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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 323 – August 4, 2013
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The improvement of soul demands time

The chipping of the soul is a long time work. As Abel Gomes says in constant message of the book "Talking to Earth", psychographic by medium Chico Xavier, not all leave Earth and join the spiritual homeland in the position of heroes. "The perfect sublimation is incessant work of centuries."

On Earth, says Abel, is noticed, everywhere, men and women of goodwill unequivocal acceptance of divine truths, which, however, cannot apply them, promptly or at all, to life itself. We see comrades who already get rid of the suffocating bonds of greed, in the area of money, living in commendable detachment from material possessions. However, many still cling to sexuality, unable to break the pricks that bound them in this area.

Other, stilled in perfect serenity, extinct in depth soul, the last remnants of the fiery passions of the flesh, but cling to a measly pennies, turning life into a pitiable cult and unique to gold the ground will complain. Many teach well, with vigor and beauty in words, but adopt attitudes and acts that discredit them, despite respectable intentions that animate them, demonstrating the inability to govern their thoughts and crumbling with the impulsive verb good works performed with hands.

It is not rare do good but simply for those who are inclined by sympathy refusing to assist those they do not penetrate the circles of personal liking. Numerous people take comfort with the religious teaching of sanctification in its interior field, but deny it in the sphere of objective action.

Manoel Philomeno de Miranda refers to it in chapter 24 of his book "Panels of Obsession", a work psychographic by the medium Divaldo Franco.

According to him, the return of the Spirit to bodily existence, when someone applies for a meritorious action, should never expect from other examples of virtues, nor the lessons of elevation, but examine their own arrangements to check what has and what can offer in the name of Jesus. A simple application to good does not turn the individual good as much as the raid on the commitment of faith does not make anyone, instantly renewed.

Deserve respect, therefore, not only the victors, as those who persist and act without rest, even when they do not reach readily happy results.

In experiments lifting, among other impediments that arise, routine is a severe test to be overcome. While there is news on the job, there are motivation and enthusiasm to accomplish it. Then, as you do repetitive actions tend to tire, reducing the ardor of candidate industriousness and taking it to saturation, the withdrawal.

In those moments of exhaustion, temptations arise overstated home, the accommodation, the excessive time without proper use, opening up the field to undue censorship, which thrives in the form of gossip and spread bitterness and reproach, destroying the piles where hope sows love and tenderness. Many well works do not resist to this period, when higher intentions give way to boredom and convenience, which provide the invasion of destructive forces and the penetration of vigilant opponents to light.

Only humility, which gives the dimension of human weakness and smallness, compared to the grandeur of life, provides a legitimate vision that leads the individual to appeal to the Deity by prayer anointed love, effective antidote to obsessive disorders. Prayer releases the addicted mind of its pernicious clichés and opens the mind to capture the inspiring energy that foster enthusiasm for the good and the achievement of peace through love. However, in order to enrobe of dealienating force, it needs the fuel of faith, without it there are nothing but words devoid of emotional commitment between those states and the Lord to whom they are addressed.

Mother of many virtues, humility is also essential to the effort which it will take the soul to the moral improvement that we are destined, though bear in mind that it is a long journey to unfold over many centuries. 



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