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Year 7 - N° 312 – May 19, 2013

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br


Christina Nunes

Do spiritual cities exist?

All that is created exists. It leaves the foggy realm of metaphors, the nothingness, to the manifestation. Yes, it does not matter here whether the creation temporarily resides in the field of thought or idealization in order to take shape, a little or a lot later. Each object, a house, a bridge, in this world was hatched from one or more thoughts that projected them. Therefore, it is only logical that their existence can be admitted from the instant in which the fact took shape in the mind of their creators.

A confirmation of this statement is found, by the way, in the realization that everything in the Universe constitutes energy, movement and the manipulation of the same energies. Thought, therefore, is energy. It has its own consistency, color, brightness and positive influence in all and the most varied aspects of existence, as demonstrated by the studies conducted by C. W. Leadbeater and other avant-garde scientists. Moreover, thought, a creative source by excellence interacts with us! It operates in our own mental field, and, therefore it is possible to modify or strengthen it, obeying the laws of syntony. Try to express aggressive thoughts in the middle of a heated argument, and you will easily attest that what was projected from your emotional and mental fields to an already troubled environment will only serve to strengthen the hostile energetic field of that environment, with multiple consequences, and certainly unpleasant ones, for everyone involved.

On the other hand, with consciousness and intent, we do the opposite. Somewhere in the right opportunity, we experience intervening in an unpleasant argument in a conciliatory or harmonizing manner. It is almost certain, depending on the individual opposition or the heat of the moment, we may verify that the intentional emission of a sanitizing mental pattern in the environment may cool things off; or induce the involved to steer their attitudes towards a peaceful consensus. 

It is a mistake to claim that there are
no spiritual cities 

All this digression to introduce the theme of the manifestations of life in other levels, unnoticeable to carnal senses, susceptible to controversy and so many heated debates among spiritualists or the ones interested in this thrilling reality, because it is used to, very often, claim that the referred cities, colonies or temporary stations of life, in which disincarnated Spirits train, “do not exist”. It is, therefore, about time to right this notion, for the sake of the realities that science itself has unveiled! Or we will incur, unfortunately, and perhaps in a short while, in the situations that occurred in our secular past with institutionalized religions that were obliged to publicly admit their mistakes when condemning exponents of thinking who only dared to unveil the laws and mysteries of natural laws that were not understood until then.

And, let’s agree, to admit so in such a demoralizing context, Allan Kardec’s doctrine does not deserve the same treatment!

This week I read in a popular Brazilian weekly magazine the technological novelties for TV sets in a ‘not-so-far’ future. Something in sync with reflections inspired by our mentors, once again we’ve had this intuition over the years: future TV sets will be holographic! Unthinkable, just a few years ago when they were things from a science fiction movies. Now, dear readers, get ready! That’s what’s coming up soon in the field of home comfort technology!

Let’s take as an example, then, the universe of holographic imagery, for a brief analysis and useful comparison! As what happens today with the TV we’re now used to, the images projected from thin air right in front of us with all realism will provoke on us the same reactions we have when watching an action movie or a drama or documentaries and interviews. Seeing in the space of our living room, actors, interviewers or individuals expressing their opinion or living situations shown on the news, we don’t stop to consider that those images “don not exist, therefore they don’t affect me!” Not likely!  

I was able to experience a specific environment
 in the colony Nosso Lar (Our Home)

We should then, be moved by sad News, elevate ourselves when watching a grandiose musical spectacle, as if we were present in real time at the venue, for, in truth, images bring us back, even when taped some time before, to people and real scenes! The images before us, therefore, will not possess a solid consistency, but will become a bridge for the participants in those situations!

The reality of cities and colonies where we are sent after our period in the material realm of manifestation are not different, in essence, to what we expose above. Once I visited them, by detachment, and surprised by the monumental movement of life at all levels! I was able to witness, escorted by my mentors, a specific environment in the colony Nosso Lar, where they receive the newcomers. I spoke to people, amidst the coming and going of the ones receiving the newcomers, and reincarnated people who enjoyed the company of their kin in a night visit. Followed by a gentle mentor, in a grassy environment outside the institution, I was able to comfort a young and distressed father from the loss of his infant child. I told him to look around, and understand that his son was alive in another place. It was not over, after all. And he would be able to verify that they would see each other again! O lad, expressing certain relief, listened eagerly. And waited for the moment when he could visit his son. All with a richness of physical and circumstantial details, crystal clear! The lad was a fair faced and red-headed individual. The mentor who followed me had a youthful aspect and agreeable personality, short and with shoulder-length brown hair. 

