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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 6 - N° 288 – November 25, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Red Ovenbird


A Red Ovenbird chose a beautiful fork in the branch of a tree to start building its nest. From there it would have good visibility of everything that happened nearby, in order to fend off the natural enemies of its species.

Carefully, it climbed to the highest branch, raised its little head in order to feel the direction of the wind, and thus it knew from which side the winds of winter would come.
So, knowing from which direction the wind would blow, it prepared itself to start work, placing the door on an strategic side as to protect its family

from the wind. After that step, it started to build the house with clay, straws, fresh manure, leaves and small twigs.

Thus being very careful, the Red Ovenbird makes its house like a little oven, preserving its family from wind, cold and rain.
He was really engrossed in its construction, looking for materials and taking them up, when it saw a beautiful Canary nearby spending its time looking for what to eat and singing.
In the following days, the beautiful bird continued to sing the same way in one of the branches of a tree. The provident Red Ovenbird asked him:
- I see that you do nothing all day other than to eat and sing. Don't you worry about the cold days that are coming?
The Canary waved its colourful feathers and answered in a twitter:
- Oh no! I really like to fly around singing the beauties of the day, and when I'm hungry, I look for something to eat. I live very well this way!
The Red Ovenbird fell silent and went about its service.
However, the Canary was always there, from one branch to another, while the builder proceeded with its task. One day the bird asked:
- Red Ovenbird, why so much care in making your nest? It is so much work! You do not stop all day! ...
The Red Ovenbird, while putting a bit of mud on the wall of its house, said:
- I do it because I do not want my family to go cold or rained on. I want to see it well sheltered in the winter, when the winds come.
The beautiful Canary heard it but did not buy it, responding:
- Not for me! I like living without worries! When I need to take shelter, I look for a place in the woods and always find some. So, I do not see why work so hard!
- We'll see! - said the provident Red Ovenbird.
After another two weeks, the hard-working builder completed its home. It adorned it and its wife settled in it.
However on that very day the weather began to worsen. Strong winds blew causing the trees to bend down and leaves to fall from the branches.
The songbird, alarmed by the violence of the wind and the dark clouds that covered the sky blotting out the sunlight, tried to hide somewhere. But found nothing because the safest places were already occupied.
Clinging to its branch, it pleaded:
- Take pity, Red Ovenbird! Help me! I'm in danger! ...
And the Red Ovenbird, form the door of its well-built house, with its strong and strident voice said:
- You did not worry about your safety. Now hold on!
Right then the rain began to fall, heavy and strong, and gusty winds blew away the thick drops of rain from the storm, hitting the small body of the Canary while it grabbed a tree branch, terrified.

The Red Ovenbird, seeing the Canary's predicament and overcoming the tendencies of its species, commiserated.
- Come on! Protect yourself in my house!
Hearing it, the relieved Canary tried to get to the house. But it was very difficult! The storm did not allow it to move quickly. So only with great difficulty it managed to make it there.
At the door, it rattled its feathers of the heavy rain, so it would not drip in the house and entered. Inside the atmosphere was calm, the

temperature was warm and everything was dry.

Surprised, the colourful bird said to its friend:
- You were right. I was short-sighted and almost died because of that. Thank you, Red Ovenbird.
While you were working, I had fun enjoying life. Now I see that you were right. We need to think about the difficult days of life. But I do not know how to build a house like you do! I nest, when I have a companion, so that the eggs are protected and the little bids can be born. But that's it! And on a day like this, my nest would not resist!
But the Red Ovenbird, calmly replied:
- That's right, my friend. To each one its own way of being.
The Red Ovenbird's wife came into the room and listened to the two talking.
When the storm ended, the beautiful bird left the house saying goodbye to its new friends:
- Thank you. If it were not for your generosity, Red Ovenbird, today I would have died.
The Red Ovenbird thought a little and replied:
- I think we should help each other. After all, we are all children of the same Father, which has made us different in order to brighten up the Creation, putting more colours into life, so that each one contributes its share to the enrichment of life for all. My species, for example, is constituted of experienced builders. Yours consists of beautiful singers, saluting the sun and beautifying nature. But we all contribute to the greatness of life.
The beautiful bird heard with admiration the wise Red Oven
bird, and thanking it, left with a beautiful song, opening its wings and lifting up to the skies.
It left that home feeling intimately enriched.


(Message received by Celia Xavier de Camargo on 5/11/2012.)


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