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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 336 – November 3, 2013
Juiz de Fora, MG (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Luiz Gamonall: 

“I am simply a musical note adapting to the scores of life” 

The well-known classical singer, a Spiritist from birth, talks about
the importance of music in our lives

A voice of extreme sensibility. A project of lyrical singing. Exclusive dedication to the type of music that elevates us. These are the attributes of Luiz Gamonall (photo), who was born in the city of Juiz de Fora, in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state, into a Spiritist family. He has a degree in classical singing in Juiz de  Fora  and  did  several private  courses in São

Paulo, as well as private lessons. He released a CD recently – Sentimentos – standards such as Besame Mucho, She, My Way, Hallelujah and others. In a break between concerts, Luiz Gamonall gave us this friendly and relaxed interview: 

Noel Rosa, the great Brazilian song writer from the 1920’s and 30’s, said in a message from the Spiritual World that music “is the best expression of human feeling”. Is that how you see music? 

Music certainly brings up feelings and emotions we did not think we were even able to have. With a few chords music can touch your heart and make you feel something so deep that tears will come to your eyes. And that without any words being said or sung. Music is something so incredible and wonderful that it has touched everyone, somehow, across the centuries. That is why my first CD is called Sentimentos (Feelings). 

As a tenor, what contribution do you think you can give inside the Spiritist Movement? 

I believe the voice has an incredible power of liberating energy, bringing across exactly what the singer feels at that particular moment. Thus, as someone who is passionate about music and life, I can only bring across good feelings to those who listen to me. That way I believe I contribute not only to the Spiritist Movement but to all humankind. 

They say the chest of a tenor is like a box that resounds sublime music if he so wishes. Do you embrace that theory? 

Yes and no. I believe the singing resonates through the whole body – not only the chest – and mainly through the head. 

What type of songs do your prefer to interpret? 

Romantic songs, those that speak of love and good things, songs that pass on positive energy. 

In Posthumous Works, Allan Kardec mentions celestial music and Spiritist music. In your view, do they follow the same path? 

I believe they do, but at different levels. Celestial music is something that cannot be described to us due to its level of perfection and its format. Spiritist music, like any type of music from this world, is incredible and wonderful, but is still progressing towards perfection. There is a Spiritist novel by Antonio Luiz Fontela, Pedalando, where the characters listen to music in a much more spiritually developed planet. They listen to the music during an event but they cannot describe it. They realise that even the best virtuosos of our planet would be no more than beginners there. The music there was not only heard, it was seen. At each chord, at each new note, fluids went up forming a colourful pattern that involved everyone. People felt they were part of the harmony. They were the music itself, which vibrated in their souls.  

You wrote this sentence – “I am an evolving being adapting to life and searching for the unknown” – in the internal folder of your CD. Tell us a bit more about it. 

This sentence is part of a poem I have written about my own life, called Quem Sou? (Who Am I?):

         I am an evolving being adapting to life and searching for the unknown

         Bringing up desires and sensations of all types, crossing over invisible challenges in

         search for something I don’t know as yet,

         But I go ahead through paths that guide me through uncontrollable feelings

         trying to be a better person.

         It doesn’t matter how long it takes

         Or if I have to change once again.

         I get up, I get stronger and progress through my mistakes and successes.

         Who knows if I’m on the right path?

         I am simply a musical note adapting to the scores of life

         In search of the perfect melody.

This poem was written in February 2007. I talk about my development, day by day, as a human being. When I wrote it, I was not sure what I was looking for. What was unknown to me then, I understand now, was Spiritual Evolution.  

You say: “I am simply a musical note adapting to the scores of life, in search of the perfect melody”. Who is, in a nutshell, Luiz Gamonnal? 

It is difficult to talk about us, but I would say Luiz Gamonall is just a simple person in constant change and evolution, who wants to good of everything and everyone, who thinks about helping others and spreading love through his talent, which is the music. 

Note: Luiz Gamonall has a Facebook fan club created by an Italian admirer. He has performed in many Brazilian cities, as well as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Paraguay, Argentina and Peru. For those who want to get in touch with him, the contacts are:

Tel: + 55 32 88330430
Website: www.LuizGamonall.com


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