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Year 6 - N° 299 – February 17, 2013


Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho

After all, does God forgive?

 (Part 2 and final) 

“His Love endures forever.” (Psalm 136)

Here is the final part of the comment made by Kardec in Chapter V of The Gospel According to Spiritism, about the causes of the current afflictions:

"Hence it follows that, in small things as in great, the man is always punished for what he has sinned. The sufferings arising from sin are you a warning that poorly made​​. Give him the experience, do you feel the difference between good and evil and the need to improve to in future avoid what gave him a source of bitterness, without which there would be no reason for that is morally improving . Confident of impunity, retard their progress and consequently their future happiness. "[...] (KARDEC, 2007c, p. 106-107.) (our emphasis)

Note, dear reader, that Kardec is categorical in saying that God "does not leave unpunished any deviation" and that "there is something missing, however slight it may be, any violation of its law, which does not involve compelling and inevitable consequences", the which, we believe, demolishes any belief in a forgiving pure and simple, of which nothing remains payable for violations of any of the divine laws.

Yet in The Gospel According to Spiritism, in Chapter X - Blessed are the merciful, now transcribe the following excerpt from the instruction of the spirit John, bishop of Bordeaux:

"That is what you are asking the Lord, when you beg for your forgiveness? It is only the forgetfulness of your sins? Forgetting that you leave nothing on, because if God were limited to forget your sins, He does not punish, it is exact, but neither reward. The reward can not be right that the award was not made, nor, even less, the evil that is practiced there, although that was hardly forgotten. Asking Him to forgive your misconceptions, you ask him what is the favor of his graces, not to repeat them, is the force that you need to go down other paths, the submission and love, in which you will be able to join the repair and repentance. "(KARDEC, 2007c, p. 189-190.) (our emphasis)

Forgiveness, as a request of grace to no more backslide, is the only sense that if we insist on the hypothesis that God really forgives, that is, it only reveals our faults, in as far as we repair them: either by love or by pain.

To complete our reasoning let's see what Kardec said in Heaven and Hell, about the penal code of the future life, which is directly related to our subject: “O arrependimento, conquanto seja o primeiro passo para a regeneração, não basta por si só; são precisas a expiação e a reparação.

Repentance, atonement and reparation therefore constitute three conditions needed to erase the traces of a fault and its consequences. Repentance softens the bitter taste of atonement, paving the way for the hope of rehabilitation, only the repair, however, can negate the effect destroying its cause. Otherwise, the forgiveness would be a blessing, not a cancellation. "(KARDEC, 2007d, p. 101.) (our emphasis)

Just as has been said before. If, in any way, we have to "pay", so in practice there is not even the forgiveness of God, in the sense that it is commonly believed, illustrated in the example we gave up with the story of Raul, the pharmaceutical.

And while we're in the book Heaven and Hell in hand, we'll transcribe some more passages, pinched here and there, the considerations of Allan Kardec, with respect to the penal code of the future life:

There is not a single imperfection of the soul that no matter dire and inevitable consequences, as there is not one good quality that is not the source of a enjoyment. (p. 98)

Being infinite the justice of God, good and evil are carefully considered, and no one action, one thought bad that has not fatal consequences, as no single meritorious action, one smooth movement of the soul that is lost, even for the most perverse, so that such actions constitute a beginning of progress. (p. 99)

There is no absolute rule, nor uniform as to the nature and duration of punishment: - is the only general law that will punish every fault, and will reward every meritorious act, according to its value. (p. 100)

The only way to avoid or mitigate the future consequences of a lack, is in the repair it, undoing it in the present. The more we delay in repairing a fault, the more painful and severe will be in the future the consequences. (p. 106).

Sure, God's mercy is infinite, but it is not blind. The guilty that it reaches not be discharged, and while there met to justice, suffers the consequences of their mistakes. For infinite mercy, we should be that God is not inexorable, always leaving viable the path of redemption. (p. 107)

To each according to his works, in heaven and on earth: - that is the Law of Divine Justice. (p. 109).

It is evident in all these excerpts, that "without forgiveness",  we will suffer the consequences of our unhappy actions. 


We entirely agree with the prophet Isaiah when he said: "[...] if you forgive the wicked, he not learn righteousness in the land of uprightness he will surrender to evil and not see the majesty of the Lord." (Isaiah 26.9 to 10.)

Likely Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles, also understood the same way that we are putting: "Make no mistake, because God is not mocked: each one will be reap what we have sown." (Gal. 6.7).

Continuing citing the Bible, we have one more step to justify our thinking, which is:

Naum 1.3: "The Lord is patient, and great in power. The Lord will never let someone go unpunished. [...] ".

Dear reader, if "the Lord never lets anyone go unpunished", hence we can conclude that he will never forgive, but we will do everything to correct and teach, as is said in this step:

Ecclesiasticus 18.12: "The mercy of man is for his neighbor, but the Lord's mercy is for all living beings. He chastises, corrects, teaches and leads, as a shepherd leads his flock."

A true shepherd, loves all his sheep, the ever mistreats, does everything to correct them, teaching them what he thinks is good for them.

Andre Luiz (spirit), by the psychographics of Waldo Vieira said: "God is Sovereign Equity, does not punish nor forgive, but be conscious to himself utters sentences of acquittal or guilt before the Divine Laws." (XAVIER and VIEIRA, 2006, p. 190.) (our emphasis)

In analyzing the text, where that phrase, the staff of Spiritist Moment concludes: "Neither punishment, not forgiveness. God does not punish because its laws are to love, forgive and not because never offends."(Www.momentoespirita.com.br) (our emphasis).

In a message that was passed on for evaluation dictated by the spirit Silas, through the medium of psychographics Keywison F. Braga (Divinópolis, MG), transcribe the following passage:

[...] God must not forgive mistakes, because it does not carry anger nor sorrow, He has no pride, not offended, therefore the need for forgiveness is only the inferior beings that deflagrate from the mistakes that even commit. Forgiveness is the act of relieving guilt of others without having to correct it; through difficulties in the creator specifies the use of the corrigendum, not for forgiveness, but by love. [...] (Braga, 2012) (our emphasis).

Confirm what was said in the immediately preceding paragraph.

Gandhi (1869-1948), according to the writer Sergio Biagi Gregorio (1946 -), "when asked if he had forgiven someone, he simply said he had never forgiven anyone, because I never felt offended. If he was offended, he had nothing to forgive. "(GREGORY, 2007). So, with much stronger reason, we reaffirm with absolute conviction that God's infinite love, unforgiving, because never offends.

Given all that we expose, we can not change their minds, indeed, now, more than ever, we believe we are, yes, according to the doctrinal principles touted by Spiritism, but we know that our opinion may still not be accepted, no problem, because we do not believe owners of the truth, but only a finder of it.



BRAGA, K. F. Dawn of Blessings. 2012.

KARDEC, A. Spiritist Magazine 1859. Araras, SP: IDE, 1993e.

KARDEC, A. Heaven and Hell. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007d.

KARDEC, A. The Gospel According to Spiritism. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007c.

XAVIER, F. C. e VIEIRA,W. The Spirit of Truth. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2006.

SPIRITIST MOMENT. Not punishment, not forgiveness. http://www.momento.com.br

GREGÓRIO, S. B. Blessed are the merciful in; http://www.ceismael.com.br/artigo/bem-aventurados-misericordiosos.htm


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