Music and art are not only for entertainment 

There were other occasions in which we visited these places under different circumstances, always bustling with life – the same life we’re used to, governed by multiple activities compatible with each self-initiative, every intention and propensity. Once Iohan, a dear spiritual friend with whom I share the work of co-writing romances, escorted me on a visit to invisible estate where he lives, undergoing the grateful job as a musician. I saw myself in a big hall, with interconnected compartments, where many musicians rehearsed for a future performance. A choir featuring the same attentive mentor from my previous experience, awaited instructions from a dedicated conductor.

Later, explained me the author of our modern works, that the exercise of art, in this specific case, music, is not only geared at entertaining in the more depurated spheres of life. It is also a powerful therapeutic tool in the re-establishment and re-adaptation of the dozens of people who return to these dimensions of Divine creation daily, in such way that there’s not a single department in these places that does not contribute to the proper magnetization of healing and replenishing energies, the highest expressions of musical productions, including the ones already done in the realm of the physical sphere by the great masters who visited the earthly orb throughout the centuries!

The avid reader may, from these collocations – once freed from the self-imposed     limitations to understanding, or prejudices formed from an inadequate crystallization of concepts from the study of Kardec’s doctrine – realize that such a richness of settings and doings simultaneously happening in other dimensions of life, to which we all shall return, is not susceptible of endorsing the simplistic affirmation that “spiritual colonies do not exist for they are the creation of inferior Spirits!”. 

You don’t teach a child what you teach an adult;
each thing has its own timing

Contrary to what we intend with such shallow analysis, triggered by facts, in the doctrinarian body of Spiritualism itself, it is said, factually, on chapter IV of The Book of Spirits:

Question 182: Are we truly able to know exactly the moral and physical state of the different worlds?

Answer: “We, Spirits, cannot answer if not according to your degree of evolution. We mean that we should not reveal these things to everyone, because not everyone has the tools to understand them and they would cause disturbance.”

Question 801: Why haven’t the Spirits taught us since the beginning of times the way they teach now?

Answer: “Do not teach children what you teach adults and do not give to a newly born food he cannot digest. Each thing has its own timing. They’ve taught many things that man hasn’t grasped or even twisted, but nowadays are able to understand. Through their teachings, even incomplete, they prepare the terrain to receive the seeds that will now bear fruit.”

Question 81: Do the beings that inhabit the different worlds have bodies similar to ours?

Answer: “Undoubtedly they have bodies, for it is necessary that the Spirit surrounds itself with matter in order to cat upon it; but this cover is more or less material, according to the degree of purity that the Spirits achieve and that this is what determines the difference between the worlds we must roam on. For there are many rooms in our Father’s House and thus many degrees. Some are aware of that here on Earth, but others know nothing.”

We just need then, a discerning analysis and a serious study about the Codification for the proper readjustment of our understanding. For if it is all life and evolution, and at the same time Christ has foretold us, for the degree in which we find ourselves in still lacking the understanding from ancient times, that “There are many rooms in my Father’s House” reflects a misunderstood affirmation that “spiritual worlds and colonies do not exist and are the creation of inferior Spirits” in a deep disregard, first of the tutor Spirits of mankind that have been teaching according to our evolutionary degree in the many stages of the darkening of consciousness in the matter. So, would inferior Spirits create such perfect places for our evolution? And, secondly, such distortion of understanding mirrors a more serious flaw in our spiritual enlightenment from what Jesus revealed, our planetary Governor in a divine mission of supporting and giving direction to mankind still immersed in the dreadful consequences of this and other misjudgments, responsible for our disorientation due to the lack of a definite conviction of the mere continuation of life, according to our deeds! For only this certainty will place us with more determination towards greater progress of the Spirit! 



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism