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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 320 – July 14, 2013
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Being a good person
is our goal

The spiritual doctrine is very clear when it shows the purpose of the passage of the Spirits by incarnational experience.

The incarnation is essential to spiritual progress of the world and those who dwell therein, for the opportunities it offers, the challenges it presents, by the difficulties that stands in the way of being as we are, intended to perfection.

Reincarnation, or the return of the Spirit to a new incarnation, it is nothing but the result of this process, since one only existence in the flesh would be, as everyone knows, insufficient for the goal that we await is finally achieved.

Becoming a good person is the goal.

What is a good man?

A good man is, as Allan Kardec’s words; who fulfills the law of justice, love and charity in their highest purity.

Have faith in God and in the future.

Owned feeling of charity and love of neighbor, doing good for good, without expecting any payment.

Repel the bad with the good, take the defense of the weak against the strong, and always sacrifices your interests to justice.

Your first impulse is to think of others before thinking of yourself.

It's good, humane and benevolent to all, without distinction of any kind, because you see in all men your brothers.

Respects in others their all sincere convictions and not released anathema to those who do not think like him.

In all circumstances, take charity as a guide.

No feeds hatred, or bitterness, or desire for revenge, the example of Jesus, forgives and forgets offenses and remember only the benefits, knowing that you will be forgiven as there is forgiven.

It is indulgent to the weaknesses of others, because you know that also needs indulgence.

Never rummage delights in the defects of others, nor yet in evidence them. Study your own imperfections and work tirelessly to combat them. Do not be conceited of your wealth or your personal advantage, knowing that everything that was given can be taken away from you.

Use the property granted to you, but do not abuse them, because you know that constitute a deposit that will be accountable and that the most harmful job that can give you is to apply it to the satisfaction of your passions.

If the social order placed under your command other men, treat them with kindness and benevolence, because they are your equal before God.

Here are some of the virtues that characterize a good man. Surely there are others, but - as noted Kardec - who have those mentioned is in the path that leads to the others. 

In view of said above, it presents an intriguing question: Why do many spiritists cannot apply to themselves so clear lessons as what was exposed?

In chapter XVII, Section 4, of The Gospel According to Spiritism, Allan Kardec sketched an answer to this question.

According to him, the reason is that in many spiritists are still very tenacious bonds of matter to allow the Spirit to be detached from the things of Earth. The fog that surrounds them takes the vision of the infinite, from which arises the difficulty of breaking with their inclinations and habits, not realizing that there might be something better than what they are gifted. They have the belief in spirits as a simple fact, but nothing or very little to them modifies the instinctive tendencies. In short: they do not envision more than a ray of light, insufficient to guide them and provide them a vigorous aspiration, able to overcome their inclinations. Spiritists still imperfect, some get halfway or turn away from their brothers in belief, because retreat before the obligation to rebuild themselves or keep their sympathies only to them who share the weaknesses or preventions.


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