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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 327 September 1, 2013
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The séance and its usefulness

Some time ago, a dedicated dealer of spirit propagation engaged in a shameful and misguided campaign in the cities of São Paulo, which brought the idea of the unnecessary spread of séance. After all, he said, Allan Kardec did not perform and our commitment must be with the embodied, guiding them, evangelizing them, supporting them, for they have not then when disembodied, to seek help in the Spiritist Centers.

This idea has been recurrent in the Spiritist movement in Brazil. According to Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, every few years, similar proposal comes amid spirit.

Undoubtedly, our commitment to incarnate is not a discussion. We need to engage effectively in guiding, support, to instruct those who can get on the spiritual doctrine the resource and understanding that could not find elsewhere.

It happens that an activity does not exclude the other.

Indeed, embodied and disembodied are all immortal spirits in search of the same goal, which is the moral and intellectual improvement, the result of the efforts on behalf of themselves and the community they serve.

The spiritist pervaded at his duties, works for the two possible fields of spiritist activity - among incarnate of all ages and also with those who, although situated in the spiritual, need guidance and support.

In chapter 16 of the book "In the Borders of Madness", written by Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, psychographic by Divaldo Franco, Dr. Bezerra de Menezes talks about the importance of the séance and its consoling function, which, besides serving medication to the spirits of two sides of life, it is a clear proof of survival. "Never - says Dr. Bezerra – it will be outdated mediumistic achievements of undeniable advantage, besides the power they exert to make new fans who then became interested in the study of the Doctrine and deepening."

In the work cited, after explaining that knowledge, preparation doctrinal and moral conditions of the session participants are the predominant factors for obtaining the results, Dr. Bezerra said: "We respect all creatures on the steps that they matured in their process of spiritual evolution. Meanwhile, it is valued the anonymous mediumship workers, who form spiritual assistance circles to the disembodied and exchange with us through sacrifice, selflessness and loyalty that they dedicate to the beacon of comfort and love that ebbs and flows in séance of all serious expressions: the 'cures' or fluid, disobsession, development or education of mediumship, materialization with serious goals and higher, favoring the exercise of the various psychic faculties for building and living well." "These workers misunderstood, often tired are cooperating effectively to the forgetfulness that many relegate, with the Benefactor of Humanity in building the new world of tomorrow for which we all long." (In the Border of Madness, chap. 16, pages 120-122.)

The purpose of the subject, recall what Efigênio S. Victor (Spirit) said opportunely, using Francisco Cândido Xavier faculties: "A psychic session to help the suffered disembodied can be compared to a psychiatric clinic, working on behalf of the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. The counselor or scholars are doctors and nurses with very serious obligations to the needy and patients who seek them." (Voices from the Great Beyond, work dictated by various spirits, ed. FEB.)

Let us always keep in mind the lessons now reproduced and not let misguided proposals, as mentioned in the preamble, take shape in spiritist institutions we serve.


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