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Year 7 - N° 331 – September 29, 2013

Curitiba, PR (Brasil)

Eleni Frangatos P. Moreira - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


André Luiz Alves Jr.

Chemical dependency, a misalignment
of the soul

Lately, the specter of addiction afflicts the Brazilian society in general. Unfortunately, media focuses on this matter nationwide. In all cities, to a greater or lesser degree, it is possible to find addicts suffering in the streets, squares, and alleys. They are people of different social classes, levels of education, and age. Addiction is not selective. On the contrary, it is epidemic.

The number of addicts is increasing reaching levels of concern. We estimate that in Brazil, about 9 million people make use of illegal substances. If alcoholics and smokers are considered, then the statistics reach over 9 million people. The impression we have is that the situation is out of control.

The use of toxic substances is similar to a highly malignant cancer. It spreads rapidly and it causes other dreaded consequences, such as homicides, thefts, robberies and other forms of crime. Every day many people lose their lives fighting against drug dealers. While entire families are destroyed, drug dealers become rich at the expense of the suffering of other people. 

What is addiction? 

Science defines addiction or dependence syndrome as a lack of control of the body regarding the use of chemical substances (illegal drugs, alcohol, smoking, medication), i.e., for the body to operate it needs these substances, it becomes dependent. When the body lacks these substances, it reacts with symptoms known as abstinence syndrome.

It is a chronic illness. It acts fast and is hard to control, causing death. Today it is considered a public health problem. 

The concept of "Drugs" 

Drugs are toxic substances of natural or synthetic origin. They have adverse effects and, therefore, strongly harm the body. They can be ingested, inhaled, injected, or absorbed through the skin. They act specifically on the brain, stimulating the areas responsible for pleasure, causing a momentary feeling of well-being. To maintain this false pleasure, the user needs increasingly larger doses, thereby addicting his physical and spiritual body. These substances may cause atrophy of the brain tissue, resulting in learning deficit, cognitive disorders, insanity, and schizophrenia. 

Causes of addiction 

Science appoints several factors that cause addiction. The main studies point to psychological issues, social, congenital (mothers who transmit the addiction to children still in gestation) and genetic. Scientifically, there is no definitive answer to explain the cause of addiction. 

Spiritism and its explanation for addiction 

According to Joanna de Angelis, the person must be analyzed holistically. A human being is formed by the spirit, body, and mind, considering the immortality of the soul and the plurality of existences. Thus, it is understandable that the origins of various physical and psychological pathologies are related to a disease of the spirit, acquired in a previous life, or resulting from immaturity, and a still limited level of progress.

In general, we must mention man's endless search to understand the "I." Human being's own actions cause everlasting problems, restlessness of mind tormented by a guilty conscience, excessive concern with the body and denial of the spirit, existential immediatism, and lack of faith in the Creator. When these issues are not clearly solved, man enters into existential crisis, characterized by emptiness, loneliness, and severe psychological conflicts that lead to depression and other behavioral disorders that eventually induce these less prepared Spirits to seek refuge in drugs.

Joanna de Angelis in "Psychology of Gratitude" (Psicologia da Gratidão) says, "In this search for personal fulfillment, the base of a happy existence, the challenge of the existential meaning appears in the moment that society experiences the psychopathological pandemic of empty lives."

On the other hand, during the evolutionary journey, the imperfect Spirit is invited to free itself from the vicious tendencies it acquired over the previous lives. These evil tendencies may remain recorded on the perisprit for a long time, and they end up by affecting the matter, thus explaining the genetic predisposition of certain individuals to become addicts. A spirit that was in contact with chemicals in previous existences can be inclined to develop the same tendency in the following reincarnation.

The Spirit of Manoel Philomeno Miranda also clarifies this issue in the book "Insanity's Borders" (Nas Fronteiras da Loucura):

"Spiritually backward without the settings of moral values ​​that give him the strength to fight, the modern man, who has conquered the moon and advances in the study of the origins of the Solar System that serves as its birthplace, exploring other planets, failed to conqueror himself. He reached expressive victories, but did not achieve his inner peace, suffering the effects of technological tentative without the corresponding values for moral support. He grew in the horizontal intelligence without developing the vertical high moral. Indeed, he does not resist to pressure, loses his emotional balance with ease, and flees, seeking for alcoholic beverage, tobacco, hallucinogenic drugs of toxic nature..." 

Addiction and obsession 

It is known that the spiritual plane exercises direct influence on the material plane and vice versa. Our thoughts act as transmitters and receivers of vibration, with which we are able to influence and be influenced. Just a fixed thought is enough to bring to us Spirits who share the same ideas. If we think positively, the vibrations received from the spiritual plane will also be beneficial.  If the opposite happens, less developed Spirits approach us inclined to disturb.

Through this mechanism, some reincarnated spirits are influenced to practice harmful actions, which is bad for themselves and others. There are rare cases of addiction originated by obsession. If the obsessed has a greater mediumship, but is not indoctrinated, the influence can be stronger.

It is necessary to clarify that the obsession only happens when we allow it, so most of the time, there are no palliative circumstances. The Spirit Andre Luiz reports some cases of addiction through obsession in the book "In the Domain of Mediumship" (Nos Domínios da Mediunidade). 

The addict beyond the grave 

The continued use of drugs in many different ways, when it does not drive the individual to a conscious suicide, it ends up by destroying the body due to overdose.

The vicious compulsion does not end with the closing of the physical eyes. The Spirit remains under the influence of harmful substances impregnated in his perisprit. The despair and suffering are present. The transgressor Spirit is affected by the effects of abstinence and then begins an incessant search for drugs, and in some cases it becomes an obsessor or a slave of the legions of evil spirits inclined to evil, under similar conditions, and remains like this until it becomes worthy of a ransom.

Sometimes this Spirit has to be hospitalized by force in psychiatric institutions of the spiritual plane to remove the harmful substances and repair the maladjustment of consciousness. When it returns to the physical plane, its perisprit brings with it marks caused by past abuse and they can be imprinted in the body, besides having to undergo the same trials as before. 

What can be dome to fight drug addiction? 

The requirements are given by Joanna de Angelis through the psychic Divaldo Franco, in the book "After the Storm" (Apos a Tempestade). Let us analyze them: "Moral education in the light of the Gospel without disguise or distortion; spiritual awareness without fanfare; freedom and guidance based on responsibility; moral discipline since early days; the loving guidance of parents and of cautious teachers; social and medical assistance ministered brotherly are effective antidotes to the absurd and self-flagellating drug problem. Man suffers all this because he replaced the actual values of love and truth by foolish, not relevant, and frivolous behavior. Therefore, the solution of the problem is a Christian family education in ennobled schools, in the honored community, and not in the police repression..."

The situation requires commitment from several institutions, beginning with the family, who has a leading role in the protection of a Spirit. Family life is the foundation for a Spirit's successful reincarnation.

Religious institutions also have a great influence in fighting addiction because any religion which is able to make man better is worthy of respect and appreciation. The religious education contributes to the development of the character, imprinting the ethical and moral principles in the human personality.

Society must also become responsible and not close its eyes to the situation. Each individual must do his duty and realize that we are all subject to experiencing this problem within our homes.

It is true that Spiritism also works for the benefit of those who cross this painful situation, but without the cooperation of all of us, the efforts of the Higher Spirits are null. God invites us to help in this task. "Every form of service is a blessing."


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