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Year 4 - N° 174 – September 5, 2010


Taguatinga Sul, Distrito Federal (Brasil)
Leonardo Azzalin – leonardoazzalin@btinternet.com


Food Issue   

(Part 1)   

"I am not interested in any religions whose principles do not improve or take into account the conditions of animals." Abraham Lincoln.  

The issue of food represents a critical point in the Spiritist studies and discussions, particularly, when it comes to the consumption of animal products (meat). This article has no boastful scope to asseverate whether or not meat should be ingested as food. That belongs to the innermost heart of every person. Nevertheless, it is of paramount importance to bring clarifications to this problem in the light of Spiritism, which has been disregarded by many people.   

Argumentations of the Spirits  

In the book "The Comforter" (O Consolador) the spirit Emmanuel was sked:
129 - Is it a mistake for the man to eat the meat of irrational beings?            

  And he replied:  

“The ingestion of the entrails of animals is a mistake of enormous consequence, from which numerous vices of human nutrition have derived. It is a shame such a situation, even because, if the creature's state of materiality requires the cooperation of certain vitamins, those nutritional values can be found in products of plant origin, without the absolute need of slaughterhouses and butcheries. We must consider, however, the economy machine of collective interest and harmony in which so many workers produce their daily bread. Its pieces cannot be destroyed overnight without serious damages. Let us console ourselves with the vision of the future, being fair that we work, earnestly, for the advent of new times in which the terrestrial men can do without feeding on the bloody remains of their inferior brothers.” (Emmanuel, 1997: 82.) [My emphasis.]   

In another work by the same spiritual author, he describes the ontological condition of the earthling as beings that still   

“delight themselves with the entrails of their lesser brothers as in the prehistoric eras of their existence, they march against each other to the sound of war hymns, unaware of the simplest principles of brotherhood and doing little in favour of the extinction of selfishness, vanity, of their unhappy pride.” (Emmanuel, 1996: 34.) [My emphasis.]   

Besides that and to corroborate Emmanuel's opinion, the assertion by Humberto de Campos, in Letters and Chronicles, which recommends:  

“Start the renewal of your habits by the daily plate. Gradually diminish the pleasure of eating the flesh of animals. The cemetery in the stomach is a torment after the great transition. The pork loin or fillet of veal,

seasoned with salt and pepper, do not place us too far from our ancestors, the Tamoios and the Kayapos, who devour each other.” (Brother X, 1991: 22.) [My Emphasis.]  

With regard to this torment in the spiritual world, André Luiz (spirit), in the book Nosso Lar, in the homonymous chapter as this article, exemplifies what Humberto de Campos already mentioned above. In the spiritual colony Nosso Lar, "many newcomers (...) redoubled demands. They wanted plentiful tables, exciting drinks, escalating old earthly vices "(2002: 55). A careful reading of this chapter demonstrates that the problem of feeding almost jeopardized the existence of the noble colony and unprecedented efforts were needed to avoid chaos. Andre Luiz warns us that our idiosyncrasies remain with us and starting the change from the physical plane is important in order to enter the spiritual world in better conditions.

It is widely known that we superior beings have the role of helping the progress of the inferior ones. It's not what happens in the world though. In the book Missionaries of the Light, André Luiz shows aghast at the theme of vampirism in the Chapter 4. However, his advisor wonders why he finds himself horrified and describes the human condition that instead of helping the lesser, overwhelms and smashes them:

(...) And how about us whilst in the realm of the flesh? Weren't our tables maintained at the expense of the viscera of the bulls and birds? On the pretext of seeking protein resources, we exterminated countless chickens and sheep, pigs and goats. We sucked muscle tissues, gnawed bones. Not content with killing the poor beings who asked of us guidance for progress and educational values so as to better meet the Work of the Father, we dilated the refinement of millenary abuse and inflicted in many of them certain diseases that would please the palate with maximum efficiency. The common pig was confined by us under a fattening diet and the poor animal, many times feeding on leftovers, should produce for our own delight certain fat reserves until they fell down in prostration at all the weight of sick and abundant lard. We used to keep the geese in fattening pens for hypertrophy of the liver, so that we could obtain hearty pastes to produce delicacies that became famous, unconcerned of the misconduct committed with the supposed advantage of enriching culinary values. Nothing in us ached more than the sad picture of cows in calf walking into the slaughterhouse so that our pots transpired nicely. We would highlight, with all the responsibility of science, the need for various proteins and fats, but forgot that our intelligence, so fruitful in the discovery of convenience and comfort, could afford to find new elements and means to encourage protein supplies to the body, without resorting to the industries of death. We forgot that the increase in dairy production to enrich the diet is a sublime task, for the time will come for Humanity when the barn, as well as the Home, will also be sacred (1997: 38).

André Luiz (spirit) comments in The Messengers, after many lessons that he gathered in the spiritual world, that: "(...) I began to realise that no one disrespects nature without the painful return shock all the time. " (Op.cit. 2000: 218.)

In the Spiritist Review issue of April, 1858, one will find the assertion by the spirit Bernard Palissy, who was an illustrious potter on Earth and who now inhabits planet Jupiter. Allan Kardec, in item 7 of the interview asks the Spirit to establish a comparison between Earth and Jupiter, since he always came to Earth and has a moral and cultural baggage to convey. Then a series of questions is done in order to better know that planet. In question 23, Allan Kardec asks: "What is the staple diet of the inhabitants? Is it animal and plant like here? ". Then he obtains the answer: "Purely vegetable, man is the protector of animals" (my emphasis). Anyone can suggest a position contrary to that alleging that the condition of Jupiter is quite different from Earth's situation etc. In fact, we agree. That planet is far superior to ours. However, the characteristic of protecting animals and plant food intake shows the superiority of that population compared to ours. And we go beyond: it is not something unattainable. Rather, it is perfectly feasible. They no longer require food of animal origin; here on Earth is the same. And even if such behaviour is still diverse, it is not due to a remarkably biological need, but a whim and lack of compassion towards animals, our brothers, since we have reached an intellectual level enough to seek energy resources from other sources.

It is thus quite clear the opinion of Andre Luiz, Emmanuel, Humberto de Campos and Palissy himself on the issue. After the brief presentation of the thought of the genii of the spiritist complementation, we now present the basis of many discussions. In The Spirits' Book, the illustrious codifier, Allan Kardec, asked the immortals: "Is the use of animal food by man contrary to the law of nature?" (Question 723). And the Spirits answered:   

"With your physical constitution, flesh nourishes flesh, without this kind of sustenance man's strength declines. The law of preservation makes it a duty for man to keep up his health and strength, that he may fulfil the law of labour. He should therefore feed himself according to the requirements of his organisation."(2003: 344).  

We quote the words of the writer Leonardo Moreira on the question above:  

(...) by studying this intricate topic, we must admit two hypotheses: Either hunger in the world is such that in these circumstances would justify meat eating as a lesser evil, or Spirits, intelligently, didn't find it convenient to provide a definitive answer to this question in a historical moment in which humans certainly were not prepared to target against the carnivorous habit. Apparently, those two factors should have weighed so that the Spirits refrained from further explanation on this topic.

Actually, the previous question of the "Spirits' Book" (SB 722) is quite interesting because of its subtlety and should also be considered in this analysis since the "Spirits of the codification" account that "Whatever man can eat without injury to his health is permitted to him ... "(2008: s / p).  

However, many answers from The Spirits' Book could not be scrutinised because of lack of moral and intellectual resources of humanity of that period. It was necessary to settle the doctrinal basis. The unfolding of the issues would come later. So much so, that it was necessary to complement or to detail some points placed there by other fellow Spirits: André Luiz, Emmanuel, Brother X, Joanna de Angelis, Victor Hugo...

Many people think that the words “meat nourishes the flesh” justify the lust for meat eating. But they forget that we must strive to gradually decrease the intake of meat, otherwise the alert of the Spirits aforementioned would not make any sense. Unfortunately, some people do not even try to reduce the intake of this kind food and justify their actions with the above mentioned statement, as if it was a single topic or even an absolute and undisputable truth. They need to eat meat every day; otherwise the meal is not complete. They need to feel the stomach heavy; otherwise, they have not had lunch. Frankly, it is at least to completely ignore the knowledge that would come eventually. And the Codifier himself said that Spiritism would walk hand in hand with progress and science.  

Scientific Argumentation   

A study of nutritional status and lifestyle in vegetarians and omnivores, in Greater Vitória, Espirito Santo, has shown that vegetarians have a more adequate nutritional profile and lower risk for chronic Health decay (Teixeira et.al, 2006).

In another study in the same city, the cardiovascular risk in vegetarians and omnivores was evaluated. And it was found that the omnivorous diet of excess animal protein and fats enhances cardiovascular events, while the lacto-ovo-vegetarians and vegetarians presented lower cardiovascular risk (Teixeira, et.al, 2007).

De Biase et.al. (2007) conducted a study with the scope to examine the levels of triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) among vegetarians and omnivores. A transversal study was conducted. 76 individuals, all volunteers, took part, 22 omnivores and 54 vegetarians. It was concluded that the vegetarian diet was associated with lower levels of TG, TC and LDL in comparison to the omnivorous diet. This finding is important because high levels of serum cholesterol are related to arterial diseases, events that vegetarians stand lower chances of having.   

(This article will be concluded in next issue of this magazine.)  


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism