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Year 7 - N° 321 – July 21, 2013

Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com 


Gebaldo José de Sousa

The origins of the black and yellow
races on earth

2nd and Final Part

João Neves da Rocha -  from the Manoel P. Miranda Project Team - drafted the precious article (in six parts), entitled Evolution, and published it in editions of the 2009 Magazine 'Spiritist Presence", published by "Spiritist Centre Caminho da Redenção", in Salvador, Bahia.

Here are excerpts from Part 5:

 “How did the transition between animal life and the incarnation of the first men take place?” That is the question we will deal with in this article of the series.

We will use data from Science and from the lecture delivered by Mr. Divaldo Franco in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the closure of “The First Encounter of Childhood Evangelizers(...). (1)

 (...)From the Catarrino descends the anthropoid which is divided into two branches: the disappeared ancestor - the Australopithecus (2) – and the anthropoid itself which will remain simian. (...)

Anthropologists and palaeontologists affirm that from this Australopithecus erectus two biotypes emerge: the Australopithecus called Homo pekinensis and the Australopithecus Man of South Africa, among others, demonstrating that there wasn’t a creation happening in only one place, as Earth had special elements for building life, life is presented in many parts of the planet. (...) (our highlight)

This is established in The Spirits’ Book, question 53:  Did the human race come into existence on various points of the globe?

‘Yes, and at different times, and this is also one of the causes of the diversity of races.(…)’

The Missing Link: What does this expression mean? – Referring to the Mr. Franco’s lecture again: (...) From the Australopithecus era, there is a moment in which the doctrines of Charles Darwin, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Alfred Russel Wallace, Buffon, do not hold up and no longer explain why suddenly Homo Sapiens appear on Earth about five or ten thousand years ago.. And they wonder: 'What took place? Where are the fossils that keep the marks of the evolution process? These fossils were lost ...!!? This is called the Missing Link.

Allan Kardec, the Codifier of the Spiritist Doctrine, (...) established in the wonderful book entitled The Genesis the history of the planet, showing that there was an immanent reality and transcendent reality: the Earth had the elements essential to life, but Divine intervention was developing life and creation...

If things occur at random, cell mitosis - divisions – would occur randomly and would then form monsters; would have no finality. (...)

Because at the moment in which the Australopithecus branches out, there is a factor that is not biological or phylogenetic, that is to say: it is not inherited, because if it were the legacy would be the same. (...) That's where we come with two elements: the immanent element that Earth had, Divine Psychism, and the Spirits exiled from outside that Earth received. (...) " (first emphasis is in the original; the latter is ours.)

Here are, covertly cited by Mr. Divaldo Franco, the two modes of propulsion to the evolutionary leap in Earth's irrational to be rational: the first one, when the Immanent God, present and active in the soul of the ape, driven by the transcendent God, awakens the dormant power in marvellous insight that leads to the creation of man. The second one, when the Spirit dives into the flesh of the primitive man recently created in order to accelerate the progress of the psyche and of shapes.

The explanation provided by medium Mr. Divaldo Franco – An action in two eras – so we think: first, Divine Creation of mankind; then, the action of Divine Providence bringing necessary and opportune cooperation from outside.

Mr. Franco goes on explaining: “(...) this psychism leaves the initial point and goes on becoming complex until the Australopithecus. This Australopithecus is terraqueous, its evolution is the same as of Earth. In this circumstance, when on a Higher planet; rebellious beings believing themselves to be equal to God, promoted a revolution – of ethics, of culture, of civilisation and feelings -, just as we carry out on Earth at present time, but because we (they) do not have LOVE (…) what then happens? (…)

So, these rebellious beings are cast out from this planet(...) to a primitive world, similar to hell(…)

They came to inhabit the bodies of pithecanthropus which were not yet standing erect.(...). They reincarnate in bodies produced by the terraqueous psychism under divine control and direction. From that moment the terraqueous no longer reincarnates, but only these from outside, in backward bodies: ITS BRAIN IS SIMIAN, but the SPIRIT is able to think.

What happens, then, when the Spirit thinks?

By having the thinking function and acting through a backward brain, the function propels the organ to develop itself. For this reason this Australopithecus suddenly branches out: to those in which the terraqueous are incarnated on, endowed with a backward psychism in backward bodies, and the ones from outside, who produce better equipped bodies.(…)”

From this moment – because evolution was very quick – there were no fossils.(...) Evolution leaped from Australopithecus erectus to Homo Sapiens.

When this wise mankind started to reason and to build bodies through inheritance, compatible with its perispirit, something curious occurred: the Spirits that were from Earth psychism became retained, for a period, without reincarnating. (…)”

The arrival of foreign Spirits took place on several occasions – We have highlighted it exactly for being a “curious event” spoken of by the medium Mr. Franco. How to explain in terms of natural law, the preference for some and the deterrent for others – to reincarnate? Through attunement, will be the answer.

Visualize any region where outsider spirits have initially installed: a contingent of these souls have incarnated, while another was waiting for the opportunity to do so. With reproduction and the consequent increase in the population of descendants, the others are automatically and gradually drawn to incarnation. Then, later one on the march to other lands, as they dominated the natives, they inevitably replaced them, by the same law of attunement.

We now situate the reasons of the Spiritual Administration of the planet in allowing this to happen: do not men proceed in the same way when they want to quickly improve the members of their herds? First they buy excellent breeders and great heifers, they then transfer the cattle with poorer quality genetics to other sites, and in a third phase, now with the best members increased, mix them with the old one, to improve the whole herd.

Taken from a scenario of reincarnations, to where did these earthlings go? Were they inactive? They stayed on Earth, in its spiritual dimensions. (...) ".

I know it has been a long transcript but I could neither say better, nor as clearly as did Mr. João Neves da Rocha, in his excellent work!

His opinions to this article were:

"We know very well that arriving on Earth, of outsiders spirits did not take place at once, but through some (or many) waves in different regions and at different times. People do not always accept this idea nor consider the information that was already there, in its origin, of different ethnic groups, different cultures as well as different evolutionary stages. "

As it turns out, the subject is vast and fascinating. I recommend that the full article of the newspaper is read, which offers us much other valuable information on the topic. It must therefore be read and meditated!



(1) Evolutions, “La Idea” editions, Argentina Spiritist Federation.

(2) Intermediate animal fossils between ape and man. Also known as Australopithecus.



XAVIER, Francisco C. On the Path to Light. By the spirit-author Emmanuel. 22nd Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1996.

KARDEC, Allan. Genesis. Translator: Evandro N. Bezerra. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2009. Chapter 11, ’’Spiritual Genesis’, item 29;

KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits’ Book. Translator Evandro N. Bezerra. 2nd Edition. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2011. Questions 48, 49 and 607-a.

FRANCO, Divaldo P. Joanna de Angelis(Spirit-author), spirit message Belief in God, received in Austria in 1st  June 2007 and published in magazine “Reformador” in May 2008.


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