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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Ano 5 - N° 218 - July 17, 2011

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Tit for tat?

Charlie and Fernando were neighbours and loved to play together. But suddenly everything changed.

One day, on a Saturday, as usual, the neighbourhood friends decided to
play football. The match was hard for both sides. But taking advantage of an opportunity, Fernando scored a goal. Charlie, who was on the other team did not like it.

At the end of the match, Fernando approached the friend of many years joking:

- See? We won! We're better than you!

After all, it is normal that a team loses and another wins! But
Charlie, who was a sore loser, was upset. He let anger take over his heart, rising to his head, and red with anger, responded:

- You won because we let you!

The friend was angry with him and Fernando did not understand why.
They started  eyeballing each other:

- You do not know how to lose, that's the truth.

That afternoon, they went back home without talking and their
friendship was never the same. Fernando, trying to improve the situation, went to Charlie's house and invited him to a snack, but he declined.

Fernando went away sad. After that, whenever they met, Charlie would
turn his face away.

Because of Charlie's reaction, Fernando began to feel anger for him
filling his heart, and started to react the same way.

At school, the teacher noticed the change in the behaviour of the two
students and invited Fernando for a talk. He told her the reason for the misunderstanding, ending by saying:

- Teacher, now I'm also angry at him. He'll see! I once heard my
father say that in life, it must be "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." So it will be! ...

Desiring to help, she said:

- Fernando, I understand what you mean: you will strike back, returning the offense with another offense, as it comes to you.

However, this idea has now changed! Those words were spoken by Moses who lived long before Jesus. When He came to the world, the Master taught us to react differently, not resisting the evil that might come our way. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also.

The boy was surprised by those words. His parents said they were
Christians but did not have the habit of speaking of religion or attending church.

- Ah! Teacher! You want me to let him beat me and still turn the other cheek? I'm not a coward, I am brave! ...

She smiled at the indignation of the boy.

- No, dear! With those words, Jesus wanted to show us that we should
not respond to evil with evil, because the fight will never end. If we react with good, with peace, everything ends up being fine. There is more courage to not react to an insult than to pay back. This means that you are stronger and braver than the other.

Fernando was silent for a moment, then asked:

- You really think so?

- Yes, and I will tell you more: The enmity that now exists between
you is not just because your team have won the game. It is the feeling of anger that has taken place in the heart of Charlie, and then yours.

Fernando, you were such good friends! Do something to change this situation. Friendship is something very precious to be discarded like this!

The boy thought a little and agreed, saying he would try. He thanked
the teacher and returned home thinking about how to change the situation.

He fell asleep thinking about the problem. Contrary to his habits, he
asked Jesus to help him repair their friendship. He knew that neither was happy that way.

The next day, Fernando got up early but as it was Saturday, he would
not have class. His mother, busy in the kitchen, asked him to go and buy some things that she needed.

Fernando went to the supermarket, chose what he needed and headed to
the cashier. It was then that he saw that Charlie was with a bag of sugar on his hand, all embarrassed because he could not find the money to pay.

As the line grew behind them, red with shame, he searched his pockets,
but nothing! It was then that Fernando pulled out the money his mother had given him and said to the impatient cashier lady:

- Do not worry. I will pay.

Charlie turned to see who was helping him. Seeing Fernando, he did not
want to accept, but the other insisted:

- Rest assured, Charlie, we're friends. And if I needed, I'm sure you
would do the same for me.

Charlie noticed that in Fernando's smile there was no intention to
humiliate him, but exactly the opposite, he was as friendly as usual.

Charlie gratefully accepted. That solved the problem, for soon they
were both walking down the street together.

As they were approaching his home, Charlie said:

- Fernando, I appreciate your help today. I acknowledge that I have
not acted right with you and I hope you can forgive me. I got angry for a stupid reason and I am ashamed of it now.

- Do not worry. I also did not behave well, reacting the same way. But
I never stopped wishing you well. And this afternoon, there is football. Let's go?

- Let's go! - Charlie agreed, smiling.

They hugged and everything was back to normal.

On Monday, arriving at school, Fernando told the teacher what had
happened, and then added:

- If it were not for your help, nothing would have changed. Thank you
very much, Mrs. Norma!

- In fact, Fernando, "you" took advantage of the opportunity that
arose. Congratulations!

- Thanks to Jesus, teacher! Now I'll be more interested in the Gospel
and will motivate my parents to do the same. I realized that the lessons of Jesus are the answers to our needs. If we know how to apply them, they really work! ...



(Psychographed by Celia Xavier Camargo, on 20.06.2011.)


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