter the house anymore. There were other people living there. So, I got used to living on the street. I made friends, who share with me the food that they get. I sleep here in this square, as you can see.

- John, would you like to have a home?

- Of course! Who would not? - replied the boy with glowing eyes.

- So come with me!

Decidedly, Bento took his new friend home. It was lunchtime. Seeing him arrive with a ragged boy, his father asked:

- Who's your new friend, my son?

- His name is John and I met him in the street, Dad. He has no family. What do you think of giving me a new brother?

His parents exchanged a startled look, and the father explained:

- Bento, it is not as easy as you think, son. John must have a family!

- No. He lives alone in the streets!

- Even so, dear. - considered the mother - It is necessary to consult the authorities, child protection agencies. We cannot just bring him in to live with us! ...

- So let's talk to whomever might solve my friend's problem! - resolved the boy.

The father, who seriously listened, considered:

- Bento, in addition to these problems, there are some others, my son: we will need another room, a bed, clothes ... Then, enroll him in school and more! ... All this needs money, which we do not have.

Bento, however, was adamant:

- This is easy to solve, Dad. I share the room with John and give him my bed, I do not mind sleeping on the floor. I have lots of clothes and shoes that I can share with him, because we are the same size; about school, he will come with me! I assure you, Daddy, he will be no work at all!

The father looked at John and asked about his family. John told him exactly what he had said to Bento.

Then humbly, he said:

- If you accept me, you will not have to worry about me. I always find food; my street friends help me. I do not need clothes, I already have these that fit me. And I have not had a bed for so long I do not even miss it. And I do not need money. The only thing that I dream of, really, is to have a family again. That's it!

Everyone was touched hearing those words, and Bento ran into the bedroom and returned with his piggy bank in his hands:

- If the problem is money, I have some, Mom! My piggy bank is full! ...

Seeing the boy's determination his parents exchanged an emotional look, and ultimately agreed:

- Okay, Bento. You just got a new brother! Later we will solve Johnny's situation with the authorities! But as of now, he is our son!

Opening her arms, the mother hugged the boy with love. The father wrapped them in the same hug and Bento approached, holding out his arms and taking part in the group.

They were happy. Love won. Now the family

had a new member. Johnny cried with joy at having new parents, and they explained to him:

- John, from today, you are our son of the heart. However, if one day, you find your true family and want to return to it, we'll understand. We will not stop to love you, and we can share you with your biological family. Get it?

John ran to his new parents nodding to show that he had understood, and with his eyes filled with tears, he hugged them with much love.



(Psychographed by Celia Xavier de Camargo in Brazil.)


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism