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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 7 - N° 318 – June 30, 2013

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Eloy, The Space Traveler


Six year-old Eloy, a boy with a lot of imagination, was always with his little head in the clouds, thinking about some adventure to undertake. Whenever his eyes were still, fixed in the distance, you could count on it: he was thinking of a new and risky feat.

His mother, Leah, was always jumpy. Whenever she did not see Eloy around, she shouted: 

- Eloy! Where are you? - because she was sure that he would be thinking of something dangerous to do. 

One day, coming home and not seeing her son around, Leah began to look for him. After looking everywhere, she found the boy inside a large plastic drum on top of a tree which he placed between two branches and which was supported by a miracle. The mother froze with fear. 

- Eloy! How did climb up there, son? Get down now! It is very dangerous! 

The boy put his head out of the drum and happily explained: 

- This is my spaceship, Mom! I'm traveling through space! 

- Get down now, Eloy! - ordered the terrified mother. 

Annoyed, the boy got down complaining: 

- Mom, you killed my joy. I was having so much fun! 

Some other time, looking out the kitchen window where she prepared lunch, the mother saw Eloy walking on the high wall that surrounded the house. 

- Eloy! Get down from there! What are you doing? ... - she ordered, worried. 

Crying, the boy got down and explained to the mother that he was walking among the stars, visiting planets and talking with a small comet. He bitterly concluded while running into his room: 

- You ruined my fun, Mom. 

The mother knew that her son had a lot of imagination but could not allow him to act that way because he was small and had no sense of danger. What to do? ... Every day was a novelty. He was always doing something dangerous. 

That night, the mother talked to her husband, sharing her concerns with him.

- Honey, you are absolutely right. But we have to trust in Jesus. Let's pray - advised the husband. 

Thus the mother closed her eyes and prayed to Jesus, beseeching help from the Spiritual Friends. 

She acknowledged the child's great imagination but Eloy was living dangerously, and as his mother and being responsible for him, she could not admit it. However, how could she restrict his flights of fantasy, as it was his soul that sought adventures?! ... 

And in tears, she implored: 

- Dear Jesus, help me! Protect my son so that he lives in a less dangerous way! I could not bear it if anything happened to Eloy. Help me, Lord! 

The next morning, the mother woke up feeling calmer. She woke up Eloy to go to school. The boy got up and went into the kitchen where his mother was fixing breakfast. Soon, the family was sitting around the table. 

Eloy, all excited, told his mother: 

- Mom, last night I had a very cool dream. 

- Ah! And what did you dream about, dear? 

- I dreamed I was asleep in my bed and suddenly woke up. Beside the bed there was a young man I had never seen before. He said he was my friend and that he would take me to get to know space! His name is Orlando - said the boy with wide eyes. 

His parents exchanged an understanding look, then, surprised, turned to the boy. 

- And what else did he say, Eloy? - asked the


- My friend Orlando said I did not need to imagine dangerous plays anymore because I would be traveling with him for real. He promised to take me to get to know beautiful places, cities and a lot of things. 

- And how were you going to do that? In a spaceship? - his father asked, curiously. 

- No, daddy, there's no need for that! - said the boy before his father's ignorance. - Orlando held my hand and simply said: Come with me! 

And the excited boy continued telling, happily: 

- And we were flying through space. That's it! He took me to visit a beautiful garden full of children, where I played a lot. Orlando explained that those are children who do not live here on Earth anymore. They live there and visit their parents here on the planet or their parents visit them there, where they live. Isn't it cool, Mom? 

- That's great, my dear. I loved it! - said the mother with tears in her eyes. 

The mother looked at the father again and mentally raised a thankful thought to Jesus for the help that had been sent through a Spiritual Friend. Eloy would never again feel the need to create dangerous games to satisfy his attraction to outer space. 

And as Jesus said, showing the way to all the needy: He who asks will receive, he who seeks will find, and to him who knocks on the door, it will open.


(Psychographed by Celia Xavier de Camargo on 06/03/2013.) 


